Sunday, July 2, 2017

Almighty Man!

   Religion is an imaginary world, an invention from the imaginations of men with imaginary priests of God, imaginary ways of salvation, and with imaginary ways to arrive in an imaginary heaven.  None of it is real, but it only appears to be real in the minds of the congregations that gather to worship images of gods and goddesses with the faces of people etched in granite, painted portraits, or photographs. 
   With all of the intelligence that man believes that he has, why has he invented thousands of religions all over the earth for thousands of years when one religion should be sufficient?
   Clearly, man's intention is to confuse the nations to believe that each religion---or any  religion---will be a gateway, or portal, through which people can leave this earth and become eternal beings in another world.
      "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  how art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:  I will sit also up the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."  (Isaiah 14: 12-14)
   Therefore man, by taking on the mind of Satan, also decided that he will arise above God and become Almighty Man of the earth, Almighty Man of the universe, and Almighty Man of heaven.
   Even after Almighty Man crucified Jesus in Jerusalem, he could not stop the Lord's resurrection from death, and Almighty Man would need to invent more religions to continue his assault against God as well as to confuse the nations to believe that man has a better way, and that better way is man's religions---with people not knowing that man's religions are from the mind of Satan:  for it does not matter to Satan which religion people choose, for all of the doors lead to the door of Satan, which is hell itself.
   Today, only a remnant of people believe in God, believe in Christ, and believe in the Bible.  But had it not been for the grace and love of God, even I would not be in this number of the true believers on the face of the earth. 
   Even now, I see people continuing to enter their houses of religion, and also to enter churches that do not teach the Bible from the pulpit, or have Bible study classes, and the people know nothing about the Bible or the stories in the life of Jesus, yet they raise their hands and say they are Christians, which is not for me to judge, but they continue to pursue the ways of Almighty Man, they still kneel to fake priests of God, still believe in fake salvation, and still believe in fake ways to arrive in a fake heaven, and thereby they are unable to say that Jesus Christ is Lord.
   To them, everything looks so real and so holy, and perhaps even majestic within cathedrals of Almighty Man's methods of architectural design, which must surely be pleasing to their god:  from which they exit and feeling good about everything they did within the building. 
   They say they believe in the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ, yet they continue to kneel to the ways of Almighty Man:  still believing that their religion knows best what is best for them.
   In the congregations of imaginary religion, they do not believe in the word of the Lord, and even the words of Christ is a foreign language to their ears:
      "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"  (Mark 8: 36-37)

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