Tuesday, December 20, 2011


      Nearly two thousand years ago, one of the apostles of Christ, by the name of John, wrote the last book of the Bible, which is The Revelation of Jesus Christ.  In this book, John wrote about things past, things present, and things future. 
     At the time John wrote this book, things future were future from John's place in time; for us, however, those things future are but a turnkey away.
     For nearly two thousand years, we have had a prophetic blueprint of the world in which we live today.  Many people have been preaching and teaching about this era of time and many people have believed.  On the other hand, many people have not believed in its writings since the time of John, and many do not believe it today.  Even before the time of Christ, the Old Testament prophets wrote of this same subject, and Christ also taught of this coming age as well as the other New Testament writers. 
     The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a desperate warning that we may know and be prepared and thereby escape the wrath that will surely come upon the earth.  This book is God's SOS!
     If you could control the religion of the world, you could control the world.  Even now, governments around the world are under the control of religion as religions are moving together to unite under one name, under one roof:   for the false messiah will be a religious figure, not a politician; and when this man arrives, all the world will worship him.  The key ingredient to know here is the fact that he's a man of the earth.  But because people have been deceived by religion, they will believe anything their religion says, even if it is a lie.
     The false messiah is called Antichrist and he will be everybody's super-action hero:  Prince Charming, Superman, Spiderman, Luke Skywalker, Pharoah, Caesar.  He will speak English.  He will bring peace to the earth, he will fix everything, he will perform miracles. He will be an eloquent speaker, captivating audiences by witchcraft.  Through his power of deception, people will believe that he is Jesus Christ.  He will be the head of religion as well the head of civil government.  He will be a global dictator.
     For three and a half years, he will be everybody's hero.  Suddenly and unexpectedly, however, the chameleon will remove his mask, sit down in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, and declare himself to be God!
     His path to power has been paved by people for centuries, primarily through the deception of religion and politics.  Even now, the world is ready for a big change.  All banking and financial markets throughout the world are all connected electronically.  Mass communication systems are all connected electronically.  And people around the world are connected through religion.  Governments and religious figures control the keys to these three elements worldwide, and all of them are deceivers.  Deceivers are chameleons:  they change.
     God, as always, provides an escape clause, who is Christ the Lord.  Seek Him now and you will not experience the wrath of this dreadful regime that is coming at us like an underwater tsunami.
     You are encouraged to read The Revelation of Jesus Christ and see what happens after the Antichrist declares himself to be God.  You are also encouraged to do your own research and look for the evidence of change that is in progress now.  The evidence is in front of your eyes.

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