Monday, October 7, 2013


   Religion is built in the minds of children and children become religious adults.
   Usually, religious adults do not stray from the religious education of their minds that began when they were toddlers.
   Christ is a stranger to a religious mind, and the Lord is also a stranger to the mind of a religious Christian.
   In religious Christianity, Jesus is no more than an image that has been built in the minds of the people; therefore, they can see only see Jesus in their imaginations.  Thus as an idol, Jesus is not real to them:  He is only in their imaginations as a part of their educational process.
   Consequently, the faith of religious Christians is in their religion and not in Christ, for they have been taught to believe that it is their religion that will cleanse them from their sins, and not the Lord:  for their religion is more important to them than Christ.
   The mind of a religious Christian lacks the knowledge of God, for the people are not allowed to read the Word of the Lord, which is the Bible.  The Bible has been removed their educational process and replaced by dogmas and doctrines written by man. 
   Religious Christianity is fake.  It is not real.  It is a false church.  It is designed to deceive people from knowing Christ.
   Religious Christianity is the house of Satan, the god of deception.  And Satan is happy as long as the people keep Christ as an image in their imaginations and not believe in Him with their hearts.
   For this reason, Christ is not the Lord of religious Christianity, for Christ is a stranger.  Neither is Christ the Lord of any religion on the face of the earth.
   For Christ is:  Above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.  (Ephesians 1:21)

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