Tuesday, October 29, 2013


      Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love them.  (I Corinthians 2: 9)

   If God is to be believed, He must be believed by faith, and not by sight. 
   If we believe in God by faith, we can also believe by faith that God knows best what is best for us.
   By the same faith, we can believe that God loves us, even though we do not see Him with our eyes.
   By faith, too, we can believe that Christ died for our sins, and then by faith we can believe He can save us from our sins if we will believe in Him for salvation:  for the name of Jesus means, God is salvation, and the name Emmanuel means, God with us. 
   So then, through Christ, the Lord is the God of my salvation, and Emmanuel, for me personally, is God with me.  Which means that Christ is in me and I am in Him, and together, we are one.  Which now means that Christ and I are bonded.
   Beyond this, we can also believe by faith that all people (as well as myself) who have trusted in Christ for salvation, are also in Him, and Him in us, and together, we are one---and that all of us, together with Christ, have a bonded relationship.
   This bonded relationship of people, through Christ, is the church.  Which means that we, the people of Christ, are the church.  The church, therefore, is a living organism of people, and not an institution, such as the institution of religion. 
   The church of Christ, however, has been confused to mean the churches that have been built as churches of religion, or as institutions.
   When Christ returns to earth, He is returning for His church:  which means He is returning for His people, who believe in Him.  He is returning for the people of His church who have died, and He is also returning for the people of His church who will be living when He returns. 
   By faith, we, the people of the church of Christ, believe that the Lord is coming again, and at that time we will see Him with our eyes as the Lord moves from the invisible to the visible.  And after that, we believe by faith that God knows best what is best for us, and everything thereafter will be beautiful in His sight.
      Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 

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