How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend about the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isaiah 14: 14)
Bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and pedophiles are angry and violent people.
Like Satan, they want to rule the earth, just as Satan wants to rule heaven and have dominion over God.
Bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and pedophiles want civil law to say that they are normal and that they can marry and be a normal family.
Bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and pedophiles want a religion that will approve their behavior.
Bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and pedophiles do not believe they are sinning against God because they have the approval of their lord and master, Satan, who is their god.
In the religion of Islam, the men believe that Allah has approved of their marriages to child brides, even as young as six years of ago. They do not consider their behavior as sexual abuse of children.
Islam, therefore, is one of Satan's religions on the earth.
At the top of the One World Trade Center in New York City is an Islamic prayer tower. The U.S. Government was secretive about the installation of this prayer tower, but it has the approval of President Barack Obama.
Islam also has the approval of Pope Francis because the pontiff will conduct an interfaith service at Ground Zero in September, 2015---which means that President Obama and Pope Francis believe that people of all nations and of all faiths can peacefully co-exist under one roof, or under one dome, or under one tower.
Therefore, we should be able to believe and understand that the United States and all nations of the United Nations will accept Islam, or a religion of any other name; which also means that pedophilia will be approved by civil law because the law of religion is both civil and religious.
In the 19th chapter of the book of Genesis, two angels came to Sodom to deliver Lot and his family before God destroyed the city. And the men of the city came to Lot's house wanting to have sex with the two angels.
If men are so evil as to desire sex with angels, their desire for sex with children is common and fully accepted among them, so that no child is safe from their depraved minds.
Bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and pedophiles are angry and violent people.
Like Satan, they want to rule the earth, just as Satan wants to rule heaven and have dominion over God.
Bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and pedophiles want civil law to say that they are normal and that they can marry and be a normal family.
Bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and pedophiles want a religion that will approve their behavior.
Bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and pedophiles do not believe they are sinning against God because they have the approval of their lord and master, Satan, who is their god.
In the religion of Islam, the men believe that Allah has approved of their marriages to child brides, even as young as six years of ago. They do not consider their behavior as sexual abuse of children.
Islam, therefore, is one of Satan's religions on the earth.
At the top of the One World Trade Center in New York City is an Islamic prayer tower. The U.S. Government was secretive about the installation of this prayer tower, but it has the approval of President Barack Obama.
Islam also has the approval of Pope Francis because the pontiff will conduct an interfaith service at Ground Zero in September, 2015---which means that President Obama and Pope Francis believe that people of all nations and of all faiths can peacefully co-exist under one roof, or under one dome, or under one tower.
Therefore, we should be able to believe and understand that the United States and all nations of the United Nations will accept Islam, or a religion of any other name; which also means that pedophilia will be approved by civil law because the law of religion is both civil and religious.
In the 19th chapter of the book of Genesis, two angels came to Sodom to deliver Lot and his family before God destroyed the city. And the men of the city came to Lot's house wanting to have sex with the two angels.
If men are so evil as to desire sex with angels, their desire for sex with children is common and fully accepted among them, so that no child is safe from their depraved minds.
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