Saturday, March 3, 2012


   To believe in Christ, your belief in Him must be by faith.
   To believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God, your belief in the Scriptures must be by faith.
   To believe in the prophecies as given in the Holy Bible, your belief in the prophecies must be by faith.
   To believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on a cross for the sins of the world, this belief also must be by faith.
   To believe that Jesus arose from the dead, is seated at the right hand of God in heaven, and that He is coming to earth again must be believed by faith.
   As it is written, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
   What is the unseen evidence of the things you hope for?  What are your dreams?  What do you visualize when you think about the future?
   What are your thoughts when you think about the coming global government?  Or do you believe that this world government will happen?
   What are your thoughts when you think about the coming world church?  Or do you believe that this world church will never happen?
   What do you think about the coming world dictator, who will rule over civil government as well as rule over the world church?  Or do you believe that this will never happen?
   Where is your faith?  What do you believe in?  Is your faith in a religion, or in no religion?  What is your opinion?  And what is the foundation of the belief on which you stand?
   Do you believe that a world government will fix all of the world's problems?
   Do you believe that a world church will fix all of the world's spiritual differences?
   All world empires have produced evil upon people throughout human history.  So how would a new global empire be different that previous empires?
   All world religions have produced evil upon people throughout human history and even now.  So how would a world church be any different by placing all religions under one roof?
   Where is your faith?  What do you believe?  What is the foundation on which you are standing today?

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