On April 7, 2006, thirty-four Protestant churches, Christian organizations, and Christian religions came together and formed Christian Churches Together, represented by five families within Christianity: Evangelical/Protestant, Historic Protestant, Orthodox, Historic Racial/Ethnic, and Roman Catholic.
This is a trap, dear people. It is a snare to entice people to a system of false security. It is a spider's web.
Christian Churches Together has deceived leadership. All of its pastors, ministers, preachers, and priests are in violation of Biblical teachings. They have skipped John 3:3, John 3:16, and they are ignorning the last book of the Bible entirely: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. This is a case of the blind leading the blind.
Earlier, I wrote a blog entitled, SEDUCTION OF THE CHURCH: how the believers of Christ were hoodwinked in Rome, how Christianity became the State Religion of the Roman Empire, which was followed by the State Church of Rome. This is happening again, even now. Rome will rise again and become an international power.
This world system we have today, potitically as well as religiously, is leading people of the United States, Western Europe, and Latin America toward the event that deceivers have been planning for a long, long time: the arrival of the false Messiah, who is the Antichrist, who is Lucifer, who is Satan, and who, according to the Bible, is the man of sin.
In the future, you will see religion taking the lead in state affairs at the political level. You will see religion moving to center stage and the focus of news media will shift to the leadership of religion. As stated before, the Antichrist must be and will be a religious figure. Always remember that change happens in slow and subtle ways, which is the way deceivers operate because they do not want you to know the truth.
The primary symbol of the European Union is a woman riding a beast. Outside the headquarters building of the European Union in Brussels is a statue of woman riding a beast. In Bible prophecy, this woman riding a beast was written about 2,000 years ago. You can read about it in the last book of the Bible. And in the European Parliament there a seat with the number 666. This seat is vacant for now.
You also need to be aware that Sunday Law is coming. This law will come from government, which will be forced on people as well as enforced by civil law.
On December 1, 2009, Germany's Constitutional Court ruled that Sunday should be a day "of rest from work and of spiritual improvement" (Deutche Welle) and Germans began to honor this law.
On January 1, 2009, Croatia exercised Sunday Law, requiring business and shops to close on Sunday.
According to Trumpet.com, "The Vatican wants a clause in the law that would force every citizen in the European Union to rest on Sunday".
According to The Remnant Online, "Hebrew Israel is examining a proposal to make Sunday a day of rest". Isn't this strange? Israel has honored the Sabbath Day on Saturday since the time of Moses and the writing of the Ten Commandments.
ENDRITIMES calls this "Sunday Law by Stealth".
What we are seeing in the world today, in both religion and politics, is the unseen spiritual war against Jesus Christ and His people, who have been born again in Him. The evidence is front of our eyes.
As always, you are encouraged to do your own research. First, read the Bible and know the truth. Secondly, you can Google or Yahoo the New World Order, Sunday Law, the merging of religions into one entity, and the Antichirst, the false Messiah. More importantly, you can research the coming of Jesus Christ. All these things will come to pass.
Whatever you do, do not miss heaven by missing Christ.
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