To review, why did God destroy the earth and all of life with the flood in the time of Noah?
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. (Genesis 6: 5,6,11).
Does that sound familiar? If you look across the landscape of the United States and in nations around the world, what do you see? Do you see the wickedness of man? Do you see evil continually? Do you see the earth corrupt before God? Do you see the earth filled with violence?
Are people honestly different today than people were then? No! You are watching a re-run of the same picture, the same movie, the same news.
In the world we live in and even now, millions of innocent, helpless children are stolen and sold in the traffick of child prostitution, even as young as three years of age. Does anybody hear the screams and crying of these children? Does anybody weep for them and pray for them? And why is the news media of this world silent about these children? Why is this information hidden from us? Why do they not want us to know? Because of corruption! Because every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually! The news media is controlled by evil people in high places of leadership and they have turned off the cameras and microphones to the plight of children.
As you look around the world, what do you see? You see corruption in governments, in religions, in churches, in education, in business, finance, moves, books, movies, pornography, and even pornography of innocent, helpless children to feed the evil minds of pedophilia!
As you look around the world, what evidence do you see of God? What evidence do you see of Christ? Very little. Because evil people are doing all they can to erase God and Christ from your mind.
As we discussed two days ago, the Word of God says the god of this world hath blinded the minds of men lest they believe. And the god of this world is Satan!
For over 2000 years, the voices of the prophets of God have been telling us of a global government that will come upon the earth, of a global church that will come upon the earth, and both systems are in place and working now, we are in it, and people do not want to believe. What must God do to get your attention?
Judas Iscariot sold his soul to Satan for thirty pieces of silver, turned his back on Christ, and went out into the darkness. What is your price to sell your soul to Satan and turn your back on Christ?
Please remember: your soul is precious to God: for it is He who created you.
Jesus said, As it was in the days of Noah.... Those days are here now.
God speaks with a still, small voice. Are you listening?
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