Tuesday, January 21, 2014


   God disrupted Nimrod's quest to dominate and to control the world with a religion at the Tower of Bable.  Ever since that day, however, men of religion have desired to dominate and to control the world with a religion, which is the same religion of Nimrod in ancient Babylon, even up to this present day of 2014 A.D.
   When Jesus speaks of Babylon in the last book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Lord is speaking about Babylon past, Babylon present, and Babylon future---for Babylon is one continuous flow from ancient days until the end of the world:  for the doctrine of Babylon has never changed, but the leaders of Babylon have changed its appearance by giving it a facelift, a new coat of paint, and with colorful garments for Babylon's ministers and priests.  And by the power of deception, millions of people worldwide have been deceived to believe that the doctrine of Babylon is just what people need.
   Thus Babylon is the work of a dictatorship, an institution in which both civil law and religious law are the same, and, throughout human history, Babylon's religious men have produced fear in people to either accept its teachings, or to face death; by forcing people to adhere to its laws, or to face death; by forcing people to bow to its priests as gods, or to face death; by forcing people to worship pagan gods, or face death; and by forcing people to bow to the images of men, whom are taught to be believed to be gods, or face death. 
   Without God, man is no more than a killing machine, and such are the men of Lucifer's House, the ministers and priests of Babylon, for Babylon is the fulfillment of man's deepest and darkest desire, which is to be God, and to rule the world, which includes both heaven and earth, for Babylon is a spiritual prison:  a place to capture the souls of people for its secret god, who is known by the name of the Devil, or Satan, or Lucifer.
   The important part to know and to remember about Babylon is that it is an evil institution of man, and its members have been waging a war against God for thousands of years.  For the past two thousand years, Babylon has been waging this war against Christ and against Christians, which is also a war in the world today, and a war that will continue until Christ returns.  This is a spiritual war, but it will become a physical war in the latter days, which people will see with their eyes.
   Until then, watch for religion to become more and more prominent in the days ahead; for even now, religion is being moved to the forefront of television news, in the print media, and also on the internet---making the face of a global religious leader more and more visible as the days go by, and with more frequency than the face of any world leader of nations.  And all of this is a great work of deception from Lucifer's House.
   Be watchful therefore when you see people bowing to a man and kissing his ring, for this man is the High Priest of Satan in Lucifer's House, dressed in colorful priestly garments.

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