The official birthday of Jesus Christ is not recorded in the Holy Bible, and for more than three hundred years after the resurrection and ascension of the Lord, believers never celebrated the birthday of Christ because they never knew His birthday.
Suddenly, in 386 A.D., John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, delivered a sermon in Antioch in which he declared that the birthday of Christ was on December 25th. Since that day and since that time, people have been led to believe that Christ was born on that day, all because of a sermon that was founded out of the belief of Paganism:
Horus: born of the virgin Isis-Merion on December 25th, which led to the triune godhead of Osiris, Horus, and Isis: a relationship that features Mother-Son-God.
In the catacombs of Rome there are pictures of baby Horus being held by the virgin Mother Isis, the original "Madonna and Child". And Osiris was identified with nearly every other Egyptian god and absorbed all of those gods with over two hundred divine names.
Attis: born of the Virgin Nana in Phrygia on December 25th.
Krisna: born of the Virgin Devaki on December 25th.
Zoroaster: born of the fifteen-year-old Virgin Dughdhava on December 25th by "an innocent conception by a ray of divine reason".
Mithra of Persia: born of a virgin in a cave on December 25th, and the Vatican is built upon the papacy of Mithra, for virtually all of the elements of the Catholic ritual, from miter to wafer to altar to doxology to baptism are taken from Pagan mystery religions. Born on December 25th, Mithra was considered to be the offspring of the Sun. The worship of Mithra found its way to Rome along with the Eucharist and a Baptism, and a picture of the infant Mithra seated in the lap of his virgin mother with Persian Magi adoring him with gifts. This is why an image of Christ is kept on a crucifix to make it appear that He is still suffering and that He is still dead.
Buddha: born of Virgin Maya, "the Queen of Heaven", on December 25th.
Hercules: born of a virgin on December 25th and she refrained from sex until her god-begotten child was born.
Dionysus: born of a virgin on December 25th.
Tammuz: born of a virgin, Mytilla, on December 25th.
Adonis: born of a virgin, Myrha, on December 25th.
Hermes: born of a virgin, Maia, on December 25h.
Prometheus: born of a virgin on December 25th, descended from heaven as a god incarnate as a man.
Why do all of these deities have birthdays on the exact same day of December 25th? Isn't this strange? And why is the birthday of Christ mixed with the birthdays of Pagan gods?
The answer for Christ's phony birthday is simple: to make it appear that Christ is equal to Pagans, that Christ is dead, that Christ did not resurrect from the grave, and to make it appear that Christ does not sit at the right hand of God in heaven, and that Christ, being dead, will not return again.
The answer to December 25th is also simple because, in Paganism, December 25th is the winter sostice and days begin to be longer and have more sunshine because of the birth of sun gods that were born December 25th. The winter sostice of December 25th is the most unholy day of the year for sun worshippers and pagans gather around the world to worship the sun on December 25th. Pagans therefore have a son god that they worship on that day as they also worship the sun throughout the year.
The first of the Ten Commandments of God is: Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
How, then, can Christians attach themselves to churches and religions that worship the sun, and who are also being led by priests of sun worship?
In the last book of the Holy Bible, Christ addresses the world church by the name of Babylon, for all of the orders of Paganism are out of the teachings of the ancient Babylonians and in the church located at Rome. Christ issues a warning in Revelation 18:17-18, by saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."
Knowing therefore of things that are coming together upon the earth and that all religions will be gathered together in the world church, Christ is saying come out now.
For now you can understand why religions are at war with Christ because leaders of religions do not want people to know the truth about the Son of God; therefore, they believe that they have diminished the power of Christ by mixing Him with all the gods of Paganism; and how religion is teaching people that there are many ways to get to heaven.
In truth, leaders of the religions of the world are worshippers of the sun and they are also worshippers of Satan. For all of those Pagan gods were created out of the evil imaginations of people! They were never real!
Isn't it strange that all of those make-believe gods were born on the exact same day of December 25th?
Isn't it strange that all of those make-believe gods were born of virgins?
Do you see this truth? Do you believe it? Are you going to believe in Christ, or are you going to believe in your Pagan priest, who worships the sun and worships Satan?
Christ is waiting for you to believe in Him and to be saved, even today.
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." (1st Timothy 2: 5)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, sacrificed for the sins of the world.
For the past 2012 years, the messengers of Christ have been speaking for Him. There will come a day, however---and that day could be very soon---when the messengers of Christ will cease to speak.
The Holy Bible tells us that born again believers in Christ will be taken out of this world in an event called the rapture and the messengers of Christ will not be here.
Even before then, however, we will be muzzled as soon as the United States becomes a police state. This is going to happen. The United States and all nations around the world will become a global police state, at which time all civil liberties that we have known will suddenly and unexpectedly come to an abrupt end. Freedom of speech will cease to be for all people and the messengers of Christ will be outlawed.
The wicked, wretched world government that will arise upon the earth is now prepared, all people are at their stations, and in a moment's notice the world could suddenly change. There will be problems and there will be revolution. This will happen.
Remember, too, that millions of Americans have guns, and they will not go down quietly and without a fight. The United States military will turn its guns on Americans and people will die on the streets and in their homes.
Remember, too, that concentration camps have been prepared across the United States and in nations around the world to take people who oppose the rule of law that is coming upon the world.
Remember, too, that the world church that is rising, along with this totalitarian government, will also be evil because people of this world are preparing to worship Satan as they are also preparing a false messiah to arise, who is called Antichirst. This will happen.
According to the Holy Bible, Christ is coming again, and this belief is foundational in the faith of Christians. If, however, your Christian church, or your Christian religion, is not teaching the return of Christ, you are urged to get out of that church or religion and come to Christ for your salvation. If you choose not to come to Christ, you and your children and grandchildren will suffer. This will happen. And if you and your children and grandchildren refuse Christ and take the mark of the beast you will forever be abandoned by God. For by taking that mark, you will have identified yourself as one who believes and worships Satan.
The Lamb of God is speaking to people all over the world. The Lord is speaking through His messengers and He is speaking in His Word, the Holy Bible. There will come a day, however, when the Lord's messengers will be silenced, when the Holy Bible will be collected and burned, and to whom will you turn to in the time of trouble?
In the future, look for the United States to experience a major, devastating earthquake---or it could be several earthquakes. This will happen.
The future of the United States is not going to get better: it will get worse. The future of the world is not going to get better: it will get worse.
Your hope for a better tomorrow is in Christ: without whom, there is no hope for a better tomorrow.
While Christ is still speaking, this is a good time to be listening: and to respond to the words you hear from Him.
For the past 2012 years, the messengers of Christ have been speaking for Him. There will come a day, however---and that day could be very soon---when the messengers of Christ will cease to speak.
The Holy Bible tells us that born again believers in Christ will be taken out of this world in an event called the rapture and the messengers of Christ will not be here.
Even before then, however, we will be muzzled as soon as the United States becomes a police state. This is going to happen. The United States and all nations around the world will become a global police state, at which time all civil liberties that we have known will suddenly and unexpectedly come to an abrupt end. Freedom of speech will cease to be for all people and the messengers of Christ will be outlawed.
The wicked, wretched world government that will arise upon the earth is now prepared, all people are at their stations, and in a moment's notice the world could suddenly change. There will be problems and there will be revolution. This will happen.
Remember, too, that millions of Americans have guns, and they will not go down quietly and without a fight. The United States military will turn its guns on Americans and people will die on the streets and in their homes.
Remember, too, that concentration camps have been prepared across the United States and in nations around the world to take people who oppose the rule of law that is coming upon the world.
Remember, too, that the world church that is rising, along with this totalitarian government, will also be evil because people of this world are preparing to worship Satan as they are also preparing a false messiah to arise, who is called Antichirst. This will happen.
According to the Holy Bible, Christ is coming again, and this belief is foundational in the faith of Christians. If, however, your Christian church, or your Christian religion, is not teaching the return of Christ, you are urged to get out of that church or religion and come to Christ for your salvation. If you choose not to come to Christ, you and your children and grandchildren will suffer. This will happen. And if you and your children and grandchildren refuse Christ and take the mark of the beast you will forever be abandoned by God. For by taking that mark, you will have identified yourself as one who believes and worships Satan.
The Lamb of God is speaking to people all over the world. The Lord is speaking through His messengers and He is speaking in His Word, the Holy Bible. There will come a day, however, when the Lord's messengers will be silenced, when the Holy Bible will be collected and burned, and to whom will you turn to in the time of trouble?
In the future, look for the United States to experience a major, devastating earthquake---or it could be several earthquakes. This will happen.
The future of the United States is not going to get better: it will get worse. The future of the world is not going to get better: it will get worse.
Your hope for a better tomorrow is in Christ: without whom, there is no hope for a better tomorrow.
While Christ is still speaking, this is a good time to be listening: and to respond to the words you hear from Him.
And on the day when Christ was crucified for the sins of the world, He said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
One of the great joys of my life is to hear the sounds of children as they laugh and play together and have fun as children should be able to do. This means that the children are happy.
When the global government arises to rule the world with a dictator, along with the world church, everything the world knows and has known will suddenly change.
As discussed earlier, the world church will have nothing to do with God, nor with Christ, nor with the Word of God because the world church will be the dominating religious power throughout the world along with a viscious, religious dictator. Neither will there be any messengers of Christ, for we will have been taken away in an event the Holy Bible calls the rapture.
For us living on the earth now, we are witnessing events that no generation before us ever saw. We are seeing hundreds of Protestant churches deserting Christ in order to join the world church or to join with the religion, Islam, in the new religion, Chrislam, which was invented last year. We will see more defections as we move forward in time.
Secondly, we are witnessing the whole world on the edge of an economic depression, worldwide.
Thirdly, we are witnessing the disappearance of children worldwide as well as the prostitution of children worldwide, even within the United States.
Fourthly, children around the world are continually being used as human sacrifices on the altars of Satanic rituals in religions around the world. Many of the guilty adults participating in this wicked activity are faces you see on television.
When the global government rises to power, you will hear the silence of children from playing and having fun. Instead, you will hear them screaming for help. But who will help them?
Remember Adolph Hitler's camps for children when boys and girls were taken away from their families and placed in camps to be brainwashed to follow Hitler?
The golden age of the United States is behind us. The golden age of Europe is in the past. And for nations that never had a golden age, they will never have one. Even now, age expectancy in most of Africa today is less than fifty years because of the evil that has overtaken the entire continent.
Current events are happening quickly and we will see more events happen quickly, here in the United States and around the world, even in 2012.
As the United States continues to produce and promote evil---on television, in movies, in music, and across the internet and cell phones---and as the United States continues to ratify same-sex marriages, we are watching the resurrection of Sodom and Gomorrah in front of our eyes!
So then, where does that leave children for the future? Where will that leave your children and grandchildren? They will become the targets of all manner of evil. And you will be unable to stop it.
If the truth of today's blog does not disturb you, something is wrong with you. If you are not concerned for children and grandchildren, something is wrong with you. If you still believe that government will fix everything, or if you believe that your religion will fix everything, something is wrong with you because religion is part of the problem!
Christ is the answer and He has always been the answer. If you will simply believe in your heart that Christ is Messiah, and that He died for your sins, He will save you from your sins and you will not suffer in the future tribulation that is coming upon the earth. He will also save your children and grandchildren if you will pray and believe. His salvation, however, must begin with you!
One of the great joys of my life is to hear the sounds of children as they laugh and play together and have fun as children should be able to do. This means that the children are happy.
When the global government arises to rule the world with a dictator, along with the world church, everything the world knows and has known will suddenly change.
As discussed earlier, the world church will have nothing to do with God, nor with Christ, nor with the Word of God because the world church will be the dominating religious power throughout the world along with a viscious, religious dictator. Neither will there be any messengers of Christ, for we will have been taken away in an event the Holy Bible calls the rapture.
For us living on the earth now, we are witnessing events that no generation before us ever saw. We are seeing hundreds of Protestant churches deserting Christ in order to join the world church or to join with the religion, Islam, in the new religion, Chrislam, which was invented last year. We will see more defections as we move forward in time.
Secondly, we are witnessing the whole world on the edge of an economic depression, worldwide.
Thirdly, we are witnessing the disappearance of children worldwide as well as the prostitution of children worldwide, even within the United States.
Fourthly, children around the world are continually being used as human sacrifices on the altars of Satanic rituals in religions around the world. Many of the guilty adults participating in this wicked activity are faces you see on television.
When the global government rises to power, you will hear the silence of children from playing and having fun. Instead, you will hear them screaming for help. But who will help them?
Remember Adolph Hitler's camps for children when boys and girls were taken away from their families and placed in camps to be brainwashed to follow Hitler?
The golden age of the United States is behind us. The golden age of Europe is in the past. And for nations that never had a golden age, they will never have one. Even now, age expectancy in most of Africa today is less than fifty years because of the evil that has overtaken the entire continent.
Current events are happening quickly and we will see more events happen quickly, here in the United States and around the world, even in 2012.
As the United States continues to produce and promote evil---on television, in movies, in music, and across the internet and cell phones---and as the United States continues to ratify same-sex marriages, we are watching the resurrection of Sodom and Gomorrah in front of our eyes!
So then, where does that leave children for the future? Where will that leave your children and grandchildren? They will become the targets of all manner of evil. And you will be unable to stop it.
If the truth of today's blog does not disturb you, something is wrong with you. If you are not concerned for children and grandchildren, something is wrong with you. If you still believe that government will fix everything, or if you believe that your religion will fix everything, something is wrong with you because religion is part of the problem!
Christ is the answer and He has always been the answer. If you will simply believe in your heart that Christ is Messiah, and that He died for your sins, He will save you from your sins and you will not suffer in the future tribulation that is coming upon the earth. He will also save your children and grandchildren if you will pray and believe. His salvation, however, must begin with you!
Monday, February 27, 2012
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24: 3,4,11)
The disciples had questions for Christ and the first words out of the Saviour's mouth were: take heed that no man deceive you.
Religious people have the mental capacity of little children.
Regardless of their wonderful educations, with high school diplomas, college degrees, and even Ph.Ds, when it comes to religious matters, they are as little children. This plan has worked since they were toddlers and it works until the day they die because the system never changes.
For in religion, there is an order of worship, and this system never changes; therefore, people are taught where to sit, when to stand, when to bow, what to say and how to say it, when to say amen, and when and how to move forward to receive their reward for being good little boys and girls, which works in the same way as receiving a piece of candy or a stick of chewing gum. Then they all trot along home, trying to be good little boys and girls, before they arrive at their meeting places for another dose of prescribed medication at their prescribed time.
For in religion, too, children are taught that certain people are holy people, that water is holy (or can be made holy by holy people) and that everything about their religion is also holy, even the statues and relics made by human hands. Their books are also considered to be holy because they were written out of the minds of the holy people of their holy religion.
Added to this, people of religion are taught that to believe anything else is a sin, or that if they forsake their religion they will go to hell. Thus with fear of guilt and shame, they dare not look another way or their holy people will not be happy with them; and of course they want their holy people to be proud of them, just as little children want their parents to be proud of the.
Consequently, the religious experience of religious people, throughout their entire lives, is lived and practiced in the same way from the time they are toddlers until the day they die: as little children.
Even as we continuously write about the truth of Christ, the truth about religion, and the truth about deception, only the Holy Spirit can convince you or any other person the truth. Only the Holy Spirit can convince you that Christ can save you from your sins. Only the Holy Spirit can deliver you from the imprisonment of religion. And did you know that you will never be saved from your sin unless you want to be saved?
As shared with you several times, not only did Christ save me from my sins in 1995, but the Lord also delivered me from my spiritual imprisonment in religion. This is how I know, from personal experience, what religion can do in a person's mind. Therefore, had it not been for Christ, I would still be as a little child. For now I can speak for Christ; whereas before, I had nothing to say for Christ because I did not know Him. All I could talk about then was religion. In like manner, people of religion today cannot speak for Christ because they do not know Him. All they know is religion.
Religion is the seat of mass deception and its leaders are deceivers.
Jesus said, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Christ wants us to grow up and become spiritual adults, and not to remain as little children.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24: 3,4,11)
The disciples had questions for Christ and the first words out of the Saviour's mouth were: take heed that no man deceive you.
Religious people have the mental capacity of little children.
Regardless of their wonderful educations, with high school diplomas, college degrees, and even Ph.Ds, when it comes to religious matters, they are as little children. This plan has worked since they were toddlers and it works until the day they die because the system never changes.
For in religion, there is an order of worship, and this system never changes; therefore, people are taught where to sit, when to stand, when to bow, what to say and how to say it, when to say amen, and when and how to move forward to receive their reward for being good little boys and girls, which works in the same way as receiving a piece of candy or a stick of chewing gum. Then they all trot along home, trying to be good little boys and girls, before they arrive at their meeting places for another dose of prescribed medication at their prescribed time.
For in religion, too, children are taught that certain people are holy people, that water is holy (or can be made holy by holy people) and that everything about their religion is also holy, even the statues and relics made by human hands. Their books are also considered to be holy because they were written out of the minds of the holy people of their holy religion.
Added to this, people of religion are taught that to believe anything else is a sin, or that if they forsake their religion they will go to hell. Thus with fear of guilt and shame, they dare not look another way or their holy people will not be happy with them; and of course they want their holy people to be proud of them, just as little children want their parents to be proud of the.
Consequently, the religious experience of religious people, throughout their entire lives, is lived and practiced in the same way from the time they are toddlers until the day they die: as little children.
Even as we continuously write about the truth of Christ, the truth about religion, and the truth about deception, only the Holy Spirit can convince you or any other person the truth. Only the Holy Spirit can convince you that Christ can save you from your sins. Only the Holy Spirit can deliver you from the imprisonment of religion. And did you know that you will never be saved from your sin unless you want to be saved?
As shared with you several times, not only did Christ save me from my sins in 1995, but the Lord also delivered me from my spiritual imprisonment in religion. This is how I know, from personal experience, what religion can do in a person's mind. Therefore, had it not been for Christ, I would still be as a little child. For now I can speak for Christ; whereas before, I had nothing to say for Christ because I did not know Him. All I could talk about then was religion. In like manner, people of religion today cannot speak for Christ because they do not know Him. All they know is religion.
Religion is the seat of mass deception and its leaders are deceivers.
Jesus said, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Christ wants us to grow up and become spiritual adults, and not to remain as little children.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Karl Marx said, "religion is opium of the people."
As we have been discussing, man created all of the religions of the world. God did not influence men to create religions and neither did the Son of God come to earth to initiate a religion.
Kark Marx is therefore correct in his assessment of man's addiction to religion, for once religion is embedded in the minds of people, religion becomes their spiritual drug and people become addicted to religion. They are "hooked" and they return to their religious stations for their prescription medication on a regular schedule, just as their spiritual doctors prescribe.
Once people are addicted to religion, they accept the words of their spiritual leaders---their ministers, pastors, and priests---and thus they are easy subjects to believe in other ways to live their lives and in other ways to believe that they can get to heaven without Jesus Christ; for even in some Christian churches and in Christian religions, people are taught other ways to get to heaven without Christ.
Now that they are addicted to religion and because they believe in the words of their spiritual doctors, they resist God, they resist Christ, and they also resist the Word of God; for they are taught to believe that the words of their religious founders are more important than the Word of God.
In fact, the words of their religion, which is in their minds, war against God, war against Christ, and war against the Word of God. Are they Christians? In their minds they believe they are Christians because these are the words their religious doctors tell them to accept. In reality, however, they are religious puppets, just as their leaders are religious puppets, for religion is their drug and their spiritual doctors---the ministers, pastors, and priests---are their pharmacists.
As such, religious people will easily accept the world government that is coming just as they will easily accept the world church that is coming because of their addiction to the drug called religion and they are spiritual prisoners; and at a future time, they will also worship Satan because it is to Satan that the new world government is leading people along with the new world church.
Whereas, if people will accept Christ as their Saviour, not only will the Lord deliver them from sin, but the Lord will also deliver them from their addiction to religion and spiritual imprisonment and they will be free.
But then you may say that you are a religious Christian and you may also believe that you are not being led to worship Satan. If you are not for Christ, however, then you are against Him; for you cannot have your religious drug and also have Christ. And if you resist Christ in order to keep your Christian religion, then your religion is more important than Christ; and if you are influencing others to embrace your religion, then you are also leading others to worship Satan.
This is why religious leaders and false prophets are called "pimps in the pulpits" because they are worshippers of Satan. They are also master deceivers just as their god Lucifer is the master of deception. They wear the uniforms of disguise and deceive people because they look good, sound good, and are able to manufacture the appearance of representatives of God; and because they are masters of deception, they are capable of leading people in churches and Christian religion to accept their words as truth and have them believing that there are other ways to heaven other than Christ.
Do you see why Marx said "religion is opium of people"? Do you believe it? If you therefore see this and believe it, then come out of religion and come to Christ. Let go, come to Christ, and He will save you from your sin and deliver you from the spiritual imprisonment of religion, which has your soul in prison. For it was Christ who died for your sins.
As Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man cometh to the Father but through me.
As we have been discussing, man created all of the religions of the world. God did not influence men to create religions and neither did the Son of God come to earth to initiate a religion.
Kark Marx is therefore correct in his assessment of man's addiction to religion, for once religion is embedded in the minds of people, religion becomes their spiritual drug and people become addicted to religion. They are "hooked" and they return to their religious stations for their prescription medication on a regular schedule, just as their spiritual doctors prescribe.
Once people are addicted to religion, they accept the words of their spiritual leaders---their ministers, pastors, and priests---and thus they are easy subjects to believe in other ways to live their lives and in other ways to believe that they can get to heaven without Jesus Christ; for even in some Christian churches and in Christian religions, people are taught other ways to get to heaven without Christ.
Now that they are addicted to religion and because they believe in the words of their spiritual doctors, they resist God, they resist Christ, and they also resist the Word of God; for they are taught to believe that the words of their religious founders are more important than the Word of God.
In fact, the words of their religion, which is in their minds, war against God, war against Christ, and war against the Word of God. Are they Christians? In their minds they believe they are Christians because these are the words their religious doctors tell them to accept. In reality, however, they are religious puppets, just as their leaders are religious puppets, for religion is their drug and their spiritual doctors---the ministers, pastors, and priests---are their pharmacists.
As such, religious people will easily accept the world government that is coming just as they will easily accept the world church that is coming because of their addiction to the drug called religion and they are spiritual prisoners; and at a future time, they will also worship Satan because it is to Satan that the new world government is leading people along with the new world church.
Whereas, if people will accept Christ as their Saviour, not only will the Lord deliver them from sin, but the Lord will also deliver them from their addiction to religion and spiritual imprisonment and they will be free.
But then you may say that you are a religious Christian and you may also believe that you are not being led to worship Satan. If you are not for Christ, however, then you are against Him; for you cannot have your religious drug and also have Christ. And if you resist Christ in order to keep your Christian religion, then your religion is more important than Christ; and if you are influencing others to embrace your religion, then you are also leading others to worship Satan.
This is why religious leaders and false prophets are called "pimps in the pulpits" because they are worshippers of Satan. They are also master deceivers just as their god Lucifer is the master of deception. They wear the uniforms of disguise and deceive people because they look good, sound good, and are able to manufacture the appearance of representatives of God; and because they are masters of deception, they are capable of leading people in churches and Christian religion to accept their words as truth and have them believing that there are other ways to heaven other than Christ.
Do you see why Marx said "religion is opium of people"? Do you believe it? If you therefore see this and believe it, then come out of religion and come to Christ. Let go, come to Christ, and He will save you from your sin and deliver you from the spiritual imprisonment of religion, which has your soul in prison. For it was Christ who died for your sins.
As Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man cometh to the Father but through me.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them. (II Corinthians 4: 3-4)
As discussed in a previous blog, the god of this world in which we live is Satan and he has, indeed, blinded the minds of them which believe not through his power of deception, working through the teachings of government, religion, and philosophies to keep God out of the minds of people, to persuade people that God is not on His throne, and to convince people that Christ did not arise from the dead, and that Christ has no power, and that Christ will not return to the earth, which the Lord said He will do.
But Satan has also persuaded people to believe that the New World Order is not a bad thing, that a global government will not come upon the earth, that there will not be a global church, and that there will not be a False Prophet, nor an Antichrist. Therefore, because of Satan's deception, people continue the lives they are living, along with the beliefs they have entrenched in the minds, and they do not want the truth as truth is, but the truth they are living is all the truth that matters to them. They live in their little Camelots, where their little worlds are perfect and undisturbed, and hand in hand they go, skipping down the Yellow Brook Road to live happily everafter.
The Gospel of Christ, however, has been preached for the past 2012 years, people around the world have heard of Him, and even people in churches and Christian religions have heard of Christ, yet Christ, to many church-going people, is no more than a part of their religious atmospheres, in which Christ is about as meaningless as the pews they sit on, for the people standing in their pulpits mean more to them than the Creator of the universe; and the words their ministers speak to them mean more than the Word of God. They do not believe that Christ arose from the dead, and neither do they believe that Christ will come to earth again.
Even with all of the information they do not believe about Christ, they do believe, however, that Jesus was a baby in Bethlehem. But to trust in Christ for their salvation? Never! They believe that their religious devotion to their systems of belief is sufficient to save them and to take them to heaven. To them, all Jesus did was usher in Christmas, a time when we can hang colorful lights and give and get presents, then put baby Jesus back in a box until the same time next year. And as for Easter, they have the bunny rabbit and colored eggs.
Where, then, is Christ to most people in the world today? Where is Christ to people who go to churches and Christian religions? the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them.
The truth of the matter is this: many, many people in churches and Christian religions today are spiritually blind and they do not know it because of the deceptive power of Satan; for even if they read the truth, they still do not want the truth, even the truth about God, from the Word of God.
The Holy Trinity is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So if people do not believe in the Son, what is their belief?
As discussed in a previous blog, the god of this world in which we live is Satan and he has, indeed, blinded the minds of them which believe not through his power of deception, working through the teachings of government, religion, and philosophies to keep God out of the minds of people, to persuade people that God is not on His throne, and to convince people that Christ did not arise from the dead, and that Christ has no power, and that Christ will not return to the earth, which the Lord said He will do.
But Satan has also persuaded people to believe that the New World Order is not a bad thing, that a global government will not come upon the earth, that there will not be a global church, and that there will not be a False Prophet, nor an Antichrist. Therefore, because of Satan's deception, people continue the lives they are living, along with the beliefs they have entrenched in the minds, and they do not want the truth as truth is, but the truth they are living is all the truth that matters to them. They live in their little Camelots, where their little worlds are perfect and undisturbed, and hand in hand they go, skipping down the Yellow Brook Road to live happily everafter.
The Gospel of Christ, however, has been preached for the past 2012 years, people around the world have heard of Him, and even people in churches and Christian religions have heard of Christ, yet Christ, to many church-going people, is no more than a part of their religious atmospheres, in which Christ is about as meaningless as the pews they sit on, for the people standing in their pulpits mean more to them than the Creator of the universe; and the words their ministers speak to them mean more than the Word of God. They do not believe that Christ arose from the dead, and neither do they believe that Christ will come to earth again.
Even with all of the information they do not believe about Christ, they do believe, however, that Jesus was a baby in Bethlehem. But to trust in Christ for their salvation? Never! They believe that their religious devotion to their systems of belief is sufficient to save them and to take them to heaven. To them, all Jesus did was usher in Christmas, a time when we can hang colorful lights and give and get presents, then put baby Jesus back in a box until the same time next year. And as for Easter, they have the bunny rabbit and colored eggs.
Where, then, is Christ to most people in the world today? Where is Christ to people who go to churches and Christian religions? the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them.
The truth of the matter is this: many, many people in churches and Christian religions today are spiritually blind and they do not know it because of the deceptive power of Satan; for even if they read the truth, they still do not want the truth, even the truth about God, from the Word of God.
The Holy Trinity is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So if people do not believe in the Son, what is their belief?
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly would was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (Revelation 13: 3-4)
As we look to the prophetic future as outlined in the Word of God, future events are easy to see and easy to understand, for God wants us to know the truth and to know the future.
The New World Order will produce a global government as well as a world, or global, church. All governments will come together as one and all religions will come together as one: as they are coming together even now.
In the future, look for a world leader to suffer a head wound, perhaps from an assassination attempt. The person will not be killed, however, but people will make it appear that he is dead: but he is not dead. His body will be taken away, there will likely be a state funeral with people weeping because people will believe that he is dead. His death is merely a plan of deception.
At a time later, the man with the head wound will reappear; at which time the False Prophet, the leader of the world church, will point to the man and say he is the messiah, back from the grave. The man with the head that was wounded will be the Antichrist, and people around the world will see him across their television sets: and the people will fall down and worship him because they will believe that he is messiah.
The Antichrist will then receive power from the dragon, which is Satan, at which time people around the world will worship Satan.
Remember, too, that the world church that will dominate will not be a Christian church, nor a Christian organization; for if people had been reading their Bibles they would have known the truth and they would not be there to worship Satan: because they would have known that Christ will come after the Antichrist. For Christ and the Bible will not be included in the world church that rises to power.
The reason the world leader will suffer a head wound and not die is because Satan does not have the power to resurrect a dead person to live again.
At a time at the end of the Great Tribulation, Christ will return to earth to defeat Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. And every eye will see Christ without the aid of television.
For now, however, and in the future to come, look for more churches to forsake Christ and join the world church movement. Also look for religions of the world to join the world church movement. For all of these religious organizations, that have been directly opposed for centuries, will suddenly like each other and desire to peacefully co-exist with one another. Isn't this strange?
Also look for governments to come together as one unit. Governments that have been directly opposed for centuries will suddenly like each other. Isn't this strange?
As the merging of governments and religions continue to happen, also look for an increase in earthquakes, tornadoes, avalanches, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, floods, and volcanic eruptions.
For now, you can either believe in God's Word for truth, or you can believe in the words of men. You can know Christ today and all you need to do is believe in Him and pray to Him and He will save you and give you everlasting life.
As we look to the prophetic future as outlined in the Word of God, future events are easy to see and easy to understand, for God wants us to know the truth and to know the future.
The New World Order will produce a global government as well as a world, or global, church. All governments will come together as one and all religions will come together as one: as they are coming together even now.
In the future, look for a world leader to suffer a head wound, perhaps from an assassination attempt. The person will not be killed, however, but people will make it appear that he is dead: but he is not dead. His body will be taken away, there will likely be a state funeral with people weeping because people will believe that he is dead. His death is merely a plan of deception.
At a time later, the man with the head wound will reappear; at which time the False Prophet, the leader of the world church, will point to the man and say he is the messiah, back from the grave. The man with the head that was wounded will be the Antichrist, and people around the world will see him across their television sets: and the people will fall down and worship him because they will believe that he is messiah.
The Antichrist will then receive power from the dragon, which is Satan, at which time people around the world will worship Satan.
Remember, too, that the world church that will dominate will not be a Christian church, nor a Christian organization; for if people had been reading their Bibles they would have known the truth and they would not be there to worship Satan: because they would have known that Christ will come after the Antichrist. For Christ and the Bible will not be included in the world church that rises to power.
The reason the world leader will suffer a head wound and not die is because Satan does not have the power to resurrect a dead person to live again.
At a time at the end of the Great Tribulation, Christ will return to earth to defeat Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. And every eye will see Christ without the aid of television.
For now, however, and in the future to come, look for more churches to forsake Christ and join the world church movement. Also look for religions of the world to join the world church movement. For all of these religious organizations, that have been directly opposed for centuries, will suddenly like each other and desire to peacefully co-exist with one another. Isn't this strange?
Also look for governments to come together as one unit. Governments that have been directly opposed for centuries will suddenly like each other. Isn't this strange?
As the merging of governments and religions continue to happen, also look for an increase in earthquakes, tornadoes, avalanches, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, floods, and volcanic eruptions.
For now, you can either believe in God's Word for truth, or you can believe in the words of men. You can know Christ today and all you need to do is believe in Him and pray to Him and He will save you and give you everlasting life.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Karl Marx: "enter into men's minds and cast God down from the throne; the theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: abolish all private property; religion is opium of the people."
Adolph Hitler: "How lucky for those in power that people don't think."
William Penn: "Let the people think they govern and they will be governed."
Hillary Clinton: "No government can love a child and no policy can substitute for a family's care."
George Deukmejian: "The difference in golf and government is that in golf you can't improve your lie."
Herbert Hoover: "Where there is a lack of honor in government the morals of the whole people are poisoned."
Denis Diderot: "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
Jonathan Swift: "For in reason all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery."
George Herbert Walker Bush: "A new world order can emerge freer from the threats of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world can prosper and live in harmony."
Jesus Christ: "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in various places. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
The reason the New World Order will be successful is because people throughout the world do not think for themselves. The minds of people have been conditioned to believe in the words of people in government and to believe in the words of false prophets: and not to believe in the Word of God.
God has been removed from the minds of people by people in government and by people in religion; therefore, God does not exist in the minds of billions of people; and their faith has been planted in government and in religion, and people will become slaves to government and slaves to a false church.
People have allowed government and religion to do their thinking for them and to make their decisions for them: and people, like puppets, will become slaves in a world of death and destruction.
There will be nothing pleasant in the coming time of a global government, which Christ calls, "great tribulation".
The door to Christ, however, is still open: pray, and He will answer; pray, and He will save you.
Adolph Hitler: "How lucky for those in power that people don't think."
William Penn: "Let the people think they govern and they will be governed."
Hillary Clinton: "No government can love a child and no policy can substitute for a family's care."
George Deukmejian: "The difference in golf and government is that in golf you can't improve your lie."
Herbert Hoover: "Where there is a lack of honor in government the morals of the whole people are poisoned."
Denis Diderot: "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
Jonathan Swift: "For in reason all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery."
George Herbert Walker Bush: "A new world order can emerge freer from the threats of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world can prosper and live in harmony."
Jesus Christ: "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in various places. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
The reason the New World Order will be successful is because people throughout the world do not think for themselves. The minds of people have been conditioned to believe in the words of people in government and to believe in the words of false prophets: and not to believe in the Word of God.
God has been removed from the minds of people by people in government and by people in religion; therefore, God does not exist in the minds of billions of people; and their faith has been planted in government and in religion, and people will become slaves to government and slaves to a false church.
People have allowed government and religion to do their thinking for them and to make their decisions for them: and people, like puppets, will become slaves in a world of death and destruction.
There will be nothing pleasant in the coming time of a global government, which Christ calls, "great tribulation".
The door to Christ, however, is still open: pray, and He will answer; pray, and He will save you.
The first commandment God gives us is this:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (Exodus 20: 3-5)
Do you bow down to idols or graven images and relics made with the hands of men? Do you bow down to people? Do you pray to and worship the spirits of dead people?
If you participate in any of these activities you hate God according to God's own Word; for if your worship is not of Him and Him alone, then you are an idolator.
Lately, we have been discussing the suffering of children around the world. Why is this happening? It is because children are inheriting the iniquities of their forefathers because God is visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, saith the Lord.
You have the power to change this by coming to know Christ and receiving forgiveness of your sin; but you also have the power to reject Christ, which means that your iniquity will be received by your own children and your own grandchildren.
As a parent, you have the power of influence, and generally children do what the parents do. What you believe they will believe. And the direction you go they will follow. Therefore, are you leading your children toward Christ and heaven, or are you leading your children in the other direction? If your children believe as you believe, their place in the afterlife will be with you; and their lives in the future, even before they die, will be a time of suffering because your iniquities will be passed to them because of your rejection of Christ.
The Holy Bible is very clear about two places after death: one place is heaven with Christ and all people who have believed in Him, and the other place is hell with Satan and his demons and all people who have rejected Christ. According to the Holy Bible, there is no middle room, no waiting room, or no distribution center where you go to wait for people to either pray or pay your way to get to heaven. Heaven or hell is all determined by your own choice while you are living now. The Son of God paid your sin debt when He was crucified in Jerusalem 2012 years ago, and there is no other payment available; neither is there any amount of money people can pay for you to get to heaven.
You have the power to make this choice today. But then ask yourself: what about your children and grandchildren? Will your choice be their choice? Will your future be their future? Will they be in heaven with you, or will they be with you in hell?
These are tough questions. But these questions are true. Therefore what kind of example do you want to be to your children and grandchildren?
Know Christ and know the power of His love and salvation: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (Exodus 20: 3-5)
Do you bow down to idols or graven images and relics made with the hands of men? Do you bow down to people? Do you pray to and worship the spirits of dead people?
If you participate in any of these activities you hate God according to God's own Word; for if your worship is not of Him and Him alone, then you are an idolator.
Lately, we have been discussing the suffering of children around the world. Why is this happening? It is because children are inheriting the iniquities of their forefathers because God is visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, saith the Lord.
You have the power to change this by coming to know Christ and receiving forgiveness of your sin; but you also have the power to reject Christ, which means that your iniquity will be received by your own children and your own grandchildren.
As a parent, you have the power of influence, and generally children do what the parents do. What you believe they will believe. And the direction you go they will follow. Therefore, are you leading your children toward Christ and heaven, or are you leading your children in the other direction? If your children believe as you believe, their place in the afterlife will be with you; and their lives in the future, even before they die, will be a time of suffering because your iniquities will be passed to them because of your rejection of Christ.
The Holy Bible is very clear about two places after death: one place is heaven with Christ and all people who have believed in Him, and the other place is hell with Satan and his demons and all people who have rejected Christ. According to the Holy Bible, there is no middle room, no waiting room, or no distribution center where you go to wait for people to either pray or pay your way to get to heaven. Heaven or hell is all determined by your own choice while you are living now. The Son of God paid your sin debt when He was crucified in Jerusalem 2012 years ago, and there is no other payment available; neither is there any amount of money people can pay for you to get to heaven.
You have the power to make this choice today. But then ask yourself: what about your children and grandchildren? Will your choice be their choice? Will your future be their future? Will they be in heaven with you, or will they be with you in hell?
These are tough questions. But these questions are true. Therefore what kind of example do you want to be to your children and grandchildren?
Know Christ and know the power of His love and salvation: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
The last book of the Bible gives us the prophetic view of events that will take place upon the earth when the world government arises to become a global power as well as when the world church arises to incorporate all the religions of the world.
Prior to the beginning of the great tribulation, born again believes in Christ will be removed from the earth in the rapture. If you refuse Christ before that time, you will be left behind; and if your children and grandchildren have refused Christ, then they, too, will be left behind.
The great tribulation will feature the personalities of the two most powerful people on the earth: the Antichirst and the False Prophet. When they arise to power, all evidence of God upon the earth will be destroyed. All evidence of Christ will be destroyed. Bibles will be collected and destroyed. And God's protection of you, or your children and grandchildren, will be removed. Church buildings across the United States and around the world will become temples and shrines of Satanic worship. The whole world, in fact, will become a Satanic empire.
As the great tribulation begins, many people will suddenly remember that all they had been hearing from the messengers of Christ is true, they will ask Christ to save them, they will be saved, but they must remain upon the earth, suffering immense pain and even death. They will become martyrs for Christ.
The world church that is rising now and which will become a global church will incorporate all the religions of the world under the leadership of the False Prophet, a man possessed by demons. This church will be for the worship of Satan and will include scorery, witchcraft, voodoo, worship of the spirits of dead people, mysticism, and any other religion not mentioned here, but will also include human sacrifice because Satan requires human sacrifice.
The whole world will become a place of godlessness: homosexuality and lesbianism will become behaviors of people on streets of cities around the world; and so will sex with animals and sex with children. All manners of evil will become public exhibitions. There will be no shame, nor blushing.
The world church will have its headquarters in Rome, for we are told this in the last book of the Bible because Rome is the only city on earth that sits on seven hills, or seven mountains. Christ calls this church by the name of Babylon because it will feature all of the evil of the religion of the ancient Babylonians.
The great tribulation will also be a time of nuclear wars. As the Antichirst works to bring all nations under his power, he will have the power to push buttons to destroy nations that object to his will, and billions of people upon the earth will be killed.
During this time, too, the Hebrew temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt, for this event is also foretold in the prophecies of God in the Holy Bible. Upon completion of the temple in Jerusalem, the Antichirst will go to Jerusalem, sit down in the temple of God, and declare himself to be God.
All of the information shared here may sound like a script for another Hollywood movie, but it is not. Whatever you will hear about the New World Order of the future will be lies. All that you will hear about the world church that is rising will be lies.
Jesus said that events upon the earth will return as they happened prior to the flood of Noah as well as events that happened in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those events are coming to pass now and they will be global events in a short time to come. Look how quickly morality has changed in the United States in recent years and displayed in current themes on television, in movies, and in musical concerts of worldly celebrities of music, such as Madonna's Satanic ritual during half-time of the Super Bowl earlier this month. These themes will escalate as we move forward in time.
Today, you can be saved from your sin by acceptance of Christ as your Saviour and escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth. All you need to do is believe in Him, confess to God that you are a sinner, and ask Christ to come into your life and save you.
Remember, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17)
Prior to the beginning of the great tribulation, born again believes in Christ will be removed from the earth in the rapture. If you refuse Christ before that time, you will be left behind; and if your children and grandchildren have refused Christ, then they, too, will be left behind.
The great tribulation will feature the personalities of the two most powerful people on the earth: the Antichirst and the False Prophet. When they arise to power, all evidence of God upon the earth will be destroyed. All evidence of Christ will be destroyed. Bibles will be collected and destroyed. And God's protection of you, or your children and grandchildren, will be removed. Church buildings across the United States and around the world will become temples and shrines of Satanic worship. The whole world, in fact, will become a Satanic empire.
As the great tribulation begins, many people will suddenly remember that all they had been hearing from the messengers of Christ is true, they will ask Christ to save them, they will be saved, but they must remain upon the earth, suffering immense pain and even death. They will become martyrs for Christ.
The world church that is rising now and which will become a global church will incorporate all the religions of the world under the leadership of the False Prophet, a man possessed by demons. This church will be for the worship of Satan and will include scorery, witchcraft, voodoo, worship of the spirits of dead people, mysticism, and any other religion not mentioned here, but will also include human sacrifice because Satan requires human sacrifice.
The whole world will become a place of godlessness: homosexuality and lesbianism will become behaviors of people on streets of cities around the world; and so will sex with animals and sex with children. All manners of evil will become public exhibitions. There will be no shame, nor blushing.
The world church will have its headquarters in Rome, for we are told this in the last book of the Bible because Rome is the only city on earth that sits on seven hills, or seven mountains. Christ calls this church by the name of Babylon because it will feature all of the evil of the religion of the ancient Babylonians.
The great tribulation will also be a time of nuclear wars. As the Antichirst works to bring all nations under his power, he will have the power to push buttons to destroy nations that object to his will, and billions of people upon the earth will be killed.
During this time, too, the Hebrew temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt, for this event is also foretold in the prophecies of God in the Holy Bible. Upon completion of the temple in Jerusalem, the Antichirst will go to Jerusalem, sit down in the temple of God, and declare himself to be God.
All of the information shared here may sound like a script for another Hollywood movie, but it is not. Whatever you will hear about the New World Order of the future will be lies. All that you will hear about the world church that is rising will be lies.
Jesus said that events upon the earth will return as they happened prior to the flood of Noah as well as events that happened in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those events are coming to pass now and they will be global events in a short time to come. Look how quickly morality has changed in the United States in recent years and displayed in current themes on television, in movies, and in musical concerts of worldly celebrities of music, such as Madonna's Satanic ritual during half-time of the Super Bowl earlier this month. These themes will escalate as we move forward in time.
Today, you can be saved from your sin by acceptance of Christ as your Saviour and escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth. All you need to do is believe in Him, confess to God that you are a sinner, and ask Christ to come into your life and save you.
Remember, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.
Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his mailservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Book of Exodus 20: 3-17
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.
Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his mailservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Book of Exodus 20: 3-17
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In modern terms, Absalom was a ladies' man because of his looks and because of his stature in his community as the son of the King. And Absalom knew of his looks, his athleticism, his charm, and people followed him as if he was the king when he had no kingdom.
Absalom's pride was exemplied in his head of hair, which weighed two hundred shekels according to the king's weight, which was a little more than five pounds. Thus he was proud of his hair.
There came a day, however, while Absalom was riding a mule through a forest, his hair caught on a tree limb, pulling Absalom from the mule and he was suspended in the air, unable to free himself from the snare. This enabled his enemies to come upon him and to kill him while he hung in the tree, and thus the revolt against King David came to an end: and so did the life of Absalom come to and end.
All of us are just like Absalom: prideful. And in our pride we revolt against God and believe that we can go to heaven because we think heaven is where we should go after death, and, like Absalom, it doesn't matter that God is on the throne in heaven. God, however, says that we are sinners and that we need to confess to Him that we are sinners as well as to receive Christ as our Saviour because it was Christ who died for our sins.
Because of our pride, we find the idea of sin to be revolting as well; and, like Absalom, we like to believe that others think highly of us when we walk by. Look at me, look at my wonderful education, look at my great career, look at me as a good-deed-doer in my community, look at my house and all of my possessions, and also look at me in my religion, doing all the right things, and surely, when people think about sinners, they are not talking about me.
The example of Absalom's pride was his hair. What is the example of your own pride? What is there that you hang on to and believe about yourself more than anything else?
To know Christ in salvation, you must be willing to abandon everything you think of yourself in order to trust in Him to forgive you for your sins. If there is something you cling to, then you are not humble, and still proud, and you will not confess to God that you are a sinner, and, therefore, you are not saved. That one thought you have about yourself will keep you from knowing God.
For many to most people, that one item that keeps them from knowing Christ is twofold: (1) people judge themselves to be good enough to go to heaven by their own self-righteousness, or (2) they see themselves justified by their religion. But as stated earlier and many times, all religions are created by men and not by God; for if you cling to your religion to go to heaven, your faith is therefore in the words of men and not according to the Word of God.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comes to the Father but through me.
So the question for you to answer is this: are you going to die with your faith in the words of men, or are you going to die with your faith in Christ?
Or, will you be like Absalom, and die by your hair: for your own hair is that something that you will cling to: something within yourself that you will not let go. What is it? When you die, however, you will let go of it, for you will take nothing with you when you die, not even those good thoughts you have about yourself.
God wants you to be in heaven with Him, but you must be willing to let go: and let God be God. There is no other way.
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
The Bible is the Word of God from the mind of God, which is the knowledge of God. For us who read the Bible, we take on the knowledge of God; whereas religion is "a bond between humans and gods".
Religion is a creation of men from the knowledge of men, and if you are in religion you have the knowledge of men and not the knowledge of God, for God never commanded men to create religion; therefore, religion is a spiritual war against God because people are taught to believe that their way is a better way than God's way, which we are told in the Word of God. For God is not in man's religion, and neither is Christ. Religion is deception and it only appears that God is in religion even though He is not. We are deceived by sight and sound and by people who appear to be representatives of God.
The Bible has been translated to more languages than any book in all of human history because God wants us to know Him, to know of the love He has for us, and to live our lives in accordance to His Word and not according to the words of men.
Without the Bible, we would not have the story of God's creation of the universe, which includes His creation of earth, and His creation of human life. We would not know God's plan for us now and neither would we know God's plan for the future.
Without the Bible, we would not have the written story about the birth of Christ, His crucifixion for the sins of the world, His resurrection from death, His ascension to heaven, nor of His return to earth.
Without the Bible, we would not have the Ten Commandments, we would not have the institution of marriage between men and women, we would not have the season we call Christmas, nor the season we call Easter, and we would not have God's written plan for salvation in Christ Jesus.
Over the past 2012 years, men and women have gone to churches to get married: with a minister of the Lord present, to take their marriage vows from the Word of the Lord, in the presence of God and witnesses.
Over the past 2012 years, people have had their funerals in churches: with a minister of the Lord present, reading from the Word of the Lord.
So then, if the Word of the Lord is accepted for marriage and for funerals, would it be common sense to believe that the Word of the Lord would be good for us in between marriage and death?
Without the Bible, we would not have the knowledge of morality, for the Bible is a guidepost of how people can live in a civilized manner; for as the knowledge of God increases in this world, man's uncivilized nature decreases; but as God's knowledge decreases, man's uncivilized nature increases.
There are many Bible-believing churches and born again believers in many nations around the world. The United States, however, represents the last nation on earth that is still holding the Light of Christ, for the Light of Christ has gone out in nations around the world: the evidence of which is clearly seen in the immorality of people, along with the unbridled growth of diseases, sicknesses, plagues, and the reduction of life expectancy. People are living less and less years upon the earth in other nations because they have turned their faces against God and against the Word of the Lord.
In the United States, too, and because of the continued growth of evil and immorality of people, how much longer will it be before the United States becomes a godless nation? Our common sense should say something, should it not? Look around us: our nation is the last nation on earth still standing for God, which is a testimony of the Holy Bible.
Be sure and know that the Holy Bible is all about Christ Jesus the Lord: for He is: the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending, the King of kings and Lord of lords, I AM that I am, from everylasting to everlasting, by Him all things consist, and He came not into this world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved.
The Holy Bible is about the love of God, and by His own words, the Lord tells us how much He loves us.
You can hear a reading of the Bible by going to If you do not have a Bible and desire to have one, let me know and we will send one to you. If people in the community where you live desires to have Bibles, let me know and we will send them to you.
Religion is a creation of men from the knowledge of men, and if you are in religion you have the knowledge of men and not the knowledge of God, for God never commanded men to create religion; therefore, religion is a spiritual war against God because people are taught to believe that their way is a better way than God's way, which we are told in the Word of God. For God is not in man's religion, and neither is Christ. Religion is deception and it only appears that God is in religion even though He is not. We are deceived by sight and sound and by people who appear to be representatives of God.
The Bible has been translated to more languages than any book in all of human history because God wants us to know Him, to know of the love He has for us, and to live our lives in accordance to His Word and not according to the words of men.
Without the Bible, we would not have the story of God's creation of the universe, which includes His creation of earth, and His creation of human life. We would not know God's plan for us now and neither would we know God's plan for the future.
Without the Bible, we would not have the written story about the birth of Christ, His crucifixion for the sins of the world, His resurrection from death, His ascension to heaven, nor of His return to earth.
Without the Bible, we would not have the Ten Commandments, we would not have the institution of marriage between men and women, we would not have the season we call Christmas, nor the season we call Easter, and we would not have God's written plan for salvation in Christ Jesus.
Over the past 2012 years, men and women have gone to churches to get married: with a minister of the Lord present, to take their marriage vows from the Word of the Lord, in the presence of God and witnesses.
Over the past 2012 years, people have had their funerals in churches: with a minister of the Lord present, reading from the Word of the Lord.
So then, if the Word of the Lord is accepted for marriage and for funerals, would it be common sense to believe that the Word of the Lord would be good for us in between marriage and death?
Without the Bible, we would not have the knowledge of morality, for the Bible is a guidepost of how people can live in a civilized manner; for as the knowledge of God increases in this world, man's uncivilized nature decreases; but as God's knowledge decreases, man's uncivilized nature increases.
There are many Bible-believing churches and born again believers in many nations around the world. The United States, however, represents the last nation on earth that is still holding the Light of Christ, for the Light of Christ has gone out in nations around the world: the evidence of which is clearly seen in the immorality of people, along with the unbridled growth of diseases, sicknesses, plagues, and the reduction of life expectancy. People are living less and less years upon the earth in other nations because they have turned their faces against God and against the Word of the Lord.
In the United States, too, and because of the continued growth of evil and immorality of people, how much longer will it be before the United States becomes a godless nation? Our common sense should say something, should it not? Look around us: our nation is the last nation on earth still standing for God, which is a testimony of the Holy Bible.
Be sure and know that the Holy Bible is all about Christ Jesus the Lord: for He is: the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending, the King of kings and Lord of lords, I AM that I am, from everylasting to everlasting, by Him all things consist, and He came not into this world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved.
The Holy Bible is about the love of God, and by His own words, the Lord tells us how much He loves us.
You can hear a reading of the Bible by going to If you do not have a Bible and desire to have one, let me know and we will send one to you. If people in the community where you live desires to have Bibles, let me know and we will send them to you.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
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Alexander Scourby |
According to Mr. Scourby's biographical page, he writes:
“I offer you the most rewarding gift you will ever have an opportunity to give someone you love ... the recording of THE HOLY BIBLE ...the world's most important book, and a gift of a lifetime for anyone to receive."
You can hear Alexander Scourby read the Bible by going to
A reading of the Gospel of John, by Alexander Scourby
RELIGION: the word religion was invented about 1200 A.D. and means "a bond between humans and gods".
ATHEISM: came from the French and Greek languages in the 1580s A.D. and means "ungodliness".
EVOLUTION: invented in the 1620s A.D. and was used by Charles Darwin only one time, which was in the closing paragraph of his writing, The Origin of the Species, published in 1859.
CHRISTIAN: from the Greek word, Christos, and believers of Christ were first called "Christians" at Antioch, which is recorded in the New Testament book, The Acts of the Apostles.
CHRISTIANITY: did not become a word until about 1300 A.D.
CHURCH: translated from the Greek word, ekklesia, which means a body of people, and was first used by Christ in the New Testament. Church does not mean a religion, nor a religious system.
BIBLE-THUMPERS: first used about 1843 A.D., which means people who believe in the absolute teachings of the Bible.
SCIENTOLOGY: founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1951 A.D., which is "the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universe, and other life." It includes belief in God, but offers no details or doctrine about God. Dianetics "is called the reactive mind---the hidden part of your mind that stores all painful experiences, then uses them against you. Dianetics will show you what and where the source is and will show you how to handle it, thus putting you in control of your life."
CATHOLIC: from the French catholique and Greek katholikos, this word originated in the mid-14th century and was not applied to the church of Rome until c.1554 A.D.
POPE: this title was not applied to the Bishop of Rome until Leo the Great (440-461 A.D.) and was not claimed exclusively for the Bishop of Rome until 1073 A.D.
ASH WEDNESDAY: originated in the Germanic polytheistic religion, which means "Woden's Day" and mixed with his Norse counterpart, Odin, Woden represents the Germanic god, Wodanaz. Ash Wednesday begins on dies Mercurii, which is the day of Mercury, which is from the ancient Roman god, Mercury. Wodanaz is the god of poets and seers; a shapechanger and healer; a death diety; a god of magicians and leeches.
Since we have been discussing deception, do you see how easily the minds of children can be deceived to believe in religions and systems because the truth has been omitted and replaced by fear, shame, and guilt?
Even as adults, people can continue believing in false systems because they have been taught that other teachings are lies; for even if a young child is taught Communism, he will likely always be a Communist: unless he suddenly receives the revelation of truth and changes his mind. So if a religionist never accepts the revelation of truth, he or she will die in the deception of his or her religion because their faith is in people and in their system, which is not faith in God.
Because the Bible is the Word of God and because God cannot lie, then the Word of God is the Word of Truth from God. Christ died for the sins of the world, not religion nor religious systems invented by man.
ATHEISM: came from the French and Greek languages in the 1580s A.D. and means "ungodliness".
EVOLUTION: invented in the 1620s A.D. and was used by Charles Darwin only one time, which was in the closing paragraph of his writing, The Origin of the Species, published in 1859.
CHRISTIAN: from the Greek word, Christos, and believers of Christ were first called "Christians" at Antioch, which is recorded in the New Testament book, The Acts of the Apostles.
CHRISTIANITY: did not become a word until about 1300 A.D.
CHURCH: translated from the Greek word, ekklesia, which means a body of people, and was first used by Christ in the New Testament. Church does not mean a religion, nor a religious system.
BIBLE-THUMPERS: first used about 1843 A.D., which means people who believe in the absolute teachings of the Bible.
SCIENTOLOGY: founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1951 A.D., which is "the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universe, and other life." It includes belief in God, but offers no details or doctrine about God. Dianetics "is called the reactive mind---the hidden part of your mind that stores all painful experiences, then uses them against you. Dianetics will show you what and where the source is and will show you how to handle it, thus putting you in control of your life."
CATHOLIC: from the French catholique and Greek katholikos, this word originated in the mid-14th century and was not applied to the church of Rome until c.1554 A.D.
POPE: this title was not applied to the Bishop of Rome until Leo the Great (440-461 A.D.) and was not claimed exclusively for the Bishop of Rome until 1073 A.D.
ASH WEDNESDAY: originated in the Germanic polytheistic religion, which means "Woden's Day" and mixed with his Norse counterpart, Odin, Woden represents the Germanic god, Wodanaz. Ash Wednesday begins on dies Mercurii, which is the day of Mercury, which is from the ancient Roman god, Mercury. Wodanaz is the god of poets and seers; a shapechanger and healer; a death diety; a god of magicians and leeches.
Since we have been discussing deception, do you see how easily the minds of children can be deceived to believe in religions and systems because the truth has been omitted and replaced by fear, shame, and guilt?
Even as adults, people can continue believing in false systems because they have been taught that other teachings are lies; for even if a young child is taught Communism, he will likely always be a Communist: unless he suddenly receives the revelation of truth and changes his mind. So if a religionist never accepts the revelation of truth, he or she will die in the deception of his or her religion because their faith is in people and in their system, which is not faith in God.
Because the Bible is the Word of God and because God cannot lie, then the Word of God is the Word of Truth from God. Christ died for the sins of the world, not religion nor religious systems invented by man.
Monday, February 20, 2012
From 1990 to 1999, there were 21,000 earthquakes worldwide resulting in 22,000 deaths.
From 2000 to 2012, there were 1.3 million earthquakes worldwide resulting in 800,000 deaths.
From 2000 to 2012, there have been 49,352 earthquakes in the United States. So far, not one death in the United States has been attributed to earthquakes; yet the United States had more than twice as many earthquakes than the whole world had from 1999 to 1999.
Mexico, California and Alaska experience approximately 800 earthquakes every week.
Not only do earthquakes produce death and destruction, the lives of people are turned upside down as hundreds of thousands of people lose their homes, their jobs, and all of their possessions; and because of damage to fresh water systems, germs and bacteria grow at alarming rates along with the manifestation of diseases.
Jesus said, For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in various places. (Matthew 24:7)
In the last prophetic book of the Bible, we are told of a great earthquake that will come upon the earth, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. (Revelation 16:17) This earthquake will destroy Rome and the amount of energy that will be released will also destroy other European cities.
From 2000 to 2012, there were 1.3 million earthquakes worldwide resulting in 800,000 deaths.
From 2000 to 2012, there have been 49,352 earthquakes in the United States. So far, not one death in the United States has been attributed to earthquakes; yet the United States had more than twice as many earthquakes than the whole world had from 1999 to 1999.
Mexico, California and Alaska experience approximately 800 earthquakes every week.
Not only do earthquakes produce death and destruction, the lives of people are turned upside down as hundreds of thousands of people lose their homes, their jobs, and all of their possessions; and because of damage to fresh water systems, germs and bacteria grow at alarming rates along with the manifestation of diseases.
Jesus said, For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in various places. (Matthew 24:7)
In the last prophetic book of the Bible, we are told of a great earthquake that will come upon the earth, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. (Revelation 16:17) This earthquake will destroy Rome and the amount of energy that will be released will also destroy other European cities.
Jesus Christ has had more impact on human history than any person in the history of the universe.
From the moment Christ was born in Bethlehem, the world began to change; for even as young as two years of age, people sought to kill Him.
Jesus Christ has been, and is, loved by more people than any person has been loved in the history of the universe. Jesus is therefore loved more than any world leader in all of history.
Christ has brought salvation to millions of people, and, in so doing, these believers of Christ have lived better lives than people who have lived without Him. We have peace that the world does not know; and we have the assurance that we know will go to heaven when we die. We have more joy, more happiness, and better health because of our faith in Him and in Him alone.
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2: 10,11).
At the same time, Jesus Christ has been, and is, hated by more people than any person has been hated in the history of the universe.
How can these things be? How can so many people love the Lord and yet so many hate Him? For people do not love and hate emperors, popes, preachers, presidents, kings and queens, but people either love Jesus or they hate him; and there are people with more hatred for Jesus than for Adolph Hitler.
Jesus is the Light of the world and His Light shines in darkness and exposes the sins of people: this is why people hate Him. Emperors, popes, preachers, presidents, kings and queens do not have a light that shines in darkness that exposes the sins of people.
For the past 2012 years, the name of Jesus has offended people. For even at the mention of His name, His Light shines in the darkness of individuals and exposes them as sinners, which causes them great discomfort and even anger; and out of their pride, they curse the name of Jesus.
Did you know there are people in churches today that are offended at the name of Jesus? They say they are Christians, yet they do not like discussions that center on the Son of God. What are they saying about themselves? Their words and their actions speak for their hearts; for if they knew Christ as their Saviour, they would not be offended, would they? So then their own words and actions is a judgment against themselves.
Jesus said, Think not that I have come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. (Matthew 10: 34-40).
So then, do you know why people do not like Christ? And do you understand why there is so much evil in this world? It is because people have rejected the Light of Christ. And without the Light of Christ in this world, darkness falls: as darkness has fallen and as more darkness continues to fall.
Because nations have rejected Christ, those nations have become lands of darkness and evil. And if people of the United States do not turn back to God, this nation also will become a nation of darkness and consumed by evil: and life expectancy will begin a rapid decline just as it has happened in other nations. Diseases will arise and destroy children quickly, just as it is happening now in other nations.
From the moment Christ was born in Bethlehem, the world began to change; for even as young as two years of age, people sought to kill Him.
Jesus Christ has been, and is, loved by more people than any person has been loved in the history of the universe. Jesus is therefore loved more than any world leader in all of history.
Christ has brought salvation to millions of people, and, in so doing, these believers of Christ have lived better lives than people who have lived without Him. We have peace that the world does not know; and we have the assurance that we know will go to heaven when we die. We have more joy, more happiness, and better health because of our faith in Him and in Him alone.
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2: 10,11).
At the same time, Jesus Christ has been, and is, hated by more people than any person has been hated in the history of the universe.
How can these things be? How can so many people love the Lord and yet so many hate Him? For people do not love and hate emperors, popes, preachers, presidents, kings and queens, but people either love Jesus or they hate him; and there are people with more hatred for Jesus than for Adolph Hitler.
Jesus is the Light of the world and His Light shines in darkness and exposes the sins of people: this is why people hate Him. Emperors, popes, preachers, presidents, kings and queens do not have a light that shines in darkness that exposes the sins of people.
For the past 2012 years, the name of Jesus has offended people. For even at the mention of His name, His Light shines in the darkness of individuals and exposes them as sinners, which causes them great discomfort and even anger; and out of their pride, they curse the name of Jesus.
Did you know there are people in churches today that are offended at the name of Jesus? They say they are Christians, yet they do not like discussions that center on the Son of God. What are they saying about themselves? Their words and their actions speak for their hearts; for if they knew Christ as their Saviour, they would not be offended, would they? So then their own words and actions is a judgment against themselves.
Jesus said, Think not that I have come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. (Matthew 10: 34-40).
So then, do you know why people do not like Christ? And do you understand why there is so much evil in this world? It is because people have rejected the Light of Christ. And without the Light of Christ in this world, darkness falls: as darkness has fallen and as more darkness continues to fall.
Because nations have rejected Christ, those nations have become lands of darkness and evil. And if people of the United States do not turn back to God, this nation also will become a nation of darkness and consumed by evil: and life expectancy will begin a rapid decline just as it has happened in other nations. Diseases will arise and destroy children quickly, just as it is happening now in other nations.
According to UNICEF, there are about 150 million children worldwide working streets as prostitutes, even as young as six years of age, including approximately 350,000 in the United States.
In all honesty, however, no one really knows the accurate number of children that are suffering at the hands of depraved men and women because pedeophilia is global and there are millions of pedephiles around the world, preying on little children, every day.
Many of these children are pushed to the streets to produce money by their own parents, which also means that even the parents of little children are depraved.
Pedephiles are everywhere in the world today. They are in your neighborhood, in my neighborhood, on the streets, and also in "white collar" environments. So where is a child safe today?
Pedephiles are in places of education, police, in business and finance, in world government leadership, and also in religions and churches. These people wear nice suits with cuff links, and they also wear appropriate apparel in churches and religions, posing as ministers, pastors, and priests.
Pedephiles of "white collar" environments have pimps to bring them children for sex.
Previously, we have discussed the abduction of children worldwide, and children for prostitution is the number one reason for the disappearance of children.
The minds of little have been destroyed by the depravity of the world in which we live. They never have a normal life as little children. And they will never have a normal life for all of the years they live upon this earth. They are in a world of deep darkness from which very few ever escape.
The Bible tells us about people with reprobate minds: minds that are void of God, and people with reprobate minds will never be saved from their sin.
As we so often write about evil, the danger of the evil in this world today is that people are being led in a direction where God will turn them over to a reprobate mind.
Before Christ returns to earth, the Lord told us that when the world reaches the point when people (1) become like the people before the flood of Noah and (2) when people become like the people of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. People in both of those circumstances had reprobate minds: they would not turn around from their evil, they would not repent for their sins, and God destroyed them.
What conditions do you see in the world today?
Animals and birds take better care of their little ones than man does upon the earth. And the parents of baby animals and baby birds do their best to keep their little ones away from humans.
Do you blame them?
In all honesty, however, no one really knows the accurate number of children that are suffering at the hands of depraved men and women because pedeophilia is global and there are millions of pedephiles around the world, preying on little children, every day.
Many of these children are pushed to the streets to produce money by their own parents, which also means that even the parents of little children are depraved.
Pedephiles are everywhere in the world today. They are in your neighborhood, in my neighborhood, on the streets, and also in "white collar" environments. So where is a child safe today?
Pedephiles are in places of education, police, in business and finance, in world government leadership, and also in religions and churches. These people wear nice suits with cuff links, and they also wear appropriate apparel in churches and religions, posing as ministers, pastors, and priests.
Pedephiles of "white collar" environments have pimps to bring them children for sex.
Previously, we have discussed the abduction of children worldwide, and children for prostitution is the number one reason for the disappearance of children.
The minds of little have been destroyed by the depravity of the world in which we live. They never have a normal life as little children. And they will never have a normal life for all of the years they live upon this earth. They are in a world of deep darkness from which very few ever escape.
The Bible tells us about people with reprobate minds: minds that are void of God, and people with reprobate minds will never be saved from their sin.
As we so often write about evil, the danger of the evil in this world today is that people are being led in a direction where God will turn them over to a reprobate mind.
Before Christ returns to earth, the Lord told us that when the world reaches the point when people (1) become like the people before the flood of Noah and (2) when people become like the people of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. People in both of those circumstances had reprobate minds: they would not turn around from their evil, they would not repent for their sins, and God destroyed them.
What conditions do you see in the world today?
Animals and birds take better care of their little ones than man does upon the earth. And the parents of baby animals and baby birds do their best to keep their little ones away from humans.
Do you blame them?
Sunday, February 19, 2012
India has become the first nation on earth to begin a nationwide biometric identification program for every citizen, whereby citizens there are now being registered and cataloged with the government through retinal scans, fingerprints, photographs of faces, which will ultimately lead to the implementation of a microchip on the right hand or on the forehead. India has a population of 1.2 billion people and the government is processing people at the rate of one million every 24 hours. India is doing this under the title of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
Technology is now available in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia that will collect and store data for every person on planet earth. This technology is "an electronic surveillance system grid capable of tracking, tracing, and recording every single movement and communication of every single citizen within a nation's borders."
As discussed earlier, what we are witnessing in India is the beginning of the "mark of the beast", which we have been told will come to past when the global government arises and rules the earth under the leadership of the Antichrist.
The new identification system (mark of the beast) also means is that the entire world will be a CASHLESS society: all money will disappear and people will be unable to buy even groceries without the mark, for the mark will also include banking information such as debit/credit cards, social security numbers, and medical information of all individuals.
For more than 2000 years, Bible prophecies have been telling us that this age will come upon the earth: (1) that the whole will have one government, (2) that the earth will have one church (or religion), and (3) that the earth will have one leader, who is the Antichrist (or false Messiah). The coming of this system, or New World Order, has been outlined in complete detail in the last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
What we are witnessing now is the present future: we are seeing future events happening at this present moment in time. We are watching prophecy being fulfilled in front of our eyes, just as God said this will happen.
You can, however, escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth if you have your faith in Christ for your salvation and you will be taken out of this world with all believers in an event the Bible calls the rapture.
The future is coming at us quickly. This generation of people on the earth today will witness events that no generation of people has ever seen before. In the remainder of this year, 2012, you will see more and more events come to pass, and these events will not be pleasant; neither will they be for the good of the people of the entire world.
The global government that is rising to take over the world will be godless. The world church that is rising will be godless. There will be no human rights whatsoever. There will be no states' rights, or national rights. There will be no freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, nor freedom to bear arms, or even to vote. The world will be a police state and people will be prisoners of the state. Every movement people make will be electronically monitored by the state. People will watch state television, listen to state radio, and read state newspapers.
Even now, there are concentration camps across the United States and in other nations to take people who will not comply with the state. All of these concentration camps are located near railroads and small airports for the transportion of people by state trains. Remember how Nazi Germany used trains to take people to death camps? That system is now in place and ready to be implemented. If you doubt this, Google or Yahoo "concentration camps" and see the evidence. Millions of people will be taken to these camps and executed.
The present future is here and time is running out. In reality, people have one of two choices to make: (1) choose Christ and be saved for your sins and escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth, or (2) refuse Christ and accept this world system.
The messengers of Christ are continuing to speak the truth about Him and also the truth about the future. There will come a day, however, when blogs such as this one will be outlawed. The balance of this year, 2012, will be a tough year for people, and 2013 will be worse. Do not be deceived by thinking that the world's conditions will get better, not even in the United States.
Human history is coming to an end, and on a certain day, at a certain time, people will visibily see the return of Jesus Christ. People will not need television to see Him, for the Light of the Son of God will outshine the sun!
Technology is now available in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia that will collect and store data for every person on planet earth. This technology is "an electronic surveillance system grid capable of tracking, tracing, and recording every single movement and communication of every single citizen within a nation's borders."
As discussed earlier, what we are witnessing in India is the beginning of the "mark of the beast", which we have been told will come to past when the global government arises and rules the earth under the leadership of the Antichrist.
The new identification system (mark of the beast) also means is that the entire world will be a CASHLESS society: all money will disappear and people will be unable to buy even groceries without the mark, for the mark will also include banking information such as debit/credit cards, social security numbers, and medical information of all individuals.
For more than 2000 years, Bible prophecies have been telling us that this age will come upon the earth: (1) that the whole will have one government, (2) that the earth will have one church (or religion), and (3) that the earth will have one leader, who is the Antichrist (or false Messiah). The coming of this system, or New World Order, has been outlined in complete detail in the last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
What we are witnessing now is the present future: we are seeing future events happening at this present moment in time. We are watching prophecy being fulfilled in front of our eyes, just as God said this will happen.
You can, however, escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth if you have your faith in Christ for your salvation and you will be taken out of this world with all believers in an event the Bible calls the rapture.
The future is coming at us quickly. This generation of people on the earth today will witness events that no generation of people has ever seen before. In the remainder of this year, 2012, you will see more and more events come to pass, and these events will not be pleasant; neither will they be for the good of the people of the entire world.
The global government that is rising to take over the world will be godless. The world church that is rising will be godless. There will be no human rights whatsoever. There will be no states' rights, or national rights. There will be no freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, nor freedom to bear arms, or even to vote. The world will be a police state and people will be prisoners of the state. Every movement people make will be electronically monitored by the state. People will watch state television, listen to state radio, and read state newspapers.
Even now, there are concentration camps across the United States and in other nations to take people who will not comply with the state. All of these concentration camps are located near railroads and small airports for the transportion of people by state trains. Remember how Nazi Germany used trains to take people to death camps? That system is now in place and ready to be implemented. If you doubt this, Google or Yahoo "concentration camps" and see the evidence. Millions of people will be taken to these camps and executed.
The present future is here and time is running out. In reality, people have one of two choices to make: (1) choose Christ and be saved for your sins and escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth, or (2) refuse Christ and accept this world system.
The messengers of Christ are continuing to speak the truth about Him and also the truth about the future. There will come a day, however, when blogs such as this one will be outlawed. The balance of this year, 2012, will be a tough year for people, and 2013 will be worse. Do not be deceived by thinking that the world's conditions will get better, not even in the United States.
Human history is coming to an end, and on a certain day, at a certain time, people will visibily see the return of Jesus Christ. People will not need television to see Him, for the Light of the Son of God will outshine the sun!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Thus saith the LORD, So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)
People are in prison today because they performed the words of their minds. They obeyed their own minds, they committed crimes, after which they were apprehended, tried and convicted, and now they are obeying the words of their prison keepers.
If you have accepted Christ as your Saviour, you have obeyed the Word of God and your sins have been forgiven; whereas if you have rejected the words of the Lord, you are therefore obeying other words and you are going another way. Even if your Christian religion is teaching you another way to heaven other than through Christ, you are obeying those words and not the Word of the Lord, and, instead of going toward heaven, you are going in another direction.
In the world today, there are seventeen nations where life expectancy is less than 50 years of age. Why? Because the people in those nations have rejected God, evil abounds, and diseases are killing people.
For example, in Haiti today more than 80% of the people live in poverty. There is one physician for each block of 10,000 people and 85% of the nation is illiterate. The state religion in Haiti is Roman Catholicism, but the national religion is Voodoo, which can also include sorcery and witchcraft. And although the people practice Voodoo, they also consider themselves to be Catholic because their minds have accepted the words of both religions. Because of the lack of knowledge of something as simple as personal hygiene, Haiti is a harbor of germs and bacteria and HIV/AIDS abounds. The people are suffering and dying and their babies are also born with sexually transmitted diseases and they die as either babies or as young children. The religion of Voodoo had its birth in Haiti.
Across the continent of Africa, life expectancy has dropped by 15 years over the past two decades, and life expectancy across Africa is less than 50 years. In the southern African nation of Swaziland, life expectancy is 32 years. In many parts of Africa today, at least 10% of babies do not live one year. In all of sub-Saharan African nations, average length of life is less than 40 years.
Across much of Africa today, Voodoo is the primary religion. They worship the spirits of dead people, and they also practice sorcery and witchcraft as well as human sacrifice to their gods. They harvest parts of dead bodies of people, which they incorporate in their rites and rituals. Diseases are killing people when they are young and more and more people will die young because evil has overtaken the continent of Africa.
In previous blogs, we have discussed evil indepth, and Africa is a strong example of what evil can do to people. As discussed earlier, too, the word "evil" is used 613 times in the Word of God. God has made it known that evil will destroy people and nations, the evidence of which is clearly visible across the continent of Africa.
So then, if evil can contaminate an entire continent, think about the evil that exists in the United States, as we have discussed indepth as well. Darkness has falled across Africa and darkness has also fallen across nations around the world.
In the United States, as more Christian churchs forsake Christ and unite with paganistic Chrislam, those people will be contaminated with evil, their children will accept evil, and more evil will fall on the United States.
As more Christian churches in America forsake Christ and unite with the paganistic world church that is rising, more people will be contaminated with evil, their children will accept evil, and more evil will fall on the United States.
As the United States continues to create and transmit more evil across television, the internet, cell phones and iPhones, more evil will fall on the United States.
At the present rate of growth of evil in the United States, how long will it be until darkness falls across the land? Will it be a few years, or could it happen within a few months?
As shared with your earlier, too, Madonna's half-time performance during the Super Bowl was a Satanic ritual, televised around the world, nicely packaged in a word we call entertainment. Other individuals as well as other musical groups are also doing exactly what Madonna is doing and giving concerts of Satanic rituals, nicely packaged in a word we call entertainment. And the minds of adults and children are being contaminated with evil.
Jesus said, deliver us from evil, the Word of God says to hate evil as well as to not take on the appearance of evil. As stated, God uses the word "evil" 613 times in the Bible. He wants us to be informed, He wants us to flee from evil, and He also wants us to come to Christ. But if we as a nation do not want God in our lives, guess what? Darkness will fall. And darkness is falling now. In time, evil will overtake the land and the minds of people. Unless we quickly turn to God, evil will come upon us quickly.
Be sure, however, that God's judgment will fall upon the earth, upon nations that have turned evil, and His judgment will also fall upon the United States.
What words do you believe to be true? Then those are the words you are obeying. And those words are either leading you toward Christ, or they are leading you in the direction of darkness.
As messengers of Christ, these things we write to you in order for you to know truth.
People are in prison today because they performed the words of their minds. They obeyed their own minds, they committed crimes, after which they were apprehended, tried and convicted, and now they are obeying the words of their prison keepers.
If you have accepted Christ as your Saviour, you have obeyed the Word of God and your sins have been forgiven; whereas if you have rejected the words of the Lord, you are therefore obeying other words and you are going another way. Even if your Christian religion is teaching you another way to heaven other than through Christ, you are obeying those words and not the Word of the Lord, and, instead of going toward heaven, you are going in another direction.
In the world today, there are seventeen nations where life expectancy is less than 50 years of age. Why? Because the people in those nations have rejected God, evil abounds, and diseases are killing people.
For example, in Haiti today more than 80% of the people live in poverty. There is one physician for each block of 10,000 people and 85% of the nation is illiterate. The state religion in Haiti is Roman Catholicism, but the national religion is Voodoo, which can also include sorcery and witchcraft. And although the people practice Voodoo, they also consider themselves to be Catholic because their minds have accepted the words of both religions. Because of the lack of knowledge of something as simple as personal hygiene, Haiti is a harbor of germs and bacteria and HIV/AIDS abounds. The people are suffering and dying and their babies are also born with sexually transmitted diseases and they die as either babies or as young children. The religion of Voodoo had its birth in Haiti.
Across the continent of Africa, life expectancy has dropped by 15 years over the past two decades, and life expectancy across Africa is less than 50 years. In the southern African nation of Swaziland, life expectancy is 32 years. In many parts of Africa today, at least 10% of babies do not live one year. In all of sub-Saharan African nations, average length of life is less than 40 years.
Across much of Africa today, Voodoo is the primary religion. They worship the spirits of dead people, and they also practice sorcery and witchcraft as well as human sacrifice to their gods. They harvest parts of dead bodies of people, which they incorporate in their rites and rituals. Diseases are killing people when they are young and more and more people will die young because evil has overtaken the continent of Africa.
In previous blogs, we have discussed evil indepth, and Africa is a strong example of what evil can do to people. As discussed earlier, too, the word "evil" is used 613 times in the Word of God. God has made it known that evil will destroy people and nations, the evidence of which is clearly visible across the continent of Africa.
So then, if evil can contaminate an entire continent, think about the evil that exists in the United States, as we have discussed indepth as well. Darkness has falled across Africa and darkness has also fallen across nations around the world.
In the United States, as more Christian churchs forsake Christ and unite with paganistic Chrislam, those people will be contaminated with evil, their children will accept evil, and more evil will fall on the United States.
As more Christian churches in America forsake Christ and unite with the paganistic world church that is rising, more people will be contaminated with evil, their children will accept evil, and more evil will fall on the United States.
As the United States continues to create and transmit more evil across television, the internet, cell phones and iPhones, more evil will fall on the United States.
At the present rate of growth of evil in the United States, how long will it be until darkness falls across the land? Will it be a few years, or could it happen within a few months?
As shared with your earlier, too, Madonna's half-time performance during the Super Bowl was a Satanic ritual, televised around the world, nicely packaged in a word we call entertainment. Other individuals as well as other musical groups are also doing exactly what Madonna is doing and giving concerts of Satanic rituals, nicely packaged in a word we call entertainment. And the minds of adults and children are being contaminated with evil.
Jesus said, deliver us from evil, the Word of God says to hate evil as well as to not take on the appearance of evil. As stated, God uses the word "evil" 613 times in the Bible. He wants us to be informed, He wants us to flee from evil, and He also wants us to come to Christ. But if we as a nation do not want God in our lives, guess what? Darkness will fall. And darkness is falling now. In time, evil will overtake the land and the minds of people. Unless we quickly turn to God, evil will come upon us quickly.
Be sure, however, that God's judgment will fall upon the earth, upon nations that have turned evil, and His judgment will also fall upon the United States.
What words do you believe to be true? Then those are the words you are obeying. And those words are either leading you toward Christ, or they are leading you in the direction of darkness.
As messengers of Christ, these things we write to you in order for you to know truth.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; That no flesh should glory in his presence. (First Corinthians 1: 25-28).
If you think about it, the people in the highest positions of leadership around the world---in business and finance, education, politics, and religion---are some of the most intelligent and educated people in all of human history. Because of their decisions, however, look at the condition of the world in which we live: there is trouble everywhere across planet earth. Did they skip Common Sense 101 when they were in college?
Most of these people in positions of leadership are also the wealthiest individuals in the entire world. They are stripping our pockets for more and more taxes, while, at the same time, they are stripping us of more and more freedoms. And what do we, the people of the world, do? We pat them on their backs and reward them for the good jobs they do for us by rewarding them with our votes for another term in office! Did we also skip Common Sense 101?
For example, if you will study the doctrine of the New World Order you will see that the people pushing this evil regime out on the world's stage want people to die, not to live! They want about 80% of the world's poplulation to die. This is why our world leaders are not concerned for the plight of little children around the world: they want them to die. This why they are not concerned about the traffick of children in prostitution because they are making money at the expense of suffering children. This is why they are not concerned with the traffick of drugs because they are making money and also because they want people to overdose and die. This is why they want God removed from the consciousness of people around the world.
Evil minds is the evidence of the absence of God. Words such as love, joy, peace, mercy and grace do not exist in the minds of evil people. They dwell on evil, and with their evil imaginations, they create more and more evil. They thirst and take pleasure in evil. This is why pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry and they want to poison the minds of people with more evil.
Do you see this?
Do you honestly believe the leadership around the world today has the wisdom to fix the problems they created? Their purpose is not to fix problems, but to make matters worse! For Common Sense 101 to them is evil. And if your agreement is with them and not with God, then you are part of the problem of evil. This, too, is common sense.
For Jesus said, No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24).
So then, what is your choice? Do you want to serve God, or do you want to serve the world? Which one do you love? You action will be your voice.
If you think about it, the people in the highest positions of leadership around the world---in business and finance, education, politics, and religion---are some of the most intelligent and educated people in all of human history. Because of their decisions, however, look at the condition of the world in which we live: there is trouble everywhere across planet earth. Did they skip Common Sense 101 when they were in college?
Most of these people in positions of leadership are also the wealthiest individuals in the entire world. They are stripping our pockets for more and more taxes, while, at the same time, they are stripping us of more and more freedoms. And what do we, the people of the world, do? We pat them on their backs and reward them for the good jobs they do for us by rewarding them with our votes for another term in office! Did we also skip Common Sense 101?
For example, if you will study the doctrine of the New World Order you will see that the people pushing this evil regime out on the world's stage want people to die, not to live! They want about 80% of the world's poplulation to die. This is why our world leaders are not concerned for the plight of little children around the world: they want them to die. This why they are not concerned about the traffick of children in prostitution because they are making money at the expense of suffering children. This is why they are not concerned with the traffick of drugs because they are making money and also because they want people to overdose and die. This is why they want God removed from the consciousness of people around the world.
Evil minds is the evidence of the absence of God. Words such as love, joy, peace, mercy and grace do not exist in the minds of evil people. They dwell on evil, and with their evil imaginations, they create more and more evil. They thirst and take pleasure in evil. This is why pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry and they want to poison the minds of people with more evil.
Do you see this?
Do you honestly believe the leadership around the world today has the wisdom to fix the problems they created? Their purpose is not to fix problems, but to make matters worse! For Common Sense 101 to them is evil. And if your agreement is with them and not with God, then you are part of the problem of evil. This, too, is common sense.
For Jesus said, No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24).
So then, what is your choice? Do you want to serve God, or do you want to serve the world? Which one do you love? You action will be your voice.
In 2005, National Geographic warned of a coming mini ice age for Europe. Is that what we are seeing today all across Europe?
Just this week, The Guilfordian reported: "In Hungary, they're burning bricks of shredded money to stay warm. Homes in Poland are frozen solid."
Since the end of January, more than five hundred people have died in Europe as a result of this snow storm and from temperatures dropping to as low as forty degrees below zero. Homes there have become iceboxes. Homes and villages have been buried in snow. How many more people will die because of freezing temperatures as well as by starvation? Europe's weather has become a straitjacket to the continent, destroying commerce, preventing the rescue of people, and stopping the flow of food. What are Europeans to do in this time of trouble?
On Valentine's Day of this week, tropical cyclone Giovanni destroyed the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, killing people, leaving at least 11,000 people homeless, knocked out electricity and fresh water, and erased 70% of the homes in the city of Brickaville. What are the people there to do in this time of trouble?
In Russia, Vladimir Putin has stopped the adoption of Russian children to families of the United States because of the abuse those children have experienced at the hands of their adoptive parents.
Around the world, children are suffering from sicknesses, diseases, starvation, heat and cold, and from the traffik of children for prostitution. What do these little ones do in their times of trouble? Who hears their cries? It is as if the plight of children is invisible in the world in which we live.
And in the United States, "Oh, my God!" has become nothing more than a catch phrase to another funny joke or a vulgar picture posted on the internet.
On the day when Christ was crucified for the sins of the world, Pilate said to Jesus: What is truth?
The world is in a big mess, a time of desperate trouble. We are being swallowed by evil and we do not see the writing on the wall: MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN (posted on 2-15-12).
When people pray to God, wonderful things happen. But when people ignore God, the Lord sits in silence because our silence is the evidence that we do not want God in our lives.
Just this week, The Guilfordian reported: "In Hungary, they're burning bricks of shredded money to stay warm. Homes in Poland are frozen solid."
Since the end of January, more than five hundred people have died in Europe as a result of this snow storm and from temperatures dropping to as low as forty degrees below zero. Homes there have become iceboxes. Homes and villages have been buried in snow. How many more people will die because of freezing temperatures as well as by starvation? Europe's weather has become a straitjacket to the continent, destroying commerce, preventing the rescue of people, and stopping the flow of food. What are Europeans to do in this time of trouble?
On Valentine's Day of this week, tropical cyclone Giovanni destroyed the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, killing people, leaving at least 11,000 people homeless, knocked out electricity and fresh water, and erased 70% of the homes in the city of Brickaville. What are the people there to do in this time of trouble?
In Russia, Vladimir Putin has stopped the adoption of Russian children to families of the United States because of the abuse those children have experienced at the hands of their adoptive parents.
Around the world, children are suffering from sicknesses, diseases, starvation, heat and cold, and from the traffik of children for prostitution. What do these little ones do in their times of trouble? Who hears their cries? It is as if the plight of children is invisible in the world in which we live.
And in the United States, "Oh, my God!" has become nothing more than a catch phrase to another funny joke or a vulgar picture posted on the internet.
On the day when Christ was crucified for the sins of the world, Pilate said to Jesus: What is truth?
The world is in a big mess, a time of desperate trouble. We are being swallowed by evil and we do not see the writing on the wall: MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN (posted on 2-15-12).
When people pray to God, wonderful things happen. But when people ignore God, the Lord sits in silence because our silence is the evidence that we do not want God in our lives.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Blessed are the poor in spirit:
for their's is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn:
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger
and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful:
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers:
for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted
for righteousness' sake:
for their's is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you,
and persecute you,
and shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely,
for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad:
for great is your reward in heaven:
for so persecuted they the prophets
which were before you.
Words of Jesus: Matthew 5:3-12
for their's is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn:
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger
and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful:
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers:
for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted
for righteousness' sake:
for their's is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you,
and persecute you,
and shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely,
for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad:
for great is your reward in heaven:
for so persecuted they the prophets
which were before you.
Words of Jesus: Matthew 5:3-12
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
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Rembrandt, 1635 |
The hand wrote five words: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN: God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
For many years, people within the United States government and in conjunction with the leaders of other nations have been planning the North American Union. Their goal is to combine the nations of the United States with Canada and Mexico, thus creating the North American Union.
They have been working in secrecy and in slow and subtle ways to transform three nations under one umbrella. At that time, the flag of the United States will come down as well as the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, and Americans will live under a new kingdom, with a new ruler, and new laws.
The monetary system that is being planned is called the Amero, and this system of printing paper money and minting coins is ready to go.
The NAFTA Superhighway is also being planned, which will extend from the Gulf of Mexico, across continental U.S.A, and to link with Canada, which will enable cargo shipments from the Far East to be loaded on trucks at the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas and be delivered to Canada.
We have been discussing false prophets and how they have worked for the past 2012 years to deceive people from believing in Christ, now we can see the truth of false politicians. We have been watching their faces on television for the past twenty years, giving us words of hope with their tongues, while, at the same time, meeting in secret dens of darkness to snuff the lamp in the hand of the Statue of Liberty. And just as God removed the kingdom from the hand of King Bel-shazzar, the Lord is also removing the kingdom of the United States from we, the people, for we are a nation that turned its back against God.
When God's people pray, wonderful things happen; and some wonderful things can happen even now, if God's people will pray: for the future of the United States is out of our hands.
The CDC is reporting the return of measles, a highly contagious disease that inflicts children, and cases in the United States are beginning to be reported.
In the United Kingdom, measles is now an epidemic, according to the CDC.
Across 36 European countries in 2011, there were 30,000 cases; and in Africa, there were 36,000 cases in 2009 and that number has now escalated to 173,000 cases in 2011.
Numbers for the suffering of children are disturbing:
750,000 of children worldwide, from five years old and younger, are suffering from diseases and malnutrition, and, in 2010, nearly one million children, worldwide, died from the silent killers of diseases, malnutrition, cold and heat, and starvation before their fifth birthdays.
According to UNICEF, "Everyday, the equivalent of a major earthquake is killing over 30,000 young children. They die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scruitiny and the conscience of the world."
The plight of children worldwide is virtually invisible.
Approximately 80% of missing persons reports are for children. Millions of children are abducted and most of them vanish, never to be heard from again.
A large percentage of these missing children are from the traffick of child prostitution to feed the evil minds of pedephiles worldwide, and even children as young as three years old are sexually abused. These people take pleasure in abusing children because there is no manner of evil that evil people will not do.
Each and every day, I pray for children worldwide. I pray for my grandchildren and for children I do not know because I know that God cares for them as much as He cares for me.
It is obvious that governments worldwide are not interesting in the suffering of children because of their silence. It is obvious that the news media is not interested in the suffering of children because of their silence. It is also obvious that many churches and religious institutions are not interested in the suffering of children because of their silence.
What, then, must God do in order to get the attention of people? He is doing it now, but it seems that people are sleepwalking through life and more interested in watching television and being entertained, when, in fact, many of the evil people who are sexually abusing young children are on television screens every day: people in governments, in religions, and in entertainment.
Evil people are also masters of deception.
On the day that Christ was crucified in Jerusalem, the Lord was not thinking about Himself, for He was thinking about others, when He said:
Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.
Have you ever wept for a child? Have you ever wept for your own children and grandchildren?
In the United Kingdom, measles is now an epidemic, according to the CDC.
Across 36 European countries in 2011, there were 30,000 cases; and in Africa, there were 36,000 cases in 2009 and that number has now escalated to 173,000 cases in 2011.
Numbers for the suffering of children are disturbing:
750,000 of children worldwide, from five years old and younger, are suffering from diseases and malnutrition, and, in 2010, nearly one million children, worldwide, died from the silent killers of diseases, malnutrition, cold and heat, and starvation before their fifth birthdays.
According to UNICEF, "Everyday, the equivalent of a major earthquake is killing over 30,000 young children. They die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scruitiny and the conscience of the world."
The plight of children worldwide is virtually invisible.
Approximately 80% of missing persons reports are for children. Millions of children are abducted and most of them vanish, never to be heard from again.
A large percentage of these missing children are from the traffick of child prostitution to feed the evil minds of pedephiles worldwide, and even children as young as three years old are sexually abused. These people take pleasure in abusing children because there is no manner of evil that evil people will not do.
Each and every day, I pray for children worldwide. I pray for my grandchildren and for children I do not know because I know that God cares for them as much as He cares for me.
It is obvious that governments worldwide are not interesting in the suffering of children because of their silence. It is obvious that the news media is not interested in the suffering of children because of their silence. It is also obvious that many churches and religious institutions are not interested in the suffering of children because of their silence.
What, then, must God do in order to get the attention of people? He is doing it now, but it seems that people are sleepwalking through life and more interested in watching television and being entertained, when, in fact, many of the evil people who are sexually abusing young children are on television screens every day: people in governments, in religions, and in entertainment.
Evil people are also masters of deception.
On the day that Christ was crucified in Jerusalem, the Lord was not thinking about Himself, for He was thinking about others, when He said:
Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.
Have you ever wept for a child? Have you ever wept for your own children and grandchildren?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Religion is the school for children. Its masters do not want their children to mature and become adults.
Therefore the children of religion arise and go to their classrooms for feeding from the days of their childhoods until their days of older years, then they perish, and their days are no more, for they became obedient to their masters as little children and they remain as children throughout their lives.
For their eyes are upon their masters and their ears attend to their words, and, as such, as obedient children, they remain obedient unto death.
For children in the school of religion, Christ is just part of the story that they have heard for years and years, just another fixture in the framework of their minds, honed by the words of their masters, for their faith is in the voices of their masters, framed and formatted in their minds since they were little children, and for which they remain.
Their textbooks are their rites, rituals, and traditions, which they feed upon in the classroom of their feeding times by their masters, the shepherds of their souls. Their textbooks never change and the teachings of their masters never change; for that which worked on them as children continues to work in them throughout the days of their lives.
Children of religion cannot speak for Christ, for what can they say? It is not Christ who does for them: it is their religion. For neither is Christ in the voices of their masters. It is not Christ who saves them from their sins: it is their religion.
Weeping is the evidence of a person's humility as well as the evidence of brokenness before God. Children of religion, however, have no tears. No tears of humility, no tears of joy: for the lack of tears is the evidence of pride.
For those of us who know Christ, we want to know more of Him every day that we live! For children of religion, however, they return to the tables of their feeding times, sit down before their masters, and
Therefore the children of religion arise and go to their classrooms for feeding from the days of their childhoods until their days of older years, then they perish, and their days are no more, for they became obedient to their masters as little children and they remain as children throughout their lives.
For their eyes are upon their masters and their ears attend to their words, and, as such, as obedient children, they remain obedient unto death.
For children in the school of religion, Christ is just part of the story that they have heard for years and years, just another fixture in the framework of their minds, honed by the words of their masters, for their faith is in the voices of their masters, framed and formatted in their minds since they were little children, and for which they remain.
Their textbooks are their rites, rituals, and traditions, which they feed upon in the classroom of their feeding times by their masters, the shepherds of their souls. Their textbooks never change and the teachings of their masters never change; for that which worked on them as children continues to work in them throughout the days of their lives.
Children of religion cannot speak for Christ, for what can they say? It is not Christ who does for them: it is their religion. For neither is Christ in the voices of their masters. It is not Christ who saves them from their sins: it is their religion.
Weeping is the evidence of a person's humility as well as the evidence of brokenness before God. Children of religion, however, have no tears. No tears of humility, no tears of joy: for the lack of tears is the evidence of pride.
For those of us who know Christ, we want to know more of Him every day that we live! For children of religion, however, they return to the tables of their feeding times, sit down before their masters, and
Monday, February 13, 2012
You are a person and you live inside your body. Your body is therefore your house.
From within your house, your eyes are your windows from which you gather information by seeing, which also includes reading.
Your ears are doors to your mind, which you also use to gather information along with your eyes.
Your mind is your Oval Office and you are the President and Chief Executive Officer of your Oval Office, which is your mind.
You have been given this executive authority by God, who created you, and this executive authority is your free will: the will to choose and to make decisions, which includes your decision to believe in God, or to believe against Him, to believe in Christ, or to believe against Him.
Please remember, too, that when your house (your body) dies, you do not die but will go on living. You will simply vacate your body, at which time others will choose what to do with your body unless you have made preparations for that day.
Know, too, that on the day of your demise, the executive power that has been given to you by God will come to an end, for you will have no power to choose and your position of President and Chief Executive Officer of your Oval Office, which is your mind, will end.
Your Oval Office has been gathering information throughout your lifetime from your eyes and from your ears. What is this information telling you now? What do you believe?
You are therefore solely responsible for the decisions you have made in your lifetime in your Oval Office, and your decisions are ultimately final.
So then, what is your final decision? What is your final answer? If you choose to remain silent about God, then that is your final answer.
If you want Christ to forgive you for your sins, now is the time to speak from your Oval Office. This is the executive decision that you must make, by yourself and for yourself. No one can speak this decision for you. No one can pray you into heaven after your body dies; neither can anyone pray you into heaven while you are living. This decision is on you and you alone.
Please know that many people have been praying for you to make this decision for Christ, and know, too, that others are praying for you even now.
For Jesus said, Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. (Luke 15: 10)
From within your house, your eyes are your windows from which you gather information by seeing, which also includes reading.
Your ears are doors to your mind, which you also use to gather information along with your eyes.
Your mind is your Oval Office and you are the President and Chief Executive Officer of your Oval Office, which is your mind.
You have been given this executive authority by God, who created you, and this executive authority is your free will: the will to choose and to make decisions, which includes your decision to believe in God, or to believe against Him, to believe in Christ, or to believe against Him.
Please remember, too, that when your house (your body) dies, you do not die but will go on living. You will simply vacate your body, at which time others will choose what to do with your body unless you have made preparations for that day.
Know, too, that on the day of your demise, the executive power that has been given to you by God will come to an end, for you will have no power to choose and your position of President and Chief Executive Officer of your Oval Office, which is your mind, will end.
Your Oval Office has been gathering information throughout your lifetime from your eyes and from your ears. What is this information telling you now? What do you believe?
You are therefore solely responsible for the decisions you have made in your lifetime in your Oval Office, and your decisions are ultimately final.
So then, what is your final decision? What is your final answer? If you choose to remain silent about God, then that is your final answer.
If you want Christ to forgive you for your sins, now is the time to speak from your Oval Office. This is the executive decision that you must make, by yourself and for yourself. No one can speak this decision for you. No one can pray you into heaven after your body dies; neither can anyone pray you into heaven while you are living. This decision is on you and you alone.
Please know that many people have been praying for you to make this decision for Christ, and know, too, that others are praying for you even now.
For Jesus said, Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. (Luke 15: 10)
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