Thursday, February 2, 2012


     Without the knowledge of God, man is no more than a brute beast of the field.
     Do you believe that?
     Think about it.  From your doorstep across human history and all the way back to when Cain killed his brother Abel, man has been a terror upon the face of the earth. 
     As discussed earlier, every empire that man has ever made has been evil:  killing, conquering, stealing the precious things of other people. Every religion man has created has been evil because of man's worship of the creation and not the Creator.  And every kingdom of kings and queens has had experiences of evil.
     For when Adam and Eve transgressed against God and made an agreement with the serpent, that enabled all the evil of Lucifer to flood the minds of people with the knowledge of evil and the earth has been a battleground of men against men, empire against empire, families against families, kingdoms against kingdoms ever since that day.
    As discussed earlier, too, Lucifer was in heaven and when iniquity arose within him, he became the heavenly bully and wanted to push God off His throne, for which the Lord evicted the Evil One.  Even so, because of Lucifer's power of deception, he was able to convince one third of God's angels to defect with his rebellion.  So then, if Lucifer was able to deceive the angels of heaven to go with him, do you think he has much difficulty deceiving you and me when we are not in heaven?  For even those fallen angels received evil from Lucifer and they became demons and just as evil as Lucifer.
     The situation we are in is called spiritual, which we do not see with our physical eyes.  We do not see God, we do not see Lucifer, so we are dealing with a spiritual unseen power source.
    Why, then, did Lucifer come to earth instead of going to another planet in the universe?  Because of God's children.  Adam and Eve were in the playground of the Garden of Eden, and Lucifer, in his jealous rage, entered the garden to kick dirt in the faces of God's children.  Your neighborhood bully comes to your house to stomp your childrens toys in the sandbox just because he is mean.
    Therefore, when we say we are in the war of the world, you can believe that this war is spirtual, but it is played out in the physical on planet earth.  Satan hates God, he persuades people not to believe in God, people fight among people, and the world has been a bloody mess since the Garden of Eden. We have times of peace and tranquility, yes, but it doesn't last.  The bullies rattle their sabres, war machines rumble, and you get mad because somebody gets your seat at church! 
    Christians have been active for 2000 years in trying to persuade people to believe in Christ, and the world is mad at us for that!  And for us, the believers, the battle is the Lord's because we are incapable of defeating the devil.  But we pray and bathe our minds with the Word of God to help us make it through the journey.  The devil hates us and people without Christ hate us, too.  The problem is Satan,  but people do not want to believe that either.
    This is the war of the world:  and it's not over, folks!  It will get worse.
        choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD
(Joshua 24:15).
    And we that remain faithful with Christ will win the war.

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