And if you believe that God is the Creator of the universe, you can also believe that God is the Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of all things. Therefore, by placing your faith in Christ for your salvation, you have access to the Father, who owns the universe!
Did you know, too, that God wants to be your friend? He wants to be with you, walk with you, and talk with you. He wants to help you in everything you do.
He wants to be part of your life, not apart from your life. If you sing for the Lord, He wants to be in the note you sing. If you write for the Lord, He wants to be in the words you write. If you speak for the Lord, He wants to be in your voice. If you are a baseball pitcher, He wants to help you with your fastball. Wow! He wants to be in your sales presentation in your job or career. He wants to help you make better grades in college. He wants to help you with your golf handicap. He wants to help you change your baby's diapers. And as you pray, He wants to be in your prayers.
God wants you to be the head, not the tail. He wants you to succeed, not fail. He wants you to be happy, not miserable. God is for you, not against you.
One of the misconceptions about God is the false idea that God is out to get you, or to punish you, or to beat you with a stick. This is not true, for God is love. God is eternal and therefore His love is eternal. It is impossible for God not to love because love is His nature, and His nature will never change.
Another misconception is that God wants to take away all the pleasures of this life if you become a Christian. That you will not have fun as if you will be unable to move because you might wrinkle the starch in your shirt. But it can be God, however, who may wrinkle your shirt in order for you to see more of Him.
To believe in Christ for your salvation, you now have access to walk in the Boardroom of your heavenly Father, unannouced and without knocking, because His Door is always open. Why? Because you know the Son. Christ is the somebody who knows somebody. Christ is your inside track, your contact on the inside of heaven. Christ can get you in. Christ can get you a free pass. With Christ, you do not need to make an appointment. And because you know the Son of God, the Father now says to you, "Hello, my son." "Good morning, my daughter." With Christ, you can step on the elevator, press TOP, and go directly to the top, non-stop, skipping all the other floors. And in His breakroom, He provides the doughnuts and bagels.
To know God of the universe at a personal level, all you need to do is pray. And when you dial God, He answers the phone!
Go ahead. Make the call. Dial God and see what happens.
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