Wednesday, March 21, 2012


   As we discussed future suffering yesterday, please know that a catastrophy will come upon the earth that will cause people around the world to suddenly panic and look upward for answers.  Terror will arise in their hearts, their minds, and terror will be written across their faces.  People will feel hopeless and helpless as their environments are suddenly turned upside down. 
   This future catastrophy will be a global event.  It could be in the form of a chain of massive earthquakes that will produce utter destruction of cities and nations.  These quakes can also produce giant tsunamis that will wash across cities and nations.  And a future catastrophy could also be nuclear war.
   Whatever catastrophy happens, it will come quickly and without warning.  No longer will people be living with life as normal, or business as usual.  Their schedules, plans, hopes and dreams will instantly change.  Their present world of thinking will, in moment, be focused on the future and how to cope with sudden and massive destruction.
   Today, we look to weather forecasters to give us weather reports in order for us to make plans according to the weather; and we believe the words of their forecasts and know to take umbrellas, wear layers of winter clothing, or to wear short-sleeve shirts, shorts, and sandles. 
   If, at the same time, newscasters were able to give us an accurate forecast of coming destruction, we would believe their words and make plans accordingly in the same way that we take weather forecasts seriously.  Newscasters, however, can only speculate about future news because journalism is about facts that have happened and thereby they report the past and not future guesswork.  News editors are not interested in prophecy.  That is not their business. 
   On the other hand, you can consider and believe that the Holy Bible is a prophectic newspaper of events that are coming upon the earth because the Word of God is written so that you can know that future events have already happened:  we simply have not experienced, or gone through those events, as of today.
   God wants us to know, God wants us to be informed.  God wants us to know that He loves us; for, if He did not love us, He would not inform us of the future and all of us would perish.  And by informing us because of His love, He wants us to be able to escape His wrath that will come upon the earth as evidenced by the very words of Christ:
   For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life(John 3:16)
   Please know, that for me and many people in the world today, it would be more fun to write about peppermint candy and lollipops, about a day at the baseball park, or a picnic by the lake on a lazy afternoon.  But those times are not the times we are living now.  We are living in the most serious time in all of human history, and we are reporting future events that will come upon the earth, which will be much more serious than even this day of March 21, 2012.  Because we believe God's Word, we want you to know that you can also believe God's Word and be saved from the wrath of God.  You must decide, however, whom to believe. 
   Jesus gave us the signs as we reported in yesterday's blog.  If you will believe Him, you will also believe the signs.  Read the signs and what are they saying?  God says what He means and He means what He says. 

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