Tuesday, December 20, 2011


     The imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. (Book of Genesis 8:21)
     Why does God say that?
     God is creative.  He created us in His own image, and, like God, we are creative.
      In God's mind, He knew what Adam would look like before He created him.  In our own minds, we can imagine what something will do or look like, then bring the invisible from our minds to the visible and see the image that began with our imaginations.
     Why, then, does God say that our imaginations are evil from our youth?  As young children, we knew how to lie without being taught.  We knew how to steal without being taught.  Lying and stealing are natural to us and parents had to teach us not to lie or to steal.  We also know how to judge, condemn, criticize, find fault, and deceive others without being taught.
     What about God?  We had to be taught about God because God was not part of our natural birth.
     Out of man's imagination, he has been creating religions throughout human history.  Religions are images out of the minds of man, designed by man, for man, and by man's own laws, precepts and policies.  They are man's substitutes to cleanse himself of sin and thereby justify himself as a way to get to heaven by man's own way.  Therefore, instead of confessing our sin directly to God to get forgiveness for our sins against God, man created his own system, which God will not accept.
     Not only did men create religions for themselves, they convinced others to believe in these false systems and gained converts.  Men were deceived in their own imaginations, they deceived others, and then the converts deceive others to believing the same system, even their own children.  Consequently, generations of families have been deceived by the same religious programs, fueled in their imaginations from the imaginations of men.  Do you see that?
     Because of our imaginations, we reject Christ because He does not fit the images we have in our minds because of the image of ourselves that was created in our minds out of the image of religion.
     Why is the AntiChrist called "Antichrist"?  He is not called AntiCaesar, AntiPharoah, or AntiLukeSkywalker, is he?  The Antichrist is the great imposter of Christ because Satan does not want us to believe in Christ and be saved from our sin.  Satan wants us to keep believing in religions and religions' messengers.
     Religion is dangerous, dear people.  It is a work of evil out of the imaginations of evil minds, influenced out of the mind of Satan because Satan does not want us to believe in Christ.
     Jesus said, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:  for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.  Amen.  (Matthew 6:30).

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