Wednesday, January 25, 2012


     Lazurus was a friend of Jesus and when Lazurus died, Jesus wept.
     When Jesus was walking to Calvary to die for the sin of the world, the Lord said:
         Ye daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for your children.
     Have you ever wept for Jesus?
     Have you ever wept for the disciples and apostles of Christ who gave their lives for the Gospel of Jesus?
     Have you ever wept that your own children will be saved from their sin by the Lord and know that they will go to Heaven when they die?
     When people are born again in Christ, we weep.  We shed tears of joy and thanksgiving unto Him for saving us from our sin.  As time goes by, we weep for others to know Christ.
     On the other hand, are you teaching your children religion?  Are you teaching them to be as religious as you are?  Are you teaching them to avoid the Light?
     Therefore if you have no tears for yourself, nor for your children, where are you?  And where are your children?
     When Jesus died on the cross, His heart ruptured because of the love He has for you.

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