Monday, January 13, 2014


    Religion is the invention of men who believe that they are gods and that, as gods, they should be worshipped; and that people should follow them:  and do, as they say do, and go, where they say go.
    Religion is a government:  a dictatorship in which certain men control and dominate the lives of their subjects.  People bow to them, worship them, give them their money, and also surrender their children unto their care.
    Karl Marx said:  "Religion is the opiate of the masses."
    Karl Marx is correct, for religion is a spiritual drug that is injected in the minds of people by men who pretend to be "holy men", and thus producing masses of people without the knowledge of God.
    Religion is the first institution, invented by men, that features "mass production".  As adults convert to religion, they reproduce their religion in the minds of their own children, which results in the belief of generational religion:  to the extreme extent that people will actually believe their religion is in their DNA. 
    Knowing this, then it should be easy to understand that religion is mind control:  for as these "holy men" control the minds of people, they also control their behavior.
    McDonald's Restaurants changed the way Americans eat with advertising directed at the minds of toddlers, featuring the appeal of a colorful character and free toys. 
    Strange, but isn't this also the way Christmas and Easter became so popular?  By appealing to the minds of toddlers with colorful characters and free toys?
    Stranger still, the best host for religion is in the minds of toddlers:  with imaginary characters (gods) and a free way to heaven.
    Therefore, people of religion believe they are on the free way to heaven because of their participation in rites and rituals, after which they are rewarded for their obedient behavior with a "happy meal" from their "holy men"---which they have been believing since they were toddlers.
    As written in the Word of the Lord: 
          Will a man rob God?  Yet you have robbed me.  But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee?  In thithes and offerings. (Malachi 3: 8)
    Knowing that religion is an invention of men, we should be able to see that religion is the place for criminal minds:  the place where people bring their tithes and offerings instead of giving their tithes and offerings unto God.  The evidence of this truth is in the knowledge of knowing that religion is the wealthiest institution on the face of the earth!
    More than this, men of religion have robbed God of His glory by glorifying themselves as gods.  And for the people of religion, they are also robbing God of His glory by giving glory and praises unto men whom they worship as gods. 
    Beyond this, men of religion have robbed God of His power by granting forgiveness to people for their sins, which they are not authorized to give:  for they are bandits in disguise.  And for the people who believe in this dispensation of unauthorized forgiveness, they have accepted false salvation, which they also teach to their own children when they visit the man in the box.
    Therefore being deceived by men of religion, people will believe they have found a free way to heaven.  And as long as people trust in their religion, they will not trust in Christ; for trusting in Christ is against their religion:  which is the evidence that people, without Christ, have placed their religion above the throne of God, by the deception of a simple "happy meal".

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