Tuesday, February 7, 2012


     The human brain operates exactly like a computer:  data in--data out.
     At birth, a baby's mind is absent of knowledge.  In the course of time, however, his or her little mind receives information.  As toddlers and young children, they do not know the difference between lies and truth:  all they know is information.  All of us are walking and talking books of the data that is in our own minds.
     Thus the programming of a human mind begins in a baby as data is collected, and, in the course of time, the child will walk and believe according to the data:  which psychology calls conditioned learning.
     In the same way, we program computers, which will do no more than the data that is installed by the programmers:  data in--data out.
     You can change the course of a nation by changing the data in children and a nation can establish a new form of government, without a revolution, within two to three generations.  Data in--data out.
     You can change the course of a nation to disbelieve in God by changing the data in children and a nation will become godless in two to three generations.  Data in--data out.
     The programmers of children are many:  parents, relatives, friends, school teachers, Sunday school teachers, preachers and ministers, priests and rabbis, churches and religion, television, school books, childrens books, songs, video games, movies, and even personal computers.  Data in--data out.
     The only way for you to understand and believe the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ is to experience a computer crash within your mind.  For everything that you think you know about Him, because of the data you have received, must come crashing down in order for you to experience the saving grace of Him within your heart. 
     Knowing Christ, therefore, must begin in the heart, not in the mind, and that which is in the heart will transform your mind, enabling you to walk in newness of life.
     The data of Christ is the Word of God:  read it, know it, and you will believe.  New data in and new data out.

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