For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6: 12)
Your greatest enemy today is Satan and not people, for Satan is the instigator of all evil upon the earth.
Your greatest threat to dying an early death is at the hands of a fellow human, who is consumed with the evil of Satan.
Your greatest threat to freedom today is the result of fellow humans, who are consumed with the evil of Satan.
Your greatest threat to peace and happiness today is the result of fellow humans, who are consumed with the evil of Satan: to disrupt your day, to get upset or mad at you, or to turn your television channel.
Your freedom of religion, or to exercise your personal faith in God, will be challenged by another human, who is consumed with the evil of Satan.
Jesus was crucified by people who were consumed with the evil of Satan.
The global government that is rising upon the earth, which is the New World Order, is the work of people who are consumed with the evil of Satan: to control, to dominate, and to enslave the people of the world. And they will kill people who will not agree with them, just as they killed Jesus 2000 years ago.
For you see, hypocrites and vipers abide in egg shells; and they keep their outward appearance polished and in the proper apparel in order to deceive others from knowing the evil of Satan that abides within them.
Humility will take the stinger out of people. But without humility, people will always be stingers in the lives of others.
Because of my pride, I resisted knowing Christ for a long time. But when I humbled myself and confessed to God that I am a sinner, I was able to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior, and then I became a student. And because of this humility, I surrendered my stinger.
As people, our war is not against other people, but we are engaged in a great warfare against Satan, the god of all evil. As long as people resist Christ, they are accepting Satan's evil: but people are unable to see this in the physical because Satan operates in the spiritual. And only Christ can enable us to know the difference.
Jesus knew His enemies because of their pride. We also can recognize our enemies because of their pride. For it is the prideful who disrupt peace on earth, create problems, instigate wars, and kill people: just as it was the prideful who crucified the Son of God.
Humilty before God is the only way to remove our stinger missles.
Your greatest enemy today is Satan and not people, for Satan is the instigator of all evil upon the earth.
Your greatest threat to dying an early death is at the hands of a fellow human, who is consumed with the evil of Satan.
Your greatest threat to freedom today is the result of fellow humans, who are consumed with the evil of Satan.
Your greatest threat to peace and happiness today is the result of fellow humans, who are consumed with the evil of Satan: to disrupt your day, to get upset or mad at you, or to turn your television channel.
Your freedom of religion, or to exercise your personal faith in God, will be challenged by another human, who is consumed with the evil of Satan.
Jesus was crucified by people who were consumed with the evil of Satan.
The global government that is rising upon the earth, which is the New World Order, is the work of people who are consumed with the evil of Satan: to control, to dominate, and to enslave the people of the world. And they will kill people who will not agree with them, just as they killed Jesus 2000 years ago.
For you see, hypocrites and vipers abide in egg shells; and they keep their outward appearance polished and in the proper apparel in order to deceive others from knowing the evil of Satan that abides within them.
Humility will take the stinger out of people. But without humility, people will always be stingers in the lives of others.
Because of my pride, I resisted knowing Christ for a long time. But when I humbled myself and confessed to God that I am a sinner, I was able to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior, and then I became a student. And because of this humility, I surrendered my stinger.
As people, our war is not against other people, but we are engaged in a great warfare against Satan, the god of all evil. As long as people resist Christ, they are accepting Satan's evil: but people are unable to see this in the physical because Satan operates in the spiritual. And only Christ can enable us to know the difference.
Jesus knew His enemies because of their pride. We also can recognize our enemies because of their pride. For it is the prideful who disrupt peace on earth, create problems, instigate wars, and kill people: just as it was the prideful who crucified the Son of God.
Humilty before God is the only way to remove our stinger missles.
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