And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16,17).
When the New World Order arises, (and it will happen) people will be required to take the mark, which will be a microchip implant in the right hand or in the forward. This microchip will contain the personal information of individuals, such as names, addresses, Social Security numbers, credit and debit card numbers, medical information, insurance information, etc. People will then be able to scan their hand across scanners, like at supermarkets or at gas pumps, and computers will deduct purchases from the chip. They will do this wherever they make purchases. Without the chip implant, people will not be allowed to buy anything, not even groceries.
RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. The microchip contains personal information, but the chip also includes an antenna. Not only will the chip enable people to buy, but will also be used to track the locations of people. The new government will know where people are at all times. There will be no privacy. When you leave home, the government will know as you pass checkpoints and scan.
Paper money also contains microchips and therefore government will know if people exchange money from person to person, which could be a violation of law. The chip in money also enables the government to scan houses and thereby know how much money people have in their homes.
Televisions also have hidden cameras and microphones so that the government can see and hear activites in homes, even with televisions off.
Available now are RFID bracelets and wristbands, which include microchips. They are colorful and stylist and actually look cool. You will think you are cool by wearing one because they are like a new trend, or a new fashion, and everybody wants to have the latest and be cool, right?
This is a trap. This is a snare. This is an enticement to get people conditioned for microchip implants. As people accept the bracelets and wristbands, then they will be easy to convert to implants.
Commercials these masterminds are showing now include attractive young people, all having fun and being cool, and they are also using elderly people, demonstrating how convenient these braclets and wristbands are at hospitals and doctors' offices. No need for purses and wallets because the microchips have it all.
When change happens slowly and over time, people are changed without realizing they have been had!
Because the New World Order has been working slowly and over time, people will suddenly be captives of the new governement without knowing when the change happened.
A mark or seal is an old system. Kings, queens, popes, presidents, and others of nobilty have used their personal seal or mark on important papers, documents, or letters for centuries. If that person's mark or seal is not on the paper, document, or letter, is not considered valid; but if the mark or seal of the person is on the correspondence or law, it is authenic.
The "mark" of the New World Order will be the seal of the Antichrist. The seal is therefore an identification mark, and if you accept the mark you are identifying yourself as one of his. It means that you will worship and obey him.
The dangerous time we are living in now is the fact that millions of people are following the leadership of false ministers, false preachers, and false prophets, representing false churches and false religious systems. They are leading people to accept the New World Order, to accept Antichrist, and to accept the mark in their hands and foreheads. They are not leading people to Christ, but they are leading people in the wrong direction.
I urge to pray and seek Christ for the first time in your life!
I urge you to flee from religion!
I urge you not to accept RFID bracelets and wristbands for yourself, for your children, nor for your grandchildren!
I urge you to follow Christ!---not only for yourself, but also for your children and grandchildren, for they will follow you.
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