Friday, February 3, 2012


     As discussed earlier, we talked about the statue of a woman riding a beast, which is located outside the headquarters of the European Union, and we also showed that this woman on a beast is written about in the last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
     Know, too, that the architectural design of the headquarters building of the European Union is from an artist's rendering of the Tower of Babel.
    We have also talked about the vacancy of the highest seat of authority of the European Union, which is identified with the seat number 666, and that no one occupies that seat---not yet, at least.
    In a previous blog as well, we studied about the number 11 and how this number---in the Biblical language of numbers---means God's judgement.
    Moreover, we discussed that the New World Order was hatched in the evil minds of people in the occult in England, even before 1776, and that the United States was chosen by them to be the capital of the New World Order, and that the language of the New World Order would be the English language.
    Beyond this, we shared how God destroyed the earth by a flood of water during the time of Noah because of all the evil people were doing.  Then, we shared about God's destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of all the evil people were doing.
    Now.  In the 11th chapter of the book of Genesis, we are told that the world had one language at that time. Also, there were some people at a place called Babel and they were constructing a tower that was not pleasing unto God.  Therefore, God judged them by created many languages and the people stopped building the tower because they could no longer communicate with all of their babbling.
   The leader of the people in Babel was a man by the name of Nimrod, whose name, in Hebrew, means "rebel".  He was rebellious against God and he taught the people of Babel to also rebel against God.
   Nimrod had the world's first empire.  Nimrod was the head of the civil government and he was also the head of the religious government.  Nimrod was also worshipped by the people and to them he was their god. 
   Babel is Babylon, and it was there in Babylon that all of the elements of paganism orginated out of the evil mind of Nimrod.  Worship of the sun, moon, stars, planets.  Worship of birds, fish, animals.  Worship of the dead spirits of people who were elevated to the position of gods and therefore prayed to.   Also out of Nimrod's Babylon came the idea of the Christmas tree, Santa Claus of Christmas, and the Easter bunny and the eggs of Easter.  It was there, too, that the idea of the mother with the god-incarnate son in her arms was created.
   Why is the world so silent about Nimrod and the Tower of Babel?  The answer is simple:  evil people do not want the world to know that Nimrod's system is Satanic:  worship of Satan, for Satan is the father of all evil.
    False prophets have worked to keep this knowledge of Nimrod's evil suppressed because of that evil spirit of deception, and, therefore to keep people deceived in churches.  If it worked in Babylon, surely it would happen again, and it has.  People have been tricked to believe lies because of the things that look good and sound good in same way Adam and Eve were tricked in the Garden of Eden!
    And what is the language of the world today?  It is English!  The world, therefore, has returned to the Tower of Babel and with one language.
    In the last book of the Bible, we are told that when Christ returns that He will judge a church that the Lord calls Babylon!
    Then how does the European Union identify itself with the woman on a beast, the design of its headquarters building with the Tower of Babel, and with seat of highest authority with the number 666?
    Nimrod was a type of Antichrist.  And that evil spirit of deception is working in the world today.  This deception is working in the evil minds of people in governments as well as in the evil minds of people in religion that will lead people to the worship of Antichrist in the future. 
    Do you see how the prophecies of God are being fulfilled even now in front of our eyes?  Do you see that when God sends His word He will also perform it?
     Knowing Christ is as simple as bowing your head and praying, asking God to forgive you for your sins, and invite Christ into your life and save you, and He will do!  Get in the Ark of Christ and He will save you from the wrath that will come upon the earth.  Amen.

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