Thursday, January 31, 2013


   All of the religions of man are dictatorships, and all of the members of man's religions are subjects or slaves of religion.
   In man's religious dictatorships, the head of each religion is a dictator, who rules with an iron fist; and all of the ministers and priests of the dictator enforce the desire of the dictator.
   Religious dictatorships are systems of law, and the people are given a list of the laws, rules, and regulations that govern the religion, and they are expected to obey the laws, rules, and regulations, as well as to obey the procedure of rites and rituals---to the letter of the law.  Disobedience to the law is unlawful, and the unlawful must and will be punished.  People can be exiled for punishment, but they can also be excommunicated or even executed. 
   In religious dictatorships, people are not to think; therefore, the people are not free thinkers:  they cannot and must not think for themselves.  Instead, they must think in accordance to the mind of the dictator. 
   Moreover, members of religious dictatorships have no voice and no vote in policy because the dictator dictates policy; consequently, any change that arises will come from the top---or the front office---and not from the ministers or priests, and certainly not from the membership. 
   Even outside of the place of worship, the lives of members are also dictated.  The people are told how to live their lives outside of the house of worship, how to conduct their behavior, how to teach their children to be like them, the books they can and cannot read, and how much to give in their offerings that will be pleasing to their religious law. Some religions also govern the movies and television shows their people can watch, the food and beverages they are allowed to consume, and the clothes they are permitted to wear.
   Thus, the lives of religious people are dictated within their houses of worship, but also their lives are dictated in their own homes. 
   At birth, God gives us free will:  the freedom to choose, the freedom to make decisions; the freedom to do that which is right, but also the freedom to do that which is evil; the freedom to believe in God, but also the freedom to believe in religion, as well as to believe in a religious dictator.
   Religious dictators steal the free will of people in order to control the minds of people not to believe in Almighty God, which also includes no more free thinking. 
   If you, on the other hand, are a member of a religious dictatorship, you have surrendered your free will, given to you by Almighty God, in order to become obedient to your religion and to your religious dictator.  You have chosen to place your faith in a dictator, and not to have your faith in God.  You have chosen not to be a free thinker, not to think for yourself, but to only think in the policy of your dictator.  You are now his prisoner, held captive, and not free.  You are now a slave.  This is the choice you have made with your free will. 
   Jesus said, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  (John 8: 32)
   To know Christ, we must become free thinkers, and, therefore, we must exercise the free will that God gives us to believe in the Lord.  In so doing, we become free from the dictatorships of man's religions, we are no longer subjects and slaves, and we become friends God!
   Jesus gave His life for our freedom, which the Lord freely gave with His free will.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


      Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and truth shall make ye free.  (John 8: 31, 32)

   Truth is good medicine. 
   Truth, however, is not always something that we like, not something we look forward to hearing, nor is it something we quickly accept. 
   Rarely do people get excited about truth, for truth is something that we can easily reject. 
   Truth is confrontational.  When truth meets lies face to face, truth wins.  But if we reject truth, we prefer instead to live in lies that we have believed as truth. 
   When we reject truth, knowing that we have received truth, we choose to remain in a life of lies, which is the same as living a life of hypocrasy:  which is a life of deception as we try to convince others that we are right and that others are wrong. 
   If you do not believe in Jesus, then you cannot be His disciple; for you are not being truthful, which makes you a hypocrite because you are trying to convince others that you are a believer of the person in whom you have no faith.
   For thousands of years, man's greatest creative endeavors has been his inventions of religions,  which are built on lies, and which also means that all of man's religions are works of evil:  because the intention of man's religions is turn the minds and hearts of people away from knowing the truth about Almighty God, Creator of the universe. 
   And to have faith in a religion is also to have faith in lies; as such, people will live a life of lies all the days of their lives---while believing that these lies are truth.  Religion, therefore, is a work of great deception, which is why religion is a work of evil.  Because the people of religions have not accepted the word of truth from God, the people become workers of evil while not knowing the darkness of their own minds.  This, too, is part of the great deception that reigns thoughout man's religions. 
   Just as Jesus said:  If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and truth shall make ye free.
   Whereas, in religion you are not free because you do not know the truth; therefore, you are a prisoner and a slave to the lies of religion---and not free in Christ because you are not continuing in His word because you are continuing in the words of religion:  which, to you, is truth, and not Christ.
   Truth is good medicine.  But to receive the benefit of good medicine, the medicine must be taken:  received and swallowed.   At which time healing begins.  If, however, the medicine is rejected, death of the soul is a terminal sickness:  from which no healing is possible---neither in this world, nor in the world to come. 
   To receive spiritual healing, take the medicine.  Accept the truth of Christ and you will know freedom for the first time in your life. 
   The truth of Christ is as near as your own breath. 

Monday, January 28, 2013


      For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasing life.  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.  He that believeth on him is not condemned:  but him that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.  (John 3: 16-18)

   Jesus Christ is the revelation of the love of God, born in Bethlehem 2012 years ago; and for the first time in the history of earth, the love of God came to earth in the only begotten Son of God.
   Jesus Christ came to earth to die for the sins of man as the supreme sacrifice for Almighty God; thereafter, God would never again require the sacrifices of animals, and, never again would God require another human sacrifice:  for no other sacrifice could be sufficient for the sins of man:  for no one else could ever do for us what Jesus did for us on a cross in Jerusalem.
  Jesus did not come to earth to launch a new religion, for as the apostles and disciples departed Israel to take the message of Jesus to the world, they did not teach or preach a religion:  they simply taught and preached Christ. 
  This message of Christ has never changed in the hearts and minds of believers of Christ:  for we are not ministers of religion:  we are ministers of Christ and Him alone. 
   Neither are we about religion and denominational Christianity, but we are about Christ and Him alone.  For none of the religions of man is about the love of God:  for the religions of man are all about man, created out of the imaginations of men, by men and for men, and not about the love of God.  Religion is a work of man's pride; for when men humble themselves to God and confess their sins to Almighty God, they lose their religion. 
   Religion is a spiritual prison, and members of religions are spiritual slaves to their religions; therefore, religion has prison camps all around the earth, and these spiritual prisons are worlds without the love of God. 
   For even the Holy Bible is not about religion or denominational Christianity:  the Bible is about Christ and Him alone, and the love of God that is in Him.
   To know Christ and the love of God, come out of religion and be set free from the power that binds you and holds you within its prison walls---and you will know freedom and experience the love of God for the first time in your life. 
   If you choose to ignore Christ and the love God, however, preferring instead to cling to religion, you will remain there as a spiritual prisoner---and you will die there as a slave. 
      He that believeth on him is not condemned:  but him that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
   Have you ever prayed for your own salvation that is in Christ Jesus our Lord?

Thursday, January 24, 2013


   Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  (II Timothy 2: 15)

   Study, and you will show yourself approved unto God;
      do not study, and you will not show yourself approved unto God.

   Study, and you will learn truth;
      do not study, and you will not learn truth.

   If you do not learn truth,
      then you will not know the difference
         between truth and lies;
      nor will you know the difference
         between good and evil.

   If you do not know truth,
     what is the purpose of your life
         under heaven?

   If you do not know truth,
      what is the purpose of your life
         given to you
      by Almighty God? 

   Without knowing truth,
       what are you standing for
          or standing against?
       speaking for
          or speaking against?
       living for
         or living against?

   God gave you a life to live.
       How are you living
         this one life
       God gave you to live?


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


         Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:  Thou shalt not bown down thyself to them, nor serve them:  for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.  (Genesis 20: 3-6)

   We are living in an age when lies are believed as truth, when truth is believed as lies, when evil is accepted as good, and when good is accepted as evil. 
   In the United States, for example, citizens are guaranteed freedom of religion by our own Constitution, which is the law of the land.  No matter if that religion is Witchcraft, Satanism, or Luciferianism, people are free to worship Satan, even in the United States, and receive the protection of the United States Government in the exercise of their religious liberty, even though their religion is evil. 
   Beware, however, and know that the Constitution of the United States is not above the law of God:  for God's laws still stand above the laws of man, or the laws of any nation, even the laws of the United States.  God is still the supreme commander of the earth as well as the supreme commander of the universe, and God will enforce His laws and issue His judgment upon people who violate His laws, even the people of the United States---no matter if people do not believe in Almighty God:  for God's Word is truth, and God will be truthful to His own Word. 
   To honor and obey God's first commandment is not unreasonable, for us as humans; neither is it impossible.  For God's expectations of us, as humans, is greater than the expectations we have of our own selves! 
   Therefore, the more people have their faith in the religions of man, instead of having their faith in Almighty God, the more they will resist God and resist Christ for salvation; and the more people exercise their faith in religion, the more they will be seduced in a world of Witchcraft, Satanism, or Luciferianism, at which time they will be in the depth of evil of which they will never return.  Not only will this happen in the lives of adults, but the adults will lead their children to believe as they believe:  at which time the blood of their own children will be on their hands.
   Just because the Constitution of the United States allows and protects religious freedom, this does not mean, however, that we must be religious:  for man's religious nature is a world without God. 
   God's first commandment is to obey God:  and not to obey man's religions.  For God did not create man to create religions. 
   We are God's children, created by Him, and God is our heavenly Father.  But do we accept Him as our heavenly Father, or do we accept another to be our god?  God loves us, but do we love Him?
   Remember, God is not commanding us to do the unreasonable, nor the impossible; and if we will simply honor and obey God, we will receive blessings that will surprise and astound us. 
      Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:  Fear God, and keep his commandments:  for this is the whole duty of man.  (Ecclesiastes 12: 13)


Monday, January 21, 2013


      For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  (Ephesians 6: 12)

   The more you seek Almighty God, the more you seek to know more of God, and the more you seek to know more of Christ and more of the Word of God, and the more you pray, you will be in the midst of spiritual warfare.
   This war is invisible to human eyes, and it is a war that has been raging ever since Lucifer's revolt in heaven.  And after Lucifer was evicted from heaven, the devil brought his war to earth, along with his demons, to terrorize people, whom God created, and thereby to influence people to turn against Almighty God, but also that people will turn against people and fight among themselves for human power and control over people, and even to kill one another. 
   Therefore, as you seek more of God, more of the Bible, and more of Christ, you will experience the pain of this spiritual warfare.  As you seek to be a witness for Christ, as you seek to do a work for God---no matter if your work is to speak for Him, to sing for Him, to preach or teach for Him, or even to write of Him---your mind will be engaged in a war with demons. 
   For Satan does not want you to know Christ for your salvation.  Satan does not want you to know more of Christ, more of the Bible; nor does he want you to pray to Almighty God.  And for certainty the devil does not want you to tell others about God, about Christ, or about the Bible.  Neither does the devil want you to do a work for God, such as singing for the Lord, preaching or teaching, or even writing about Him.
   Consequently, to silence your voice, Satan dispatches his demons to rattle your mind, to discourage your prayer life, your study of God's Word, and your stand for truth.  Satan and his demons will inflict your mind with distress, but also with depression in order to defeat you, to keep you down on the floor, and to keep you silent. 
   Neither does the devil want his evil and deceptive ways revealed to others.  When you accepted Christ, the devil lost his grip on you.  The devil lost you from being one of his children in hell.  Now he will work doubletime in order to confuse you and to have you thinking that your work for Christ is foolishness. 
   Beyond this, Satan wants you to give up.  He wants you to come back to your old religion.  He wants you to return to your old way of worship and praying to idols.  He wants you to see nothing wrong with believing that dead people can answer prayers.  He wants you to believe that your good friends and relatives will also go to heaven even though their faith is in their religion and not in Christ.  Satan wants you to quit.  He wants you to be nothing more than a gelding:  unable to help produce Christ in others. 
   This warfare of Satan is intense.  It is a war of the spirit, but also a war of the mind.  It is a dreadful war, a battle within the mind every day.  And it is a war that will never end.  Satan will attack you personally---one on one---but he will also attack you by operating through other people, even by your closest friends and family members; for they will see you as too radical, too serious, as one of those "born-again Christians" or as a "Bible thumper". 
   Knowing this, you must trust in God, more and more each day.  You must pray more and more each day.  You must therefore stand up in God and allow God to fight these spiritual battles, these demons of hell:  for we are incapable of defeating Satan and his host of demons, but God is greater than all of these enemies.  You must develop a daily discipline of dedication, or a cloud of darkness will overtake your mind.  Keep your hands on the plow.  Keep moving and looking forward and not turning back.  Do not give up, do not give in, and do not quit.  Keep the Light of Christ burning in your heart.  Not of this is easy, but it is necessary.  This war will not get easier, but it will become more difficult as we continue to move through time. 
   Please remember that this spiritual war that we are experiencing today is the same war that Jesus faced before His crucifixion, and Satan's tactics for us are the same as they were for the Lord. 
   Above all else, take time to pray:  every day, several times a day, and often moment by moment.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


      And be not conformed to this world:  but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.  (Romans 12: 2)

   The world turns on religion, money, music, and politics.
   Therefore, if you could control the religion, you could control the world; if you could control the music, you could control the world; if you could control the money, you could control the world; you could control the world:  for all four are universal languages.
   Religion is like the game of Monopoly, which includes a get-out-of-jail-free card!  Religion is based on what you do, and, if you work the game of religion---according to its laws, rules, and regulations, rites and rituals---you will do well and earn favors of the gods. 
   Attending worship at a house of religion is like going to work.  As your work ethic improves, your labor will be noted by your elders, ministers, or priests, which could lead to your promotion to a higher level of recognition or achievement, a pat on the back, or perhaps an "Atta Boy!"  Now you are something special and others will look up to you.  They may even want your picture in the newsletter, which will be posted on the internet, and now the whole world will know just how wonderful you are! 
   Here, let us be honest and believe that Satan is the god of this world system in which we live.
   Satan is the god of money, the god of religion, the god of music, and the god of politics.
   Satan is also the god of rebellion, envy, jealousy, strife, contention, bitterness, hopelessness and helplessness, hatred, theft, hypocrisy, and even the god of murder.
   Satan is the god of drugs, sex, women and child abuse, pedophilia, prostitution, pornography, and human sacrifices.
   Satan is the god of empires and enslavement; therefore, people become slaves of money, slaves of religion, slaves of music, slaves of politics:  as well as slaves of rebellion, envy, jealousy, contention, bitterness, hopelessness and helplessness, hatred, theft, lies, deceit, and also slaves of murder. 
   Whereas, if you express your faith in Almighty God today, you are strange in this world system.
   If you express your faith in Christ for your salvation, you are strange.
   If you express your faith in the Holy Bible, you are strange.
   In this world system, you do not fit.  You are different.  You do not belong.  People will laugh at you and turn their backs on you.  They will call you names, such as "religious fanatic" or "Bible thumper".  You will not be welcome, even among your old friends, but also among some of your own family members.  Even people of some Christian churches or Christian religions will find fault with you for going too far with Christ. 
   Believe, however, that Jesus knows how you feel:  the Lord did not fit this world system, either.  He was odd.  He was different.  He did not belong.  People called Him names.  People turned their backs on Him.  He was treated as an outlaw.  In all of His innocense, the Lord was crucified.
   Please know that we, like Christ, must endure some hardships that are not comfortable.  We must experience some pain for having our faith in Him.  We must accept criticism for taking a stand for the Lord.  Know that we must suffer for Him just as He suffered for us.  We are in a battle, and we are in a war.  But we have won because Christ fights our battles for us!
   The world turns by the god of money, religion, music, and politics, as well as all other gods as mentioned above; but because of our faith in Christ, we have the power to put backspin on the ball and not believe the world!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


   The fastest growing religion in the United States and Great Britain is the religion of Witchcraft, and Witchcraft is gaining in popularity around the world.
   Witchcraft is not a new religion, however.  It was created by men at the tower of Babel, which was under the leadership of Nimrod. 
   We are told about this man and his new world order of government, which was a political-religious system, in the 11th chapter of the book of Genesis.  We are told how Nimrod was considered to be a god-man and how he was worshipped as a god.  When Nimrod died, his mother became the "queen of heaven" and also the "mother of god".  And his mother's baby boy, Tammuz, became the "son of god". 
   Babel is Babylon, and it was in Babylon where the worship of the universe began, and the universe became a multitude of gods and goddesses:  the sun became the chief god, the belief that the sun is the giver of life.  The moon, the stars and planets, and also animals, fish, birds, and trees became gods.   And it was also in Babylon where the leaders of religions became "god in the flesh" or the "vicar of god". 
   As the people of Babylon spread upon the earth, they took their evil religion with them and created various religions, in various places, in various names, with each appearing to be unique unto itself; yet the governing body of each religion was a priest of Witchcraft, which was kept hidden by the priesthood from the people.  Each priest was a witch, each priest was possessed by demons, and each priest had the power to cast evil spells on the people as they gathered within their religions to worship their gods.
   This practice out of Babylon has continued, even to this day, for all of the religions of the world are under the control and dominion of the witches of Witchcraft.  All of the priesthoods of all of the religions of the world created religions out of their evil imaginations.  They have written all of the laws, rules, and regulations of religions.  They have established all of the rites and rituals within all religions. 
   At the same time, these witches of Witchcraft have kept their secret religion secret, not wanting the memberships to know that they are actually worshippers of Lucifer; instead, they want people to believe that they are simply a member of a religion, and that their leadership knows best what is best for them.  When not in their temples and shrines, the priests gather in secret places, such as caves and caverns of darkness, to worship Lucifer---even to the offering of human sacrifices, primarily in the form of young children and babies. 
   Witchcraft has been kept hidden within secret societies since the time of Nimrod.  These include the secret societies of the Kaballah, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Freemasonry, the Illumiinati, Skull & Bones, and many, many others.  Each society meets in secret, with secret initiations, secret codes, secret oaths, secret handshakes, secret hand signs, and with a secret agenda.  The secret agenda is to control the world:  to bring all people under the leadership of a global government along with a global religion, and thus to produce a New World Order---so that a man like Nimrod will arise again:  a man whom they consider to be messiah, a man who is worshipped as a god, and a man whom will rule over the earth.
   Today, we are seeing more and more of the secret religion of Witchcraft becoming more and more visible:  in the form of books, magazines, television programs, movies, video games, and music in all of its genres---featuring the elements of darkness and shadows, dark eyes, black apparel, demons, dragons, vampires, zombies, witches, and horrific manners of death.
   Because Witchcraft is evil, evil is overtaking the world through the minds of people.
   The leaders of human governments today are members of secret societies, which means that they are also members of the religion of Witchcraft.  As such, they are possessed by demons and capable of casting evil spells.
   The leaders of human religions today are also members of secret societies, which means that they, too, are also members of the religion of Withcraft.  As such, they are possessed by demons and capable of casting evil spells.
   And the longer devoutly religious people remain in their religions, not only are their minds under the control of evil spells, but they can also become possessed by demons and capable of casting evil spells.
   For in the religions of the world today, Almighty God is not welcome.  Christ is not welcome.  And neither is the Holy Bible welcome.  The religions of the world are engaged in a spiritual war against God, against Christ, against the Holy Bible, and also against Christians and Christian churches.
   When Christ returns, the Lord will pronounce His judgment of Babylon, "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."  (Revelation 17: 5) 
   The Lord will also judge the religions that came out of Babylon, including false Christian religions as well as demonitions within Protestantism that were created by evil people out of secret societies, by people out of the religion of Witchcraft:  and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; (Revelation 18: 22)
   In this age of Witchcraft, these are the times when people lose their conscience of knowing the difference between good and evil.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


   Anger is the chief element of pride, but two others parts of pride are prejudice and perfection.
   Prideful people have a current of anger just below the skin level.  They may not always exhibit their anger, however, because this would jeopardize the perfect image they present of themselves in the presence of others.
   Prideful people want others to believe that they are perfect in all of their ways:   the perfect marriage, the perfect education, perfect children, perfect home, perfect clothes, perfect everything else, up to and including a perfect religion. 
   Prideful people are therefore perfect hypocrites because the image they project of themselves in the presence of others is not how they exist within their own minds.
   Prideful people do not admit mistakes, do not admit weaknesses, and they cannot admit they are sinners because---in their own minds---they are sinless, which is why they are perfect; and because of their perfect religion, they have the perfect solution just in case they would happen to have a little bit of sin. 
   Neither can the prideful be taught anything new because they know all they need to know from their perfect minds; consequently, no one else can teach them anything new because they really do not want or need any help from others.  Asking for help is beneath their dignity.  Taking music lessons or golf lessons, for example, is a total waste of time and money, for they do not need or want lessons from others:  for in their own minds they have no weaknesses, or no need for improvement.  They can do it all by themselves, thank you very much!
   Just beneath the skin line of prideful people, a river of anger flows.  Push their button just a tad and you will see a change in their facial expressions.  Disagree with them on issues and the fuel of their words will produce a bit of smoke.  Tell them they are totally wrong and their words will become flames of darts and daggers.  But only for a short time will they exhibit anger because this would damage their image of perfection.  In their own minds, you are not supposed to disagree with them.  You are not supposed to challenge them on issues or subjects of discussion.  For in their own minds, they are always right about everything, never wrong.
   The prideful will not always show anger in the presence of all people because they have a limit to their relationships with others because they have a short list of "friends".  The fewer people they know, the fewer chances others will see them as they really are.
   Traveling with prideful people is also their prejudice
   They have racial prejudice because they believe their race is superior to all races of people.
   They have social prejudice because they consider themselves to be a social class unto themselves.
   They have religious prejudice because they believe their religion is the only true religion on the face of the earth.
   They have family prejudice because their family is the only important family on earth.
   Jesus said, Beware of hypocrites and vipers.  Jesus also said, Beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing.
   Therefore, because prideful people are fueled with anger, with prejudice, and with perfection, they are just like their daddy, Lucifer.  They are hypocrites and vipers.  They are also wolves in sheeps' clothing.  And they are deceived in their own pride. 
   Unless prideful people become humble before Almight God, and confess to Him that they are sinners, they will continue to live their lives in all of their prideful ways; and, just like Lucifer, they will experience a great fall.

Monday, January 14, 2013


   Do you believe you must like yourself before you can like others?
   Do you believe you must love yourself before you can love others?
   If your answers to these two questions is yes, when will you know when you have liked yourself enough before you can like others?  And when will you know when you have loved yourself enough before you can love others?
   In reality, the answers to these two quesions are about your own self-image, which is how you view yourself, and how you hope that others view you.  The answers are not about others, but they are about you.
   If you do not believe you are liked or loved by others, you will do things to get people to like you or to love you.  In other words, to be liked or loved by others is something you believe you must earn; something you must work for, such as wages, because you believe that being liked or loved is something you deserve
  You have a poor self-image of yourself because you do not receive the attention that you believe you should be getting.  You do not think that you are worthy, so you will do things that will project an image of yourself that is not real.  You will do things for others for your own self-glory.  You will desire credit for the things you do for others, such as a "thank you" card or a slap on the back.  You want to be successful, not others.  You want to hit the home run, not another member of the team.  You are more interested in your own success than the success of your team.
   Part of this self-image is jealousy and envy.  You have difficulty complimenting others.  You are not happy about the success of a friend or a family member.  In your heart, you actually hope that others will fail in their endeavors.  For if others are successful in their pursuits, this means they will be getting attention instead of you.
   To believe that you must like and love yourself before you can like and love others is a false premise, which is the result of pride; for in pride we elevate ourselves before others, which is self-love; and with self-love comes self-praise, self-adoration, and self-gratification; and because of self-love, it is impossible to like or to love others, whom we can see, which also means it is impossible to love God, whom we cannot see. 
   Because of this self-love, it is also impossible for us to admit our faults or mistakes in the presence of others, which also means it is impossible for us to admit that we are sinners in the presence of Almighty God. 
   Not only does this self-love elevate ourselves above others, but we also elevate ourselves above Almighty God, which means that it will be impossible for you to become a servant of God because your life is consumed with serving yourself.  Because you are not truthfully interested in others, how can you truthfully be interested in God?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


   For Judas Iscariot, his hunger and thirst for money was supposed to have satisfied his desire for riches when he received thirty pieces of silver for his betrayal of Jesus Christ.  But in less than twenty-four hours after becoming a wealthy person, Judas committed suicide. 
   Four of the most prominent obsessions of people are money, sex, drugs, and crimes against humanity. 
   When people become obsessed with money, greed and envy and jealousy are also in the package:  the more we have, the more we want---as if money is the solution that satisfies hunger and thirst.
   When simple sex is not enough to satisfy the hunger and thirst people have for sex, the more sex they desire, which means they need more sex to satisfy their selfish desires, which means they can become sexual deviants, after which they enter the arena of evil sex---even to the point of becoming sexual predators of women, of men, and even of children in order to satisfy their hunger and thrist.
   Hollywood movies are obsessed with the topics of money, sex, drugs, and crimes against humanity.
   Many of the best-selling books are dominated with the topics of money, sex, drugs, and crimes against humantiy.
   Television programs are also obesessed with money, sex, drugs, and crimes against humanity. 
   Perhaps the crimes police departments investigate most are money, sex, drugs, and crimes against humanity. 
   As for the news media, the front-page headlines are most often about money, sex, drugs, and crimes against humanity. 
   All religions have been created out of the imaginations of men---just like movies, books, and television programs---yet religion can also become an obsession because many religious people will actually commit murder against people of other religions.  And people, obsessed with religion, paint a self-portrait of their hypocrisy:  for they want others to think that they are fine and noble people, but in their hearts, they have rejected the truth of Jesus Christ. 
   When Judas Iscariot turned his back on Christ, the Bible says in John 13: 27, Satan entered into him.  In truth, Judas was now possessed with Satan, when means that Satan was in control of the mind and will of Judas. 
   Likewise, when people are obsessed with the object of their affection, such as money, sex, and drugs, they can become candidates for demon possession, just like Judas Iscariot. 
   Even when people become obsessed with religion, they have turned their backs on Christ, which means that they, too, are candidates for demon possession because the object of their affection has become their god.  And because religion is an evil invention out of the minds of men, the father they worship is, in reality, Satan.  So then, a religious environment is the perfect place for demon possession for people obsessed with religion. 
   Today, millions of people are possessed by demons because their obsessions are evil.  Once possessed by demons, their minds and their actions are now under the control and domination of Satan, and their thirst and hunger will never be completely satisfied, for they are now servants of evil.
   Such people also seek control and domination of others, for they want and expect others to serve them and to do their will. 
   Perhaps you would be surprised and even stunned to know that some of the people you trust the most are actually possessed by demons.  As long as your agreement is with them, everything is wonderful in La La Land.  As long as you do everything their way, they are such nice and friendly people.  Dare to disagree with them, however, and watch them quickly change their behaviour because they are all about themselves and not about you.
   Why do you suppose Jesus said, beware of hypocrites and vipers

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


   People can hear truth for the first time, yet they can react as if they just heard a myth or a fairytale. 
   At the same time, people can hear a myth or a fairytale, yet they can react as if they just heard truth.
   When was the last time you heard a word of truth from any government on the face of the earth?
   When was the last time you heard a word of truth from any religion on the face of the earth?
   When was the last time you heard someone say something that is worth remembering, or worth writing on paper for future reference?
    Leaders of the world today speak lies that sound like truth, and these are the people we trust to manage our governments as well as to be the ministers and priests of religion. 
    Governments are supposed to protect the citizens of nations from harm, danger, and violent crimes; yet the citizens of nations worldwide are victimes of harm, danger, and violent crimes, and violent crimes are continuing to increase at alarming rates, worldwide.
    Religions are supposed to teach people how to be nice, not to kill people, and not to commit violent crimes, yet violent crimes are continuing to increase at alarming rates, worldwide. 
    What does this say about governments and religions? 
    Governments without God are corrupted governments, and religions without God are corrupted religions; therefore, governments and religions without God produces Godless nations; and Godless nations point the finger to Godless governments and Godless religions:  which means that governments and religions have reproduced their values in the citizens of nations. 
    One simple piece of evidence for corruption is money:  follow and the money and you will find corruption; for the leaders of the world, in both politics and religion, are the wealthiest people of the world:  while the citizens of the world are getting poorer and poorer each year.
   The evidence of corruption is evil:  and evil is the evidence of criminal minds. 
    If you want to know the truth, then read the Holy Bible---the only book on earth we can trust for truth.  And by knowing the truth, we can clearly see where evil abides.