Knowing that God is love and that God's love is manifested in His only begotten Son, we can know the love of God by knowing Christ.
For in knowing God, we can also believe that God created the universe and that He also created man.
In believing this, we can also believe that throughout the New Testament of the Holy Bible, that Christ came to die for our sins and that people, who come to know Him, will tell others about Him, which is the Good News or the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Believing in Him, we can also believe that nowhere in the New Testament did Christ direct or imply that He came to launch a new religion: for Christ is above all nations and above all principalities and kingdoms of men, and Christ is above and beyond all the religions of man, which are creations of men and not from any commandment from God.
Believing in this, then we can also understand the first commandment given by God, which is, Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Therefore we are able to see that any religion that man creates is an abomination to God, for the first building block of religion is corruption: the corruption of God's way toward us; and that religion is built for man and not for God.
To know, then, that God is love, we can also know that God is not in nor is He a part of man's religions; therefore we can believe that the love of God is not in man's religions. Neither is Christ and neither is the Holy Spirit. So then, to understand that the first building block of religion is corruption, all of man's systems within all of man's religions is a continuation of corruption on corruption on corruption. For religion is built on religious laws and commandments, written by men, whereas salvation of Christ is by grace from the abundance of God's love.
The purpose of religion is to block the minds of people from knowing God and also from knowing Christ, who is the Light of the world, and at the end of a religious person's life is death and darkness, not life everlasting, which is in Christ Jesus. If your faith, therefore, is in religion, your faith is not in Christ, for Christ will not allow His holiness to be mixed with man's unholy religions.
Therefore you can easily see and believe that all of the religions of the world are created out of the imaginations of men and not from God, for God has never influenced man to violate God's own first commandment, Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Religion is the great deception, for in man's religions there are many gods, even the gods of people as well as the gods of the spirits of dead people, whom people of religion adore and offer prayers.
Knowing, then, that religion is an abomination to God, you can also believe that religion is evil, for religion is designed to turn your attention away from God, not toward Him.
To know Christ, then you must be willing to abandon your religion: for religion is purposely designed by men to deceive you from knowing God, from knowing Christ, and from knowing the Holy Bible.
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