Thursday, January 30, 2014


      There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men:  A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honor, so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it:  this is vanity, and it is an evil disease.  (Ecclesiastes 6: 1-2)
   There is an evil that I, too, have seen under the sun, and it is the evil of man's invention of religion.  This is common among men, women, and children, and it is an evil disease, a disease of the mind, which corrupts the souls of people all over the earth.  For religion enables people to remain separated from Almighty God.
   To know God is to know the love of God because God and His love are inseparable, and God cannot separate Himself from His love.
   To know Christ is to know God because Christ and His heavenly Father are one, and they are inseparable. 
   To reject Christ is to reject God, which is also a rejection of the love of God.
   As humans, we are the children of God because God, our heavenly Father, created us.  But because our sins have separated us from God, we do not know God, which means that we do not know our heavenly Father, which also means that God is a stranger to us. 
   Because religion is a creation from the imaginations of men, people enter religion to find a false heavenly father, which is a father that does not exist, and which is also a father that is not living.
   In religion, people worship a false god, a god from the imaginations of men.  And in their imaginations, they believe that this god exists, that he is living, and that he will answer their prayers as well as provide them a way to enter a heaven, or a paradise, after they die.  Yet this heaven, or paradise, is also an invention from the imaginations of men.
   Moreover, religion can have several gods and goddesses, which can include the sun, the moon, stars and planets---none of which are living, but are assumed to be living by the power of deception in the minds of people.  And because none of these gods and goddesses are living, none of them has love. 
   Religion reveals to us the power of an imagined father god.  But because people have rejected God and His love, they will believe that their imagined father god loves and cares for them---even though he is not living.  Thereafter, such people will believe that the image of their father god, as seen by photographs, paintings, and portraits has power, and they will worship the image.
   Furthermore, religion has the power to persuade people to believe that a man of the earth can also be their father god, and that other people, in other religions, should convert from their evil ways and believe in their father god, whom they can see with their eyes and touch with their hands.
   But because God is not in man's religions, neither does the love of God abide in man's religions, which means that the people are believing in a false love, or an imagined love.
   Religion, therefore, is not a house of love, but a house of anger, for its people will rise up in anger in defense of their religion, in defense of their god and gods, and also in defense of their human father gods, whom they believe are gods on earth.  More evidence exists in the fact that they will kill fellow humans in defense of their false god and gods as well as in defense of their earthly father gods.  So then, is this how they express love by murdering fellow humans, whom God created?
   Therefore, to know God and to experience His wonderful love, come out of religion and come to Christ.  Wherever you are today, come out of religion and out of this evil disease that is common among men. 
      Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.  (2 Corinthians 6: 17)

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