India has become the first nation on earth to begin a nationwide biometric identification program for every citizen, whereby citizens there are now being registered and cataloged with the government through retinal scans, fingerprints, photographs of faces, which will ultimately lead to the implementation of a microchip on the right hand or on the forehead. India has a population of 1.2 billion people and the government is processing people at the rate of one million every 24 hours. India is doing this under the title of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
Technology is now available in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia that will collect and store data for every person on planet earth. This technology is "an electronic surveillance system grid capable of tracking, tracing, and recording every single movement and communication of every single citizen within a nation's borders."
As discussed earlier, what we are witnessing in India is the beginning of the "mark of the beast", which we have been told will come to past when the global government arises and rules the earth under the leadership of the Antichrist.
The new identification system (mark of the beast) also means is that the entire world will be a CASHLESS society: all money will disappear and people will be unable to buy even groceries without the mark, for the mark will also include banking information such as debit/credit cards, social security numbers, and medical information of all individuals.
For more than 2000 years, Bible prophecies have been telling us that this age will come upon the earth: (1) that the whole will have one government, (2) that the earth will have one church (or religion), and (3) that the earth will have one leader, who is the Antichrist (or false Messiah). The coming of this system, or New World Order, has been outlined in complete detail in the last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
What we are witnessing now is the present future: we are seeing future events happening at this present moment in time. We are watching prophecy being fulfilled in front of our eyes, just as God said this will happen.
You can, however, escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth if you have your faith in Christ for your salvation and you will be taken out of this world with all believers in an event the Bible calls the rapture.
The future is coming at us quickly. This generation of people on the earth today will witness events that no generation of people has ever seen before. In the remainder of this year, 2012, you will see more and more events come to pass, and these events will not be pleasant; neither will they be for the good of the people of the entire world.
The global government that is rising to take over the world will be godless. The world church that is rising will be godless. There will be no human rights whatsoever. There will be no states' rights, or national rights. There will be no freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, nor freedom to bear arms, or even to vote. The world will be a police state and people will be prisoners of the state. Every movement people make will be electronically monitored by the state. People will watch state television, listen to state radio, and read state newspapers.
Even now, there are concentration camps across the United States and in other nations to take people who will not comply with the state. All of these concentration camps are located near railroads and small airports for the transportion of people by state trains. Remember how Nazi Germany used trains to take people to death camps? That system is now in place and ready to be implemented. If you doubt this, Google or Yahoo "concentration camps" and see the evidence. Millions of people will be taken to these camps and executed.
The present future is here and time is running out. In reality, people have one of two choices to make: (1) choose Christ and be saved for your sins and escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth, or (2) refuse Christ and accept this world system.
The messengers of Christ are continuing to speak the truth about Him and also the truth about the future. There will come a day, however, when blogs such as this one will be outlawed. The balance of this year, 2012, will be a tough year for people, and 2013 will be worse. Do not be deceived by thinking that the world's conditions will get better, not even in the United States.
Human history is coming to an end, and on a certain day, at a certain time, people will visibily see the return of Jesus Christ. People will not need television to see Him, for the Light of the Son of God will outshine the sun!
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