Tuesday, April 30, 2013


   See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  (Ephesians 5: 15, 16)

   If people do not believe that witchcraft is the fastest growing religion in the United States, consider the evidence of the Church of Witchcraft, Church of Satan, Church of Paganism, Church of Wiccans, and Coven Churches---all of which are residents where witches gather to learn their craft, to polish their skills, and to go forth to deceive people from believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.  They are on a "missionary" journey to convert people to believe in the powers of darkness by appearing to be messengers of God and on a mission for God.  They are masters of deception and masters of hypocrisy--- highly educated, skillful debaters, and masters of persuasion---so that their lies sound like truth by voices sweetened with honey:  shining the spotlight on sex, drugs, music, money, and self. 
   As it is in the United States, so it is in other nations all over the earth; for the whole world is being seduced by doctrines of devils to bring all nations together as one, so that people will worship Satan with one religion. 
   For this reason, religion is a dangerous place to be:  for Satan is the father of all religions, and all religions are the daughters of the religion of ancient Babylon.  Thus, globalization is simply another word for Babylonianism:  when people will have one government and one religion, mixed together as one unit, and the world will have one priest, leading people to worship Satan.
   Be not deceived, because the days are evil. 
   Evil is overtaking the world, but we can refuse to participate by joining hands with Jesus, our only one way out. 


   There is a suffering that endures for more than a night, that does not end with the rising of the sun.
   There is a suffering that believers in Christ experience, a pain that medication does not heal.
   For us to know more of ourselves as we know more of Christ, believers encounter a time of  suffering. 
   Such suffering is of the Spirit of God, and not of the head; it is a suffering that is not of ourselves, but it is from God:  for without suffering we know not the suffering of Christ.  Without hurt and pain from deep within, we will not know the depths of Almighty God.
   For if this suffering should leave us, then we have lost the message of Christ. 
   The ways of this world are not the ways of God, for the world seeks speedy relief and quick remedies to ease pain or to fix problems. 
   Not everyone will understand the suffering of Christ, nor the suffering of believers.  For what we have in Christ, we want others to know as well.
   No matter if we teach, preach, sing, or write about Christ, if we are not experiencing internal pain, our message is from the head and not from the heart, and thus the message has no power from God, and our words are as idle tales:  and we are no more than entertainers, who have the stage for a while, then we are gone. 
   Suffering is the fuel of the message, for we hurt for others:  that others may know Christ and the power of His resurrection, just as we have come to know Him.
   Therefore, being born again in Christ is the same as a resurrection:  we are resurrected from an old life, now we are raised to walk in a new life.  Old things pass away and behold all things are become new.  The things we once believed pass away, and the things we believe now are totally new.
   Being born again in Christ is like waking up for the first time.  We have been awake, but our beliefs have been in darkness, as if we were asleep, or simply sleep-walking.  Our beliefs were not real though we believed that they were real:  as if our lives had been in a dream world, and our beliefs were only imagination.
   Now we see spiritually what we could not see physically.  For in Christ we are raised from spiritual darkness and born again in spiritual light.  Now we see and understand that Christ, who died for our sins, cleanses us from our sins because we believe in Him, which is our salvation.  That salvation is from Him and not from ourselves; that He did for us what we could not do for ourselves; that Christ died for our sins, which we cannot do. 
   Religion, on the other hand, will tell you that religion is the way to eternal life.  But what religion will not tell you is that man created religion, not Almighty God.  Religion is therefore man's way, and not God's way, and, obviously, religion is a lie and its ministers are liars. 
   Knowing this, Christians suffer because we want others to know the Good News of Christ.  We want others to know Christ, as we know Him, and not to believe in the death of man's religion; for none of the priests of man's religions died for sin. 
   Knowing Christ is about a relationship with Him, and not a relationship with religion.  We believe that Christ is alive and not still dead.  And because He lives, we believe that Christ will come again, just as He said He will do.  Likewise, we now know that Christ is life and that religion is a tomb for the dead. 
   Doing for Christ is not so much as us doing for Him, but rather what Christ can do through us:  that others will see Christ in our teaching, preaching, singing, and writing---without seeing us.
   For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:  And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:  Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.  (Job 19: 25)


Monday, April 29, 2013


   All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing.
      Edmund Burke, 1729-1797

   Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.  For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  (I Samuel 15: 22, 23)

   Disobedience begins at home:  for if children are disobedient to parents, they will be disobedient to all other authorities in their lives, including disobedience to Almighty God.
   If parents are disobedient to God, their children will be likewise.
   Thus we can clearly see:  because disobedience is evil, and because evil begins at home, the world is being consumed by evil. 
   Around the world today, people live in fear because of the disobedience of people:  for if people will not obey man's civil laws, they will certainly not obey the laws of God. 
   Because of this fear of disobedient people, we lock our homes.  We lock our cars.  We buy more locks and keys. We glance over our shoulders as we go from place to place.  We get our children in the house before dark.  We use computer passwords to prevent internet thieves from hacking and stealing information from our computers.  We lock our churches and religious institutions.  We distrust people.  People lie, people cheat, and people steal.  Thus we fear what people will do to us.
   When good men do nothing, evil wins.
   When good men refuse to stand up and speak up for truth, evil multiplies.
   When good men do nothing, evil men steal our freedom in governments of corruption, and they will steal our souls in the corruption of religion.
   Religion, also, is a work of disobedient people, for religion is a place for rebellious people to hide from the face of Almighty God:  which teaches people to obey the laws and doctrines of men, rather than follow the teachings of Almighty God; for deception is also evil, which means that religion is a house of evil, for it preaches salvation by man's methods and not as a gift from Almighty God.
   Disobedient people follow religion, and children of disobedient parents will do likewise.
   As parents go, their children will follow; and if the children grow in disobedience, so will a nation. 
   Humans have faith, but if we do not see Christ as author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12: 2), our faith will be misplaced in a system of evil.
   How, then, do we expect to be better humans if we continually live in disobedience to God? 
   Without God, evil is a consuming fire that burns in the hearts of disobedient people. 
   Like God said, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. 


Saturday, April 27, 2013


   As defined, a conspiracy is:  an evil, unlawfully treacherous, or surreptatious plan formulated in secrecy by two or more persons; a plot; a combination for a secret, unlawful, and evil purpose; an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

   Invented in ancient Babylon, religion began as a conspiracy to defraud people of salvation that is of Almighty God as well as to keep the knowledge of God hidden from people:  that they may not know the truth.
   Jesus warned us about false leaders, saying, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  (Luke 2: 15)
   As wolves, they are fleecers of the flock.  False apostles, false teachers, and false priests are thieves in priestly garments because they are ministers of Satan, preachers of the doctrines of devils:  teaching other ways to heaven other than through Christ the Lord---while, at the same time, collecting as much money as they can squeeze from the hands of people---leaving people bankrupt, thirsty and hungry, homeless, and producing nations of poverty. 
   To false prophets, money is their reward:  their salary, their payment for their labor.  And they do not work for free. 
   As such, these false ministers of Christ live in secrecy behind closed doors, closing their eyes to the poverty of the world, where they also worship Satan while they count the money they hoarde in banks and financial investments.  But when they appear in public, their converts treat them as if they are gods!  These people are masters of deception as well as masters of hypocrisy.  They live double lives and are capable of presenting two personalities because they live two lifestyles.
   Such is the world of religion:  an evil conspiracy designed by evil people:  to lie to people and to rob people.  Not only do they rob people of money, but they rob people of their souls!
   In Jerusalem 2000 years ago, as Jesus taught the love of God, the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him. (Luke 22: 1)  And when they brought Jesus before Pontius Pilate for judgment, Pilate said unto the Jews, Why, what evil hath he done? (Matthew 27: 23)
   Thus we can clearly see that men of religion met in secrecy to conspire to kill Jesus; and after the Day of Pentecost, men of religion continued to meet in secrecy to conspire to kill Christians, which has been the "foreign policy" of religion ever since that day because Christians are foreigners to man's religion because Christ is not welcome in man's religion; therefore, religion considers Christians to be infidels and worthy of death, just as Christ to religion was worthy of death.
   Religion is a conspiracy to defraud people from salvation of Almighty God as well as a place to keep people hidden from the knowledge of God.
   But if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  (Romans 10: 9)
   For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves:  it is the gift of God:  not of works, lest any man should boast.  (Ephesians 2: 8)


Friday, April 26, 2013


  And the LORD said, The people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do:  and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.  (Genesis 11: 6)

   There is an evil that is coming upon the earth, an evil the world has not seen since the days of Noah, and an evil which people of the world today will not believe. 
  As it was in the days of Nimrod, so will it be in the latter days upon the earth; for in the days of Nimrod at the tower of Babel, the earth had one language; and in the latter days of man upon the earth, the world will return to one language, and that language will be English.
   When democracy falls, nations will fall into chaos.  One by one they will tumble, and as they fall, lawlessness will abound.  Prostitution, pedophillia, pornography, and drugs will be legalized globally:  and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
   As it was in the days of the Roman Empire, Christians will become outlaws.  They will be hunted, persecuted, and killed.  Bibles will be confiscated and destroyed.  Christian churches will be converted to pagan temples, with pagan rites and rituals conducted in the light of day, which will include pagan prostitution and human sacrifices.  Christians will be beheaded. 
   Out of chaos, a new Nimrod will arise, sitting on the throne of a new Babylon.  The new Nimrod will be Antichrist, a beast, and he will rule from the throne of new Babylon, a beast religion. 
   Even now, there are worshippers of Satan upon the earth:  with Satanic religions, Satanic churches, Satanic priests with their Satanic bible, Satanic dogmas and doctrines with Satanic music and dances with devils, with Satanic drugs, and the earth will become a Satanic kingdom.   As such, these evil people are producing a party atmosphere across planet earth, and, in time to come, they will become as wild animals, untamed and unchained, running to and fro, and now nothing will be restrained from them, which them have imagined to do.
   At the end of days, however, Almighty God will judge the earth and end man's pursuit of evil, and Babylon will be destroyed. 
   This story is told in full detail in the last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


   For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3: 23)
   We are God's people, created by the power of Almighty God, who also created the earth and the universe.
   It is therefore difficult for people to understand that we are born sinners, which means that we are spiritually disconnected from our Creator in heaven.  To reconnect with God, we must submit to God and confess to Him that we are sinners, and ask God to forgive us for our sins in the name of Jesus Christ,
   who is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1: 9)
   Salvation is truly this simple.  As people, however, we do not like the idea that we are sinners, for we like to think of ourselves as above something as ugly as sin.  So instead of allowing forgiveness of sin to be a one-step process for salvation, we make this choice something as a matter of difficulty; for If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.  (I John 1: 10)
   After Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, they knew what they had done, and they became sinners.  After which they fled to a forest to hide from the face of God. 
   In like manner, man invented religion as a place to hide from the face of God; and in religion, people find comfort in their idols and images of gods of their own invention.  And instead of confessing their sins to God, they confess their sins to imaginary gods as well as to a priesthood of unholy men:  while believing that unholy men can turn ordinary water to holy water and scrub away the sins of people in water baptism.  After which, they bring their babies to an unholy priesthood to be washed of their sins by unholy water in infant baptism:  and babies grow to adulthood believing that they are on their way to heaven.  What a deception!  What a lie!
   The same religious system that was invented by Nimrod at the tower of Babel in ancient Babylon is still the same religious system employed in the world today:  gods, goddesses, and unholy priests, who wash adults and babies in unholy water.
   The Holy Bible is written that we may know the truth; but if we neglect the truth of the Holy Bible, we will believe in the lie of religion as if it is truth.
   Any person can be religious, which is no great thing.  But not every person will believe in Christ.
   We are people created by God, and if we confess our sins to Him, we will live as the children of God; but if we neglect God, we will live our lives as the children of Nimrod. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


   Karl Marx said, "religion is the opium of people".
   Therefore, it is easy to understand that devoutly religious people are addicted to religion.  Their minds have been captured and under the domination of their religious beliefs because religion is mind control. 
   Fueled by fear, religious addicts are motivated to live in obedience to their religious doctrines because of the fear of losing something, especially their salvation.  To ensure that they do not lose their salvation, they remain obedient to the priesthood and attend regularly scheduled meetings at their religious houses for doses of "opium" as a continuous "fix". 
   To think about losing one's religion, to the religious addict, produces the same anxiety that an alcoholic faces in surrendering his bottle of booze to gain victory over drunkenness.  Therefore, since religion is the opium of people, the opium of religion produces spiritual drunkenness in the minds of devoutly religious people.  Devoutly religious people are spiritually drunk.
   Religion is the greatest institution of deception that man has ever created! 
   Each religion of the world has its own godhead:  its own father god, son god, and mother god.
   Each religion of the world believes it has its own way to heaven, which is why the world believes that there are many ways to heaven:  that all of us get there, no matter which way we arrive.  All people need to do is join a religion and receive a get to heaven free card, stamped with the approval of a priesthood, especially by a high priest, or a holy man. 
   The reason religion is the greatest instituion of deception that man has created is because religion is the greatest lie that men have ever told.  Beginning with Nimrod at the tower of Babel, this lie has been repeated for thousands of years in the minds of all generations upon the earth:  the evidence of which is before our eyes in the world today.
   Today, there is no evil that people will not pursue, and this evil is out of the minds of religious people.  Not only do religious people get angry in defense of their religion, but they will also kill in defense of their religion:  or they will kill if they believe that the god of their religion wants people to die.  This is why religious people are spiritual drunks, and people of all religions are drinking from the same bottle of intoxication.  Like Nimrod, they are defiant against Almighty God, and, like Nimrod, not only do they hate God, but they also hate the people who believe in Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Which is why people of religion crucified the Lord in Jerusalem, for they were drunk in religion. 
   Religion has no love of God in it because religion is not from Almighty God, which is why people without Christ are spiritual drunks:  reeling and staggering in a false system that produces false hope.
   The day I surrendered to Christ for my salvation was also the day when I lost my religion.  That day was the day that began my road to spiritual sobriety, and I am still suffering from the scars I received from being a spiritual drunk.  This road has not been easy, but I would not be where I am now had I not thrown away the bottle of intoxicating religion.  This does not mean that I am perfect, but it means that my sins have been forgiven. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


   Pagan priests are masters of witchcraft and sorcery.  As such, they are capable of casting evil spells in the minds of people. 
   Pagan priests are not priests of Almighty God; neither are they representatives of Jesus Christ.
   To be honest, pagan priests are priests of Satan, the Prince of Darkness, the god of the underworld.  As masters of deception, however, they disguise themselves as the good guys, and they have infiltrated Christianity, appearing to be Christian priests in order to deceive people to believe that they must belong to a Christian religion in order to be a Christian. 
   In ancient Rome, after Constantine the Great had decreed Christianity to be the State Religion of the Roman Empire, pagan priests disguised themselves as priests of the Church of Rome, bringing with them the power to blind the minds of people with witchcraft and sorcery, and forcing people to submit to the authority of the bishop of Rome, just as people had been forced to submit to the authority of Caesar---and thereby changing simple faith in Christ to a religion, known by the name of Christianity.  This action changed the course of human history, and people came to believe that Christianity was a Roman institution:  that Christianity began in Rome, not in Jerusalem; that Christianity was a religion for Gentiles, not for Jews; and by changing the Lord's sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday in order to coincide with Sunday, the sabbath day of sun-god worship, which began in ancient Babylon, but disguished as something new in Rome. 
   Thus in Rome, Babylonianism experienced a revival, as if Babylonianism had been born again in Rome.  But in secrecy, the Babylonian religion was not mentioned by the founders of the Church in Rome:  so that future converts would believe that their teachings were entirely new, entirely Roman, as if these beliefs had never been practiced before---as if Rome had received new revelations from heaven, individually designed for all people who converted to Catholicism:  making it necessary that,  to become a Christian, a person had to convert to Catholicism as well as to be submissive to the priests and bishop of Rome, and not submissive to Christ.  This was a new doctrine, a new trick, cleverly wrapped in the robes of the Roman clergy:  and this trick had great success, for it was a great deception---spun in the minds of people by pagan priests who understood the power of witchcraft and sorcery.  And as people converted to Catholicism, the people were told to bring their babies to be baptized by water, just as the pagan priests did in ancient Babylon, as well as to submit to all Catholic doctrines, rites, and rituals, just as the people did in ancient Babylon.
   Hiding behind the title of Christianity, however, the pagan priests of Rome exercised all the power of the priesthood of ancient Babylon, including witchcraft and sorcery---an occultic teaching whereby priests have the power to cast evil spells in the minds of converts and thereby hold them captive throughout their lifetimes.  But the priests of Rome also taught the religious rite of infant baptism, which began in pagan rituals in ancient Babylon:  that water baptism is salvation, and that the priests also have the power to forgive sins. 
   If people do not believe in the existence of Satan, they will not expect the devil to be in the midst of religious ceremonies, nor that the priests are influenced by Satan's demonic power.  Knowing this, Satan operates invisibly, sitting atop the throne of religion, for the people have been deceived, which means they do not expect Satan to be the god of their religion:  while Satan's order of pagan priests are spinning spells in the minds of the people---even though the priests can appear to be Christian priests! 
   For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.  (II Corinthians 11: 13-15)
   Thus, pagan priests are ministers of Satan!  They are demon-possessed people, having sold their souls to Satan.  As such, they have infiltrated Christianity in the form of Christian priests, and they follow and teach the dictates of their god, Satan, instead of teaching the Holy Bible as well as not teaching salvation in Jesus Christ!  They are deceitful workers.  They are witches.  And their religion is witchcraft. 
    This ancient craft was hatched in Babylon thousands of years ago, and witchcraft today is the dominant religion throughout the world.  Witchcraft is spellbinding:  capturing the minds of men, women, and little children in its web of dark deception, thereby leading people away from Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ.  And as people go deeper into its dark chambers, they reach a point from which they never return:  at which time they will believe that true Christians are enemies of their Christian religion, or as infidels. 
   No matter what name a religion is called, it is of the house of Babylon.  Babylon is a city.  More than a city, however, Babylon is a religious system.  It is the throne where Satan dwells.  Babylon has a past, it has a present, and it has a future. 
   Witchcraft is the religion of Satan, and Satan's messengers and ministers are Satanic priests, who are witches and wizards:  spinning spells in the minds of people in religions, in books, in movies, in television programs, and in music.
   For more than 2000 years, the Holy Bible has warned us about Babylon and the sin of witchcraft, which is evil from the mind of Satan.  So that today the world is spellbound by Babylon through the priesthood of Satan, for witchcraft is an evil religion that will capture your mind, capture your soul, and also capture your children.
   Please be attentive to the warning and come to know Christ.

Friday, April 19, 2013


   Idolatry leads people to poverty, which is the reason that religion is a mortuary, a house of death:  the place where people go to die.
   If people will read the Holy Bible, they will clearly see and understand that Christ did not come to earth to launch a new religion because faith in Christ is faith in Him and Him alone, and not faith in an institution.
   Idols are works of the hands of men out of their imaginations, and Jesus never bowed to idols.
   The priesthood of man's religions are pagan priests:  they lead people to the worship of idols as well as to the worship of people as holy people even though they are unholy.  To believe that unholy priests are holy is a perception by deception, written in the minds of people by unholy men with unholy words.
   Religion is a system of rites and rituals, which are the same rites and rituals that are performed in paganism, such as sun-god worship as well as the worship of a female goddess, such as "the mother of god and the queen of heaven".
   Jesus never said that his mother, Mary, would become an idol of worship. 
   Jesus never said that the disciples and apostles would be venerated as gods, nor prayed to after their deaths.
   Jesus never taught infant baptism; nor did Jesus say that water was holy and sufficient for the cleansing of sins. 
   Jesus never said that priests could forgive sins.
   For the first three hundred years after the Day of Pentecost, believers in Christ never practiced infant baptism, they never worshipped Mary as the mother of god and queen of heaven, they never offered prayers to the disciples and apostles of Christ, and the preaches of Christ never forgave the sins of people.  Beyond this, believers of Christ never collected the skulls and bones of dead Christians to be stored in a museum in Rome, and they never marked the graves of the dead with statues.
   People of religion do not believe in Almighty God, Creator of the heaven and earth; neither do people of religion believe in the existence of Satan.  What, then, do people of religion believe?  They believe that their idols will give them eternal life in heaven, and they believe that their unholy priests will forgive them of their sins.  To believe this they will, therefore, do anything and everything their unholy priests tell them, which includes the giving of their money, their possessions, and even their children:  by submitting their babies to infant baptism, they surrender the lives their children to their idols, which are their gods. 
   If you will examine the history of man's religion with all of its idolatry, look at the trail of people in poverty all over the earth, even to this day!
   The Bible warns us: 
      Little children, keep yourselves from idols.  (I John 5: 21)
      Abstain from all appearance of evil.  (I Thessalonians 5: 22).

  Religion is idolary and religion is evil.  Flee from it!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


   Look across the earth and what do you see?
   You see the violence of man that is out of control.
   Murders, rapes, and other violent crimes against innocent people are out of control.
   The human traffiking of women for prostitution and children for pediphilla are out of control.
   The distribution of illegal drugs by drug cartels is out of control.
   The re-enactment of crimes and the violence of people for television programs and movies is out of control.
   Prisons are overflowing with people who are out of control.
   The economies of the United States and other nations are out of control.
   Leaders of governments in many nations are out of control. 
   The suffering of people worldwide is out of control in the areas of starvation, clothing, hygiene, sanitation, and medication.
   The rise of diseases worldwide is out of control.
   When you turn on your television and go on the internet, what do you see?  You see news events of the continuing saga of A Runaway Train.  Yesterday's news is today's news and tomorrow's news will be a repeat of today's news. 
   The fuel of the train is anger, an endless supply of energy that has no global shortage because anger regenerates itself in the minds of people all over the world. 
   The conductor of the train is people, and people everywhere have their own trains:  custom built and custom engineered, loaded with fuel, and designed to inflict damage in the lives of other people, crossing and criss-crossing communities, cultures, cities, states, and from nation to nation.
   The anger of people worldwide is out of control. 
   Who, then, can stop a runaway train?
   Not man!
   Man is out of control.
   People cannot control and contain their own energy of anger. 
   As such, trains are out of control, running full-throttle, and running full speed to global chaos. 
   Look across the earth and what do you see? 
  The world is a bloody mess, created by the hands of angry people. 
  This is the result of a world without God, a world that believes it can do for itself what God cannot do for us, and a world that has forgotten the knowledge of God. 
   Knowing Christ is about getting off the train and allowiing Him to be the Conductor of our lives---without whom we have no hope for a better today, nor for a better tomorrow. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


   So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth:  and they left off to build a city.  Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound  the language of all the earth:  and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.  (Genesis 11: 8, 9)

   In ancient Babylon, under the leadership of Nimrod, the people there worshipped the sun-god, worshipped people as gods, and also initiated infant baptism by the priests of Baal.  And after the deaths of Nimrod, Semirami, and Tammuz, they became gods to reign in the heavens with the sun-god. 
   As the people of Babylon spread across the earth, they took with them the belief system of Babel and created various religions, by various names, in various parts of the world, which included all of the elements of ancient Babylon.
   From Mesopotamia through the Middle East, across Africa and Asia, to Canaan, to Rome, to Europe, and then to North America the Babylonians traveled, spreading  the religion of Babylon throughout the world.  They brought with them everything they learned in Babylon and planted Babylonism across every continient:  sun-god worship, people worshipped as gods and goddesses, infant baptism, orders of priesthoods and orders of women such as nuns.  They built temples, shrines, and erected sundials, dedicated to the sun-god. 
  Hidden within this devilish religious system includes witchcraft, sorcery, and voodoo, and this knowledge enables priestshoods to cast evil spells on the minds of the people who believe in this system out of Babylon.
   Also hidden within this Babylonian system is the world of secret societies, such as Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, and many other societies, including the Order of Jesuit Priests. 
   Satan's goal has been to deceive people from the knowledge of God, from the knowledge of Christ, and from the knowledge of the Holy Bible; and for thousands of years, Satan has been operating through the minds of men and women in religions to accomplish his wicked goal:  to turn the eyes and ears of people toward systems that look good and sound good, creating the illusion that these systems look holy and sound holy, that priests look holy and sound holy, where Satan has trapped people in his evil worldwide web of deception, by seducing people through human senses.
   To understand this truth, look back to Babylon to the beginning of man's religions, then follow the evidence from Babylon to this present day.  And so, what do you see?


   The word "occult" means "hidden".
   The occultic world, therefore, is a hidden world---hidden from public view.  It is a secret world.  It is a hidden and secret world because the ministers of darkness do not want people to know that which is known by them.  These people are deceivers.  They are false prophets, spreading false doctrines to the minds of people.  They are ministers of evil spirits because they are, in fact, priests of Satan:  for Satan is the unseen god of the underworld, just as Satan is the unseen god of man's religions.
   Beginning in ancient Babylon, the religion of Nimrod at the tower of Babel was sun-god worship because the sun was taught to be "the giver of life"; and the sun-god was represented by Baal, an idol built with the hands of men. 
   Throughout man's sun-god worship, the sun-god is known by many names:  Ra, Sol, Surya, Helios, Apollo.  Centuries later in Rome, Sol became Sol Invictus, which means "Unconquered Sun", as Sol Invictus became the official sun-god of the Roman Empire.
   In ancient Babylon, too, Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, became "the queen of heaven and mother of god".  Throughout man's religious history, "the queen of heaven and mother of god" is known by many names in many religions:  Shingmoor, Iso, Denaki, Indrain, Aphrodite, Venus, Isis, and Mary, the mother of Jesus.
   Moreover, in ancient Babylon, Semiramis gave birth to a baby boy, whom she named Tammuz, who became known as "the son of god"---the son of the sun-god; and more "sons of god" came to be known in other religious systems:  Iswara, Crishna, Ceres, Jupiter, Horus, and Jesus, the son of Mary.
   By the time the occultic teachings of Babylon reached Rome and for the creation of the Catholic Church, Rome became the New Babylon, the Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire, Nimrod became the Pope, Semiramis became Mary, and Jesus was reduced to no more than a baby in His mother's arms; and the Holy Bible became forbidden knowledge for the common people throughout the Holy Roman Empire.
   If you look inside the Vatican, what do you see?  If you look behind the veil, what will you find?
   Remember, the word "occult" means "hidden", and the Vatican is known to be a place of many secrets with secret societies to guard the secrets of the Vatican.  Therefore, if you will look inside the Vatican, you will see all of the occultic teachings of ancient Babylon behind closed doors:  for the Pope and all of the Pope's men worship the sun-god in secrecy---while publicly pretending to be priests of God and messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ:  elevating salvation by water baptism above simple faith in Jesus Christ:  for water baptism was also used by the priests of Baal in ancient Babylon, teaching people that water baptism was for the salvation of their souls, thus preparing the people a way to heaven.  The priests of Baal also assumed the power to forgive sins, which the priests of the Catholic Church have continued from Babylon. 
   Therefore, the sun-god of ancient Babylon is the same sun-god of the Catholic Church of Rome, and the Catholic people do not know that they have been deceived. 
   Today's blog is not a happy story, but the story does not need to have an unhappy ending.  For I know that, in my own life, I was once a religious person.  But when I came to know Christ as my Saviour, the Lord taught me the difference between Himself and religion as well as the difference between truth and deception.
   Religion is a masterful work of deception, but when we believe in Christ by faith, we will see with new eyes.  But when the eyes of the world focus on Rome, and not on God, this is a case of misplaced faith.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


   Until Almighty God enables us to see the difference between Himself and religion, we will believe that God and religion are the same; therefore, people of religion believe that all religions lead people to heaven because they believe that God is the God of all religions.  This is the reason people believe there are many ways to heaven because there are many religions in this world, and, they accept the idea that there are many religions because people have different ways in which to express their belief in God.
   If this were true, then the religion of ancient Babylon would have been sufficient, for the people there had one religion.  As time moved forward, however, and as the people of Babylon spread upon the earth, Babylon divided herself in many religions, with different names, because the geneology of all religions upon the earth lead back to Babylon:  for if you follow the DNA of a religion, its roots will lead to Babylon.  Consequently, any religion in the world today has the same elements as the religion of ancient Babylon.  Look at the face of any religion and you will see:  like mother, like daughter.  Just as the faces of children look like their parents, the face of religion has a reflection, or an image, of its mother. 
   Contrary to public and private opinion, however, God is not the god of religion, for in all the various religions upon the earth, there are various gods---as well as goddesses and many dieties.
   In Revelation chapter 17, the Lord refers to Babylon in the feminine gender, telling us:
   Jesus tells us that Babylon is a harlot, or, a prostitute. and that she is the mother of hartots, which means the mother of many prostitutes.  As such, she is dressed as a prostitute in order to lure and entice people to partake in her delicacies.
   And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
   The prostitute is rich, in gold and in silver, and her treasuries are flowing from her collection of fees and favors.  In her is the power to influence kings and nations, and people throughout the world are awestruck at the sight of her throne and her kingdom.  And when her priest makes his presence from behind her veil, people bow to him and kiss his ring. 
   As the New World Order continues to emerge upon the earth, look for one religion to emerge, head and shoulders above all others.  This religion will be Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots.  And just as a mother hen gathers her little ones under her wings, the Mother of Harlots will gather all of her daughter harlots (religions) into herself as one religion will rule the earth.
  As it was in the days of Nimrod at the tower of Babel, so will it be in the last days of human history upon the earth, at which time we will witness a global religion, and it will be evil.
   Knowing God is a serious matter.  Get to know Him:  and flee from religion.
   For there is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus:  who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.  (I Timothy 2: 5, 6)

Monday, April 15, 2013


   Four thousand years ago in ancient Babylon, a religion was created from the imagination of Nimrod at the tower of Babel.
   Nimrod hated God, and in Babylon he created a system that he believed would lead to heaven; and because the people there believed in Nimrod, they also believed in Nimrod's system: for the people were afraid not to believe as Nimrod believed.  In so doing, the people became slaves to Nimrod as well as slaves to Nimrod's religious system. 
   When people are kept in the slave system of religion, in time they forget about God, they forget about human decency, and they forget about freedom.  As slaves, they live like slaves and act like slaves, for, in their minds, they see themselves as slaves all the days of their lives.  Everything in the kingdom is for its leader, for such people as Nimrod, who was worshipped and adored as a god.  Therefore, people owned nothing, for the king owned everything, even the people.  While the king lives a life of luxurious splendor, complete with waiters and waitresses, fine dining and vintage wines, the people are reduced to a state of poverty:  living in filthy sanitation, not even to know how to properly dispose of human waste, which attacts flies and other insects, mice and rats, and diseases arise throughout the kingdom, thus reducing life expectancy.  And with the institution of marriage forsaken, people resort to free sex, or sex with prostitutes, which is the cause of sexually transmitted diseases and early death. 
   Alexander the Great died at age 32---most likely because of a sexually transmitted disease that he acquired during his quest to conquer the world. 
   And during the years of the Roman Empire, life expectancy was merely 25 years because the slaves of Rome lived in filthy sanitation. 
   Throughout the world today, this generation of people have more education than any generation in all of the years of human history:  while the people of ancient Babylon had little to no education.  Yet, this generation of people on the earth today are just as ignorant about God as the people of ancient Babylon, ancient Greece, or ancient Rome.  For people of the earth today are still practicing the same rites and rituals of ancient Babylon even though people today have the abundance of education.
   Today, people all over the world suffer in the stagnant air of filthy santitation, including the lack for proper disposal of human waste. 
  People all over the world are also suffering from fresh water, suffering from hunger, suffering from cold and heat, suffering from the rise of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and they are dying early deaths. 
   Today, Africa has the lowest life expectancy of any continent, and life expectancy in Swaziland is merely 33.2 years. 
   While the people at the top of today's religious and political systems live lives of luxurious splendor, with waiters and waitresses, fine dining, vintage wines, limousines, red carpet, and private airplanes, the people beneath their seats of authority suffer immense pain and sorrow because they are treated as slaves within kingdoms. 
   From this evidence presented today, we should be able to clearly see and understand that religion has no interest in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as stated in the Constitution of the United States.  Religion is a system of slavery:  to capture people and hold them captive all the days of their lives, blocking the minds of people from the knowledge of God as well as shielding people from the love of God:  keeping them in a world of darkness and shut away from the Light of Christ. 
   Religion is paganism:  with pagan gods and pagan priests:  as it was in the days of ancient Babylon, so is religion today.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


   Because religion is the invention out of man's imagination, religion is not real. 
   Therefore, because religion is not real, religion has no life; and, because religion has no life, it has no love.  Neither does religion have any other emotion, such as happiness, sadness---and, yes, not even hate, nor anger. 
   Religion is an attempt to bring life to lifeless objects or entities in order for people to believe that objects or entities have supernatural power.  Such objects or entites include idols of stone, brick, trees, the sun, moon, planets, and stars, and also people, living or dead.  All of these idols are images of a god, or gods and goddesses, reproduced in the minds of people, so that people imagine that the images are real. 
   Religion appears to be the cause for happiness, or the cure for sadness, or the place where people can overcome fear as well as hate. 
   Religion is about substitute love, substitute mercy, substitute grace, and also substitute salvation---neither of which is true:  because religion, by itself, can do absolutely nothing because it is not alive.
   Religion is the place where people attempt to find or receive something that they do not have, but they believe in their minds that they will receive it in religion.
   Religion is dead; therefore, religion can give people nothing while they are living, and neither can religion give people eternal life after death. 
   Religion is a hoax.  It is a perception formed in the minds of people by false teachings from false prophets:  people who appear to be holy representatives of a god, or gods and goddesses.
   False prophets entered Christianity by appearing to be holy representatives of Almighty God, and by also appearing to be apostles and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Today, many false prophets appear to be preachers, pastors, ministers, priests, writers, musicians, and singers.  By their power of deception, they work in slow and in subtle ways to divert the attention of people away from Christ and not toward the Lord by incorporating elements of religion and even paganism. 
   As people accept religion over Almighty God, they are committing spiritual suicide because their faith is in a system that cannot save their souls, nor give them eternal life in heaven:  for religion cannot give something that it does not have to give.  This is why religion is an illusion---a creation out of the imaginations of people, and remanufactured in the minds of people across the generations of human history:  so that people today, in 2013, will live in a world of imagination all the days of their lives.  And because religion is a spiritual illusion, it becomes a spiritual prison:  where people become slaves to the warden, who holds the captive as captives on death row.
   When people refuse the truth of the Holy Bible, trouble is at their doorstep. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


   Then Jesus said to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  (John 8: 31, 32)

   As we have been studying Babylon, let us therefore believe that Babylon is not only a city, it is not only a place, but Babylon is also a system.
   As a system, Babylonianism is an occultic religious system that was created in ancient Babylon, at the tower of Babel, by Nimrod.  Consequently, all religious systems and orders throughout the world are creations out of the imaginations of people, just as the imagination of Nimrod was completed in Babylon.
   Nimrod built a political-religious empire in Babylon, and all empires thoughout human history have been political-religious orders built by men as followers of Nimrod's blueprint.
   Nimrod hated God and he also hated the people who believed in God.  All empires since then have been establishments by people who hate God as well as hate the people who believe in God.
   Nimrod wanted to rule the world, and the goal of men in all empires since that day has been to rule the world.
   Even today, people have been planning for more than two hundred years to build a global empire, which they call the New World Order, which is the same system as old Babylon, but with a new name.  The blueprint is the same. 
   Just as Nimrod built an empire without God, the New World Order will be an empire without God.
   Nimrod's tower of Babel was a work of profound deception, and the New World Order is a work of profound deception:  by people that we would not expect to be workers of evil:  by people who are wolves in sheeps' clothing.  They are preying on unlearned minds. 
   Like Babylonianism, the New World Order is an occultic religious system:  by people that we would not expect to be workers of evil:  by people who are wolves in sheeps' clothing.  They are rich, they are famous, and they are highly educated.  They are preying on unlearned minds.  They hate God, and they hate the people who believe in God.
   The world "occult" means "hidden".  The true leaders of the New World Order are hidden:  not wanting their true identity known (because they are deceivers) they abide behind closed doors of secret chambers.
   Neither do the leaders want people to know that the New World Order is half religion and half politics, so they keep the religious part hidden by keeping the focus of people on affairs such as the economy, unrest in the Middle East, unstability in North Korea, etc.
   The name and face of the New World Order's global dictator is also hidden.  He will not be known until a precise moment in time when he shall stand.  For now, his identity will remain hidden because he will be a beast, and he will terrify nations.


   When you watch television news, when was the last time you heard a happy story with a happy ending?
   When you listen to radio news and read news events in newspapers and magazines, when was the last time you heard a happy story with a happy ending?
   As you watch the faces of people on television and in movies, when was the last time you saw a happy face?
   In the arena of music, when was the last time you heard a happy song with a happy ending?
   Even in Little League baseball games, parents exhibit bouts of aggressive and uncontrolled anger.
   In churches and religious institutions, when was the last time you heard a happy story with a happy ending from a minister, rabbi, guru, pastor, preacher, or pope?
   In politics, look at the faces of unhappy people in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the United States.  In every nation and on every continent, look at the faces of unhappy people.  But also look at the angry faces.
   As stated earlier, empires are built by slave labor and enforced by slave soldiers.  And at the top of every empire is an angry person, who uses violence to control and dominate people. 
   The Bible describes Satan as a roaring lion, walking to and fro upon the earth, seeking whom he may devour.
   As humans, we demonstrate the same personality characteristicsof Satan.  No?  For thousands of years, men have been walking to and fro across the earth, seeking whom they may devour. 
   Across the ages and pages of human history, men and women and even children release anger as the flaming fuel to control and dominate the lives of other people:  to have our own way, to get what we want, and to get others to do as we say do.  In this respect, we are like gods, and, as gods, we want to rule the world---even the little world of our own homes, places of work, places of politics, and also places of religion.  Like Satan, we are as little lions, walking to and fro upon the earth, seeking whom we may devour.  If you do not believe me, try me.  Say something about my family and watch me get angry!  Say something about my political hero!  Say something about my religion!  Say something about my football team, movie star, or music!
   At the same time within this angry world, we scream about peace
   There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked. 
   Anger is a wicked behaviour of humans.  Therefore, there will never be peace in this world because angry people will never be peaceful. 
   Today, it is difficult to find a peaceful place with peaceful people and hearing happy stories with happy endings.  If you find such a place, savor the moment.  For without God in the lives of people, the earth will never be a peaceful planet:  and the angry world that we are presently watching is going to intensify.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


   If you look to the Bible for truth, then you will see the corruption, lies, and deception within this world system in which we presently live.  But if you look to this world system for truth, then you will see the Bible as no more than a religious book of myth and fairytales.
   Which way are you looking?  And on which foundation do you stand?
   Man's religion and man's politics are kindred sisters.  They are twins.  Together, they are deceiving nations.  While they appear to be separate and independent, they are connected by a secret relationship, operating as silent partners, by powerful people in powerful positions.  They are working together to bring all of the people of the earth together, under one big dome, with one political system, one religious system, and with one political-religious leader. 
   If you look to politics and religion for answers, then you are following this world system of corruption, lies, and deception.  But if you look to the Bible for answers, then you will follow God.  These are the two choices that we have before us, and we cannot choose both. 
   Empires are built by slave labor and enforced by slave soldiers.  All of them have used violence to exercise their power over people.  This has been the history of world empires all across the ages and pages of human history, so that this present new empire that is rising is operating by the same DNA formula as all previous empires:  to capture the world as slaves and enforced by slave soldiers.  Its religion and its politics will be violent---though for now they are operating in secrecy as silent partners.  Later, they will lock arms and stand together. 
   The assassination of Jesus Christ was planned by people in secrecy, operating under the darkness of the day, in order to keep their agenda hidden from the people of Jerusalem.  Thus, religion and politics met behind closed doors, as silent partners, to reach their decision to crucify the Lord. 
   Wherever and whenever people meet in secrecy, in dark chambers or behind closed doors, you can be sure that the decisions they reach will be for evil and not for good.  For even today, people in politics and in religion meet in secrecy, in dark chambers or behind closed doors. 
   Beware of silent partners, for they are in secret partnerships, giving birth to secret agendas.

Friday, April 5, 2013


   Evil is the absence of the knowledge of God; and because people refuse the knowledge of God, man has used his imagination to produce works of evil for thousands of years; whereas, people with the knowledge of God have used their imaginations to produce works that are good for people.
   Therefore, a mind that is without the knowledge of God will never produce works that are good because evil minds can only produce evil ways and evil works; for a mind that is resistant to God will never receive the knowledge of God; consequently, good works do not exist in evil minds.  Neither can a mind that is clothed in darkness cannot receive the Light of Christ. 
   When we return to the topic of religion, we can clearly see and understand that Almighty God did not create religion, and neither did Christ, which leads us to ask the question:  Would Almighty God need a religion?  Would Christ need a religion to tell the world about Him? 
   People of darkness seek places to hide from the face of Almighty God, and religion is the place that man invented as a place to hide from the face of Almighty God.
   In religion, man created his own system of worship for the god and gods of his world of darkness.  It is there where religious people write their books of religion, their religious philosophies, their religious laws, orders of worship, and rites and rituals.  It is there also where men give credit to their god and gods for inspiring or blessing them to create religion from their own imaginations. 
   Not only is religion the place for the absence of the knowledge of God, religion is also the place for the absence of the love of God.  Thus, religion has no life and no love because its very existence is in the imaginations of people.  Religion is not based on buildings but rather a concept created in the imaginations of people.  The building is merely the place where religious people gather to strengthen the psychological image that is built within their minds, and it is that image they worship.
   An evil mind cannot accept the Light of Christ because that mind is clothed in darkness, and it is in this darkness where religious people hide.
   At the same time, religious people can pretend to be good people, which is their way to deceive others to believing that their religion is something good; and which is their way to recruit members and to convert their minds to their religion and to be like them. 
   Religious people are deceived people and they work to deceive others---not knowing that they are deceived as well as not knowing that their works are deceiving others.
   When Christ makes Himself known to religious people, however, the Lord offers  a choice:  come out of the darkness and to the Light and be saved, or remain in the darkness of religion. 
   Religion's purpose is to keep people slaves all the days of their lives because religion is a thief.
   Jesus said, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:  I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  (John 10: 10)

Thursday, April 4, 2013


   All of the religions of the world are creations out of the imaginations of men in order to distract and to deceive people from knowing Almighty God.
   Knowing this, then we can also believe that all of the religions of the world are evil although they do not appear to be evil. 
   All of the religions of the world have created ways for people to get to heaven---and, at the same time---religions have created ways for people to avoid hell:  all of which are man's ways and not God's ways. 
   Therefore, choosing a religion is like shopping for a new car, or a new house, or for a new baseball glove.  All you need to do is find one that fits, find one in which you feel comfortable and feel good about yourself, a place where you feel accepted and liked by others.  Once you accept all of these benefits, bingo!  Just sign on the dotted line and you are now a religious person. 
   Satan deceives us through our senses, especially our sense of sight and sense of sound.  And in religion, atmospheres are created to look good and sound good, but also to look holy and sound holy, being led by men in priestly garments:  men who look and sound holy.
   See how it works? 
   The whole purpose of man's religions is to divert people away from God, not toward Him.  Not only does religion divert people away from God, but religion converts people to another way to heaven:  a way that only exists in the imaginations of people, straight from the imaginations of other people. 
   Can you imagine driving a new car?
   Can you imagine moving into a new house?
   Can you imagine playing baseball with a new glove?
   Santa Claus is a work of imagination.
   The Easter bunny is a work of imagination. 
   Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are not real although they appear to be real in the imaginations of people.
    Religion is not real although it appears to be real in the imaginations of people. 
   The evil of man's religions is this:  they appear to be real.  And people can live their entire lives by believing in systems that only exist in their imaginations. 
   This is the reason that religion is out of the house of deception, which is from the mind of Satan:  for Satan is the unseen god of man's religions. 
   Consequently, to follow religion is to follow Satan---and not know that you are following Satan because of his masterful work of deception in the imagination. 
      But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:  in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.  (II Corinthians 4: 3,4)