Thursday, January 26, 2012


     False prophets have an excellent understanding of human psychology.   They understand what people want to hear, want to believe, and they also know how easily human minds can be deceived by just a little bit of truth that sounds like truth, but is not truth. 
    False prophets study the Word of God.  They have an understanding of Scripture, they can quote Scripture, tell Bible stories, and they sound like men and women who have breakfast with God.
    False prophets have an understanding of wearing the wardrobe.  They wear the suits with cuff links, nice dresses with proper shoes, and flowing robes with white collars, black collars, four-in-hand ties, bow ties, or no ties for that more casual look.
     False prophets also know that many, many people do not read the Word of God, and by knowing this, they know that they can tweek the Word of God just a little bit and people will not know the difference.
     Furthermore, false prophets are excellent in salesmanship.  By their training and education, they know how to sell the program.  And after the program, they want you to support their ministries with a generous, tax-deductible love gift from your pocket to their pocket, but also they want you to buy their records, tapes, videos, DVDs, books and magazines; and, by so doing, this creates your attachment to them.
    False prophets are deceivers and they have been highly training in the arena of deception because of their allegience to the master deceiver of the universe, who is Satan.  False prophets are representatives of Satan and their "mission field" is to deceive people and thereby win "converts" for their lord Satan.
    For the past 2000 years, false prophets have been sneaking into Christian churches, Christian religions and tweeking the Word of God in order to detour the minds of people to accept another way to Heaven, which is not through Jesus Christ:  just do the best you can, be a good person, do good deeds in your community, be nice to people, go to church and sit on the pew, and feast at the table of the false prophets, who are leading you away from the Lord.
    Beyond this, false prophets are not only masters of psychology, masters of apparel, and masters of tweeking the Word of God, they are also masters of financial management.  They are in churches to not only persuade people from not seeing Christ, but to also get the money.  The money is their reward, for they have been bought with a price. 
    By following false prophets, and not Christ, your eyes are focused on them by what you see.  Your ears are tuned to their words by what you hear.  Thus you have been deceived by your eyes and ears in the same way that Adam and Eve were deceived by Satan in the garden of Eden.  Satan's system of deception has not changed:  only the stage has been changed and redesigned.  What happened in the garden of Eden is same program that is visible today in false churches by the leadership of false prophets:  and people are biting fruit from the wrong tree.
     Over the past 2000 years, false prophets have built a Satanic Empire within Christian churches and Christian religions:  in the United States and around the world.  The devil's workers have sneaked in churches and sit on financial committees, deacon boards, teach Sunday School classes, sing in choirs, assist with the Lord's Supper, serve the sacriments, preach from pulpits and serve mass as well.  They are there to distract and to distort the Word of God and to present a program of false hope and false believe.  They are hypocrites and sinners and they need Christ for their salvation.
     If you do not see and understand this truth, then you have been tweeked.  You are living under deception and you do not even know it.  If you see and believe this truth, however, then come out of religion and flee to Christ.  But if you choose to stay there, then you are part of that spirit of antichrist:  you are against Christ and not for Christ. 
     For this cause, the Holy Spirit knocks at your heart's door.  He is inviting you to meet Christ and be saved from your sin.  What are you going to do?

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