Wednesday, March 14, 2012


   As I have shared with you before, the reason for evil in this world is because of the evil influence in the minds of people from Satan; therefore, the root cause for all the problems of people is not physical, but spiritual.  We cannot see God physically, and neither can we see Satan physically.
   Satan, also known as Lucifer, was originally in heaven, but because iniquity arose in him, he wanted to be above God and rule heaven; for this cause, God evicted Lucifer from heaven.
   The devil operates in darkness, influencing people to rebel against God.  But Satan does not want credit for the things people do, for he wants people to take credit as he also wants people to take the blame.  And after influencing people to sin against God, the serpent slithers away in darkness and laughs at you and me in our disobedience against God.
   As I have also shared with you before, I have constantly encouraged you to read and know the Word of God, which is the Word of Truth, for God warns us of evil and of evil people.  But if you do not know the Word of God, which is the knowledge of God, you will not have spiritual discernment that will enable you to know the root of evil as well as to know serpent people.
   For even in the New Testament, Jesus called certain people children of the devil, who is the father of lies and deception.  Serpent people, therefore, are children of the devil:  for they are instruments in the hands of Satan and they are doing Satan's bidding, which is to work against God, against Christ, and against the Word of God.
   Serpent people are throughout the world today.  They are in high places of government and in religion.  They are also in your neighborhood, in your community, in schools and civic organizations, in your places of work, and even in churches.
   Like Satan, serpent people are proud.  In fact, they are consumed with pride.  They are sneaky, sly, deceptive, and cunning.  They have sharp minds as well as wicked tongues.
   Serpent people are totally right in their own minds because they can never be wrong about anything.
   Because of the deception of their pride, they can also consider themselves to be voices for God when, in fact, they do not even know God, for they have rejected Christ for their salvation; and therefore they do not seek or want instruction or correction, for they are totally correct about everything.  How can they be wrong if they know everything?  But they will know everything that is wrong about you. They will point to your flaws, but they will not admit to their own mistakes because, in their own minds, they are perfect, and therefore they see themselves as judges for others.
   If serpent people do not subscribe to a religion, they are proud of this, too, and they will speak highly about evolution, or man's philosophies, and they are proud to speak against God, against Christ, and against the Word of God.
   On the other hand, if serpent people have a religion, they are the most religious of the religious because even their religion is their god.
   Serpent people demand and command attention because they consider themselves to be the center of attention:  they have arrived and everyone should notice them. 
   Deceived by deception, they think of themselves more highly than others think of them, yet they want others to think highly of them as they think of themselves as highly and lifted up.
   Not only do serpent people think of themselves as the cake, but they also think of themselves as the iciing, the candles, and even the ice cream; and as they do good deeds for others, they also want to be sure that they get the credit and the attention they deserve, for they are in love with themselves and enjoy the praises of people. 
   Serpent people do not like to be confronted, they do not like for others to disagree with them, for in their own minds they are right about everything and you are wrong to doubt their perfection; and if you dare to disagree, their wrath will come across their tongues as sharp daggers, putting you in your place; for you should be honored to sit at their feet.
   Serpent people appear to be some of the nicest people in the world, and as they have others deceived, others think they are some of the most wonderful people in the world. 
   In many places throughout the Holy Bible, God warns us about evil and about evil people.  What will help you is to learn how to recognize serpent people and to get away from them; for if you hang around them, you will learn of their ways and you will think like them, and then you will walk and talk like them:  their ways will become your ways.  When, in reality, God's ways should be your ways.
   Finally, serpent people have no tears for the suffering of others because they have no humility; and because they have no humility, they do not have the love of God in their hearts for others.  All they have is love for themselves.

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