For many people in the United States, as well as for many people in nations around the world, they live in a dream world: a world of fantasy and make-believe. These are the people with jobs, with money, with homes, and with the necessities of life at their fingertips. For them, not much has changed in this ever-changing world. These are the people who are, for the most part, isolated and insulated from the harsh reality of this ever-changing world.
If we will simply look at the facts, however, we can see that the golden age of the United States is in our nation's history; and the golden age of all nations around the world is also in those nations' history. To make matters worse, the United States will not have a golden age in its future, and neither will any other nation upon the earth.
This writing today is not a doomsday report, but rather an offering about reality.
In reality, people of the earth continue to believe that people can solve all of the problems of people. Yet problems for people only get worse and worse---day by day and year after year! We created the mess we are in, but we want to believe that we can fix the mess all by ourselves---with absolutely no help from Almighty God!
And because people have axed Almighty God out of their lives, as well as out of their nations, evil is overtaking the world: and evil is gaining more ground, day by day and year after year.
Before Christ was crucified in Jerusalem, the Lord warned us about false prophets, He warned us about hypocrites and vipers, and He warned us about a secret conspiracy.
Today, the world is full of false prophets: messengers of false doctrines that give people false hope.
The world is also full of hypocrites and vipers: people who appear to be just and honest people, but they are snakes: dressed in the appropriate apparel that makes them appear to be just and honest.
And the world is under the leadership of evil people in secret societies, and these people control all of the people of the world! Such people abide in man's governments as well as in man's religions, and they are leading us toward the false doctrine of globalization, which is a simple world that actually means the New World Order--when people all over the world will be under the domination and control of a religious-political system, which is global slavery.
Such people have created a dream world in the minds of people all over the earth: that we are presently in a world of little hope, but they will lead us to a new frontier: a world of new hope, new adventures, new prosperity, and a world in which people will be at total peace with one another; a world without guns and killing, and a world filled with love.
And this is a lie! For the leaders in governments and in religions are lying to us! They are lying to us because of their power to deceive. They are as spiders spinning a web over us: to capture us because we are their prey.
Don't worry: be happy.
Don't worry: your government will take care of you.
Don't worry: your religious leaders know best what is best for you.
The leaders of the world today are exactly like Judas Iscariot: they are in love with money, with power, and with prestige. To them, it is their hearts to deceive nations and to control and dominate others by producing a dream world in the minds of people all over the earth. They are greedy, they are evil, and times of trouble are in the future for us.
Almighty God, however, can help us in this hour of need. But we must turn to Him for help; and without Him, there will be no help.
If we will simply look at the facts, however, we can see that the golden age of the United States is in our nation's history; and the golden age of all nations around the world is also in those nations' history. To make matters worse, the United States will not have a golden age in its future, and neither will any other nation upon the earth.
This writing today is not a doomsday report, but rather an offering about reality.
In reality, people of the earth continue to believe that people can solve all of the problems of people. Yet problems for people only get worse and worse---day by day and year after year! We created the mess we are in, but we want to believe that we can fix the mess all by ourselves---with absolutely no help from Almighty God!
And because people have axed Almighty God out of their lives, as well as out of their nations, evil is overtaking the world: and evil is gaining more ground, day by day and year after year.
Before Christ was crucified in Jerusalem, the Lord warned us about false prophets, He warned us about hypocrites and vipers, and He warned us about a secret conspiracy.
Today, the world is full of false prophets: messengers of false doctrines that give people false hope.
The world is also full of hypocrites and vipers: people who appear to be just and honest people, but they are snakes: dressed in the appropriate apparel that makes them appear to be just and honest.
And the world is under the leadership of evil people in secret societies, and these people control all of the people of the world! Such people abide in man's governments as well as in man's religions, and they are leading us toward the false doctrine of globalization, which is a simple world that actually means the New World Order--when people all over the world will be under the domination and control of a religious-political system, which is global slavery.
Such people have created a dream world in the minds of people all over the earth: that we are presently in a world of little hope, but they will lead us to a new frontier: a world of new hope, new adventures, new prosperity, and a world in which people will be at total peace with one another; a world without guns and killing, and a world filled with love.
And this is a lie! For the leaders in governments and in religions are lying to us! They are lying to us because of their power to deceive. They are as spiders spinning a web over us: to capture us because we are their prey.
Don't worry: be happy.
Don't worry: your government will take care of you.
Don't worry: your religious leaders know best what is best for you.
The leaders of the world today are exactly like Judas Iscariot: they are in love with money, with power, and with prestige. To them, it is their hearts to deceive nations and to control and dominate others by producing a dream world in the minds of people all over the earth. They are greedy, they are evil, and times of trouble are in the future for us.
Almighty God, however, can help us in this hour of need. But we must turn to Him for help; and without Him, there will be no help.