And the Lord said, The wicked shall be turned into hell, and the nations that forget God. (Psalm 8:17)
The United States has produced more evil than any nation in the history of the universe.
The United States has produced more pornography than any nation in the history of the universe.
The United States has produced more books, magazines, stories, and movies that change the minds of children to not believe in God than any nation in the history of the universe.
The United States has more Bibles than any nation in the history of the universe.
The United States has more churches and religions than any nation in the history of the universe.
The United States has more people in more churches and religious institutions that do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God than in any nation in the history of the universe.
The United States has more churches and more religious institutions with more money locked in bank vaults, in stocks and real estate investments than in any any nation in the history of the universe, while, at the same time, children are suffering and dying around the world because of sickness, disease, dehydration, starvation, child prostitution, and neglect, and people of the United States have the nerve to stand and say, "God bless America".
There are many people in churches and religious institutions that do not believe that God destroyed the earth by water in the day of Noah, they do not believe that God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and they do not believe that Christ is the way of salvation. With all of that unbelief, people walk into churches and sing, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow".
For how many people in churches and religious institutions across America do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
Do you honestly believe that God is happy with the United States with all of the blessings He has poured out to us for more than two hundred years? Do you honestly believe that God will continue blessing America for all the evil that exists across this land? Do you honestly believe that God will keep blessing America in order for America to produce and distribute more evil?
If people of the United States do not turn back to God in prayer it will not be long until the United States will become a Satanic Empire. But are we there even now?
For there are few Bible-believing churches left in the United States, and there are not many of us left who still believe in the born again experience in Jesus Christ, and there are not many left who truly believe that Christ will return.
The messengers of Christ are speaking up and speaking out, but whom do you speak for?
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