Wednesday, October 22, 2014

4200 WAYS

   Religion spins a story of fantasy and make-believe in the minds of people, and, with imagination, we have built-in movie projectors that enable us to take the show with us, watching re-runs on the widescreen of our minds and never miss an episode of psychological thrillers in the theater of our own minds.

   Until I met Christ, I never understood the power of religion in the lives of people.
   Until I met Christ, I never understood the power of imagination in the lives of people.
   Until I met Christ, I was spiritually blind, not knowing the difference between religion and God, or God and religion.  To me, the two were the same.  And with my imagination, my mind believed everything that I imagined, even though I did not know that even my own imagination was tricking me to believe that I had salvation in Christ just because I believed in the existence of Christ in my mind.  My trust, therefore, was not in Christ because my trust was in my imagination.  I knew about Jesus in my mind, but I did not know Him in my heart.
   I know my testimony can sound confusing, and perhaps tricky.  Of course, religion is supposed to be tricky!  It is designed to trick people to believe in religion and not to believe in Christ.  There are approximately 4,200 religions in the world today, which means there are 4,200 ways to trick people.
   Whereas, on April 27, 1995, my confusion ended when I met Christ.  For it was on that day when I confessed to God that I am a sinner, and, invited Christ into my life to save me from my sins.  That happened, for I began to see with new eyes as if that day was the first day of my life!
   Now I can understand why Christ comes to us, for it is not we who go to Him. 
   Thus, the reason religion is all about fantasy and make-believe is because religion does not come for any person; instead, people are taken to religion, then they are taken by religion, at which time they become prisoners to religion in the imaginations of their minds.  Religion is therefore a trick that is designed to trap people.
   Until I met Christ, I never realized that religion is the house of Satan.  Satan is the serpent, sneaky and sly.  He's a trickster.  And Satan has 4,200 houses of religion across the earth, tricking people 4,200 ways.  As it is written in the Word of the Lord, the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.  (Second Corinthians 4: 4)
   If you are in a religion, come out of it today and come to Christ. 
   When people die without Christ, all they leave behind is home movies scattered on the floor.

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