As I shared with you in a previous blog, man created religions across the earth, by different names, but the concept is the same: the only difference in religions is the names.
Man created religion out of his imagination. And within his imagined religion, he also wrote his own dogmas and doctrines, laws, rules, and regulations---out of his imagination.
Man also created an escape clause within his religion that enables him not to go to a place called hell, or hades, or any place of pain. This escape clause is also out of his imagination.
Furthermore, the crowing jewel of man's religion includes a place called heaven, or paradise, or utopia, where man will reward himself for all that he has believed about himself. This heaven in man's religion is out of his imagination.
Thus you can see that man's religion is imagined, his belief systems are imagined, and his heaven is imagined.
Therefore, if you are in a religion, you are believing in the imaginations of others and their imaginations have become your imaginations; and their imagined heaven has become your imagined heaven. The heaven that you are now believing in your mind is not God's Heaven: even though you may think it is. You are thus living and believing in a lie and the book your are writing about yourself is called Once Upon A Time. It is a fairytale. It is not real, but only imagined. You have been tricked by Satan's deception as told by others who have also been deceived. And this book your are writing about yourself is dangerous.
If your church is teaching you of a way to Heaven other than Christ, you are in a false church and you are following people who are leading you the wrong way: but you believe in your mind that you are going the right way when, in fact, you are going the wrong way. And the heaven that you are believing is an imagined heaven: it is not real, and it is not there. Your heaven is not God's Heaven because you are not following Christ. You are following the imaginations of your leaders.
Do you know how Jesus died on the cross for you are me? His heart ruptured.
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