Wednesday, February 22, 2012


   The Bible is the Word of God from the mind of God, which is the knowledge of God.  For us who read the Bible, we take on the knowledge of God; whereas religion is "a bond between humans and gods".    
   Religion is a creation of men from the knowledge of men, and if you are in religion you have the knowledge of men and not the knowledge of God, for God never commanded men to create religion; therefore, religion is a spiritual war against God because people are taught to believe that their way is a better way than God's way, which we are told in the Word of God.  For God is not in man's religion, and neither is Christ.  Religion is deception and it only appears that God is in religion even though He is not.  We are deceived by sight and sound and by people who appear to be representatives of God.
   The Bible has been translated to more languages than any book in all of human history because God wants us to know Him, to know of the love He has for us, and to live our lives in accordance to His Word and not according to the words of men.
   Without the Bible, we would not have the story of God's creation of the universe, which includes His creation of earth, and His creation of human life.  We would not know God's plan for us now and neither would we know God's plan for the future.
   Without the Bible, we would not have the written story about the birth of Christ, His crucifixion for the sins of the world, His resurrection from death, His ascension to heaven, nor of His return to earth.
    Without the Bible, we would not have the Ten Commandments, we would not have the institution of marriage between men and women, we would not have the season we call Christmas, nor the season we call Easter, and we would not have God's written plan for salvation in Christ Jesus.
   Over the past 2012 years, men and women have gone to churches to get married:  with a minister of the Lord present, to take their marriage vows from the Word of the Lord, in the presence of God and witnesses.
   Over the past 2012 years, people have had their funerals in churches:  with a minister of the Lord present, reading from the Word of the Lord.
   So then, if the Word of the Lord is accepted for marriage and for funerals, would it be common sense to believe that the Word of the Lord would be good for us in between marriage and death?
   Without the Bible, we would not have the knowledge of morality, for the Bible is a guidepost of how people can live in a civilized manner; for as the knowledge of God increases in this world, man's uncivilized nature decreases; but as God's knowledge decreases, man's uncivilized nature increases.
   There are many Bible-believing churches and born again believers in many nations around the world.  The United States, however, represents the last nation on earth that is still holding the Light of Christ, for the Light of Christ has gone out in nations around the world:  the evidence of which is clearly seen in the immorality of people, along with the unbridled growth of diseases, sicknesses, plagues, and the reduction of life expectancy.  People are living less and less years upon the earth in other nations because they have turned their faces against God and against the Word of the Lord.
   In the United States, too, and because of the continued growth of evil and immorality of people, how much longer will it be before the United States becomes a godless nation?  Our common sense should say something, should it not?  Look around us:  our nation is the last nation on earth still standing for God, which is a testimony of the Holy Bible.
   Be sure and know that the Holy Bible is all about Christ Jesus the Lord:  for He is:  the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending, the King of kings and Lord of lords, I AM that I am, from everylasting to everlasting, by Him all things consist, and He came not into this world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved. 
   The Holy Bible is about the love of God, and by His own words, the Lord tells us how much He loves us.
   You can hear a reading of the Bible by going to  If you do not have a Bible and desire to have one, let me know and we will send one to you.  If people in the community where you live desires to have Bibles, let me know and we will send them to you.

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