Friday, May 10, 2013


   We are God's people and God is our heavenly Father, our Creator, who created us in His own image.
   God is love, and because He is love, there has never been a time when God has not loved people:  for this would be impossible since God is 100% love.  Love is God's character and His character never changes.
   Knowing this, God wants His children to be happy, to be healthy, and to enjoy our lives upon the earth.  He wants us to love one another, as He loves us; to be at peace with people, not at war.
   God does not want us to control and dominate people, nor to steal and rob from others, nor to enslave people or kill people. 
   God is not out to get us, to enslave us, nor to hit us on our heads, nor to punish us all the days of our lives.  Neither does God want us to be consumed with guilt all the days of our lives.
   God wants us to be free, not slaves.  God has no puppets and He is not a puppetmaster. 
   God wants us to eat well, sleep well, keep ourselves clean by taking baths, and to wash our hands before eating. 
   Saying "please" and "thank you" are simple courtesies that express our gratitude to others for the things they do for us.  Such courtesties we can also extend to God, for all He does for us.
   God wants us to be responsible for sanitation, to clean up after ourselves, not leave messes for others, and to properly dispose of human waste, which eliminates bacteria and diseases. 
   God, after all, has common sense:  and to believe in Him is to exercise common sense. 
   In return, all God really wants from us is our attention and our worship of Him; for if we do not worship God, then we will worship another god, or gods and goddesses, which is not common sense.
   God prefers that we will be nice and kind to others, not mean and hateful; that we will share our abundance and not hoarde; and that we do not build civil or religious empires. 
   If we will believe in God, then we will also believe that life on earth is a temporary dwelling:  that life is a schoolhouse, that we are the students, and if our progress report is judged well by God, then we will graduate to the house of God; but if not, we will be demoted. 
   Today, you are invited to try God and to take a serious look at His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to keep your mind clear of idols. 
   Common sense is God's gift to you:  use it wisely.

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