The Holy Bible is the most important book in the world. The Bible is historically accurate in pinpoint detail: of things past, of things present, and of things future.
As stated earlier, God is eternal, His words are eternal, and because the Bible is a written record of God's words, then you can believe that God wrote the history of the future. Even now, events are happening on the earth just as God has said they will happen, and the future will be exactly as God has written.
These are exciting times for Christians even though events upon the earth are not exciting. We are excited about the return of Christ and we look forward to being with Him in heaven for all eternity.
At the same time, we want more people to be saved and to join us with Him in the future. And at the same time, our hearts are reaching out for others because we know that what Christ did for us, He will do for others because of the abundance of love He has for all people upon the earth, a decision you can make by simply believing in Him by faith.
Before Christ returns, however, events must happen as they have been written in order to fulfill the will of God; by this, then, we know that certain things must occur in order to awaken people from their unbelief before they will believe in Him.
As such, here are some events that will happen upon the earth as written in the Holy Bible:
In the future, look for an increase in the magnitude of earthquakes, violent storms, and an increase in plagues and pestilences.
Look for a world leader to suffer a head wound, and though he is not dead, people will be led to believe that he is dead. He will arise at a later time and people will be led to believe that he came back from death, just as Christ arose from death.
Look for a chaotic condition to happen on earth that will enable the world leaders to pull all nations together into a single unit, thus creating a world government with one leader.
Look for a microchip to be used for people around the world, which will be a surgical implant on the right hand or on the forehead. This will be the "mark of the beast" which we are told about in the last book of the Bible. By taking this mark, people will be identifying themselves with the world leader, who is the Antichrist; for people who refuse the mark, they will suffer.
Look for Israel to sign a seven-year peace treaty with ten nations.
Look for Jerusalem to become the capital city of the world.
Look for Israel to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
Look for the United Nations to move its headquarters to Jerusalem.
Look for the Vatican to move its headquarters to Jerusalem.
Look for the Vatican to embrace certain Jews in to the world church, and also look for the Vatican to embrace Islam in to the world church, too.
Moving forward, the world government with its political-religious agenda will produce the greatest evil the world has ever experienced, for all of the leaders and followers will be 100% evil people.
Without Christ, you or your children and grandchildren will be living in these dreadful, evil times. By faith, however, you and your family can escape the future tribulation by accepting Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Christ died for your sins just as He died for my sins and the sins of all peope. But we must acknowledge Him, admit to God that we are sinners, and ask Christ to save us. Forgiveness is available, a gift from God, but you must be willing to receive the gift, which you can do from where you are sitting at this very moment. Christians are praying for you, even now.
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