The born again experience of the believer in Christ is also the same as being born anew or born from above. It is the Holy Spirit who initiates this new birth.
Picture a lamp inside of you, but it has no light. When you accept Christ as your Saviour, He lights the lamp and the light is the Holy Spirit. Therefore we, the believers, are carriers of the Light of Christ, which enables us to go to Heaven because we have been forgiven for our sin against God.
The new birth is not a religious experience; it is a spiritual experience, or spiritual awakening. For in religion, people believe they must work or earn their way to Heaven, but salvation from Christ is free because of His wonderful love and grace. Freely given and freely received. The only requirement of us is to ask; but if we do not ask for forgiveness, none is given. For in humility, we will ask; but in pride, we will not ask.
Salvation is free because Christ redeemed your sin debt by His death on the cross. This is why Christ is called the Lamb of God because He was the sin offering, the sacrifice that was pleasing to God.
So then, Christ humbled Himself to come to earth to die for sin, and we must likewise humble ourselves to get to Heaven. He was humble and we must be humble.
One more point: you do not need to be in a church building to be saved. You can do it now simply by praying and asking the Lord to save you, for the Lord has purchased your flight to Heaven!
Ready to go?
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