Wednesday, January 8, 2014


   Religion is a delusion, poured in the minds of people in order to create a defensive barrier against the knowledge of God, the knowledge of Christ, and the knowledge of the Holy Bible, thereby keeping the minds of people focused on religion itself:  on its ministers and priests, on its dogmas and doctrines, on its rites and rituals, and on its laws which govern their minds.
   All religions are creations of men and from the imaginations of men, which also means that people of religion believe with their imaginations, just as children believe with their imaginations.
   Religion is based on sights and sounds, and not by faith.
   Religion is, therefore, the most powerful method of mind control that man has invented, for religious leaders know the power that abides in religion, and religion, once accepted, is the power that operates in the minds of people, for it controls the behavior of people all the days of their lives.
   In religion, the minds of people are as little children, for their religious leaders do not want their people to grow up, nor to mature, nor to advance beyond their present state of mind.  And like obedient children, the people return to their houses of religion for continuous doses of prescription medication from their doctors of religion.
   Religion is the government of religious people, for they live under the dictatorship of their masters, and they are, obviously, slaves to their religion.  They are slaves because their religious gurus have captured their minds, and as long as people live under the delusion of religion, they will continue to reject God, to reject Christ, and to reject the Bible.
   As a delusion, people of religion believe in a perceived reality, where they are deceived by their own perceptions:  deceptions that are bathed in dogmas and doctrines, rites and rituals, and the perception that their god, or gods and goddesses, are real, and that the images of idols, such as statues, portraits, and photographs, have the power to forgive them of their sins and to answer their prayers.  This perceived reality is therefore the evidence that modern people are just as pagan as ancient men, and women, and children.
   On the contrary, the Bible has the power to change the destiny of people; but without it, people will continue to live their present destiny, in a religious delusion, in a world of perceived value, which is a world without God. 
   In truth, religion is dead because there is nothing in it that is living, for religion is an institution for the spiritually insane.  And because religion is dead, religion is also a tomb. 
   As it is written in the Bible:  Why seek ye the living among the dead?  He is not here, but is risen. (Luke 24: 5-6) 

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