Tuesday, March 20, 2012


  What is the worst pain you have had in your lifetime, or your worst hurt?
   In your lifetime, have you ever done without anything, been deprived of nothing?
   Have you ever suffered for standing up for something, or for standing against something?
   Have you ever gone without clothing, or without food for days?
   What is the absolute worst of the sufferings you have had in your lifetime? 
   Have you ever been without a family vehicle for even a day in all of your whole life?
   Have you ever missed a meal in all of your life?
   Or has your only suffering been when your pride took a hit, when people were unkind to you, or when you did not get your way, or because someone disagreed with you?  Is that suffering?
   Have you had all of the material possessions any person could have and you are still unhappy because you are suffering because you do not have more?
   Is all of the pain you experience for yourself?
   Is all of your suffering for yourself?
   Are you suffering because you are not getting more attention?
   Would you suffer without television, or cell phones?
   And Jesus said, And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:  for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.  (Gospel of Luke 21: 25-26)
   In the near future, people will witness events that will astonish their minds.  They will not believe the sights and sounds that will fill their eyes and their ears.  People will be in a state of distress, a state of quandry, with a fear of no way out, without resources, and at a loss mentally of what to do or how to understand events that are happening. 
   People are about to witness the worst catastrophies that has ever come upon the earth.  No generation on earth has ever witnessed what we will see in the future. 
   Catastrophies will include the largest and most devasting earthquakes ever upon earth, and the largest tsunamis that have ever washed across lands.  Island nations will disappear and continents will split open and be covered with water from oceans and from breaking dams of large lakes.
   Then there will be the distress from outer space with meteorites, asteriods, and comets.
   In those two verses in the Gospel of Luke, the Lord gives us a portrait of events that will happen before His return to earth.  By knowing Him today, however, you can escape the wrath of God's judgment of the earth and of people who have rejected the Son of God. 
   To know Him, all you need to do is pray, confess that you are a sinner, and ask Him to save you from your sins. 

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