Tuesday, January 14, 2014


   Whenever people believe in a deceiver, they will continue to follow him because they are unable to discern the difference between truth and lies.  But when people have the truth of God in them, they can discern the deceivers because it takes one to know one.
    Before I was saved by Christ the Lord, I was a deceiver (which is what I mean by "it takes one to know one") even though I was not consciously trying to deceive others.  And the people who knew me the best believed that I was a Christian because of my behavior:  I went to church, I knew the walk, I knew the talk, I prayed and read the Bible.  But when Christ came to me in April, 1995, I knew that I had never confessed to God that I am a sinner, and I knew I had never invited Christ into my life to save me from my sin.  For on that day, I came to believe that I was a sinner for the first time in my life. 
   Thereafter, I began to experience the truth of God's Word: 
      Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:  old things pass away; behold, all things are become new.  (2 Corinthians 5: 17)
   Ever since that day in 1995, things have continued to be new in my life.  Old things have passed away, things have become new, and new lessons I am continuing to learn, even now.
   In the world of religious Christianity, however, old things never pass away; and, behold, nothing never becomes new.  For religion is the same cup of tea from the time a person believes until the day he dies.  Religion has never lived, therefore there can be no life in religion.  It is like a hybrid tree:  manufactured to look real even though its leaves remain green without water.  And the people of religion are the same as green leaves on a hybrid tree.  Thus they are able to deceive others to believe that they are Christians by the way they walk, the way they talk, and by the way they bow their heads.
   There are false apostles, false disciples, and false ministers and priests.  These people are hybrids:  they appear to be ministers of God and messengers of Christ, but they are fakes.  As hybrids, they have created false Christian churches.  Because these men look real, and because the churches they have created look real, the people who follow them become hybrid Christians. 
   We can know them by their leaves, for their leaves never change.  Their leaves remain green, they never wither, and they never thirst for water.  Their leaves are the same today, as they were yesterday, and as they will be tomorrow.  What they say today is the same as what they said yesterday, which will also be the same as what they will say tomorrow.  For their behavior never changes.  They never have anything new to say because there is never anything new to talk about because the menu never changes.
   Thus when we study the riches of God's Word, which is the Bible, we can clearly see and understand that religion is the garden of evil.  And the evidence of this truth is revealed in the fact that people of religion need buildings in which to worship.  They need temples, they need shrines, and they need cathedrals---built by the hands of men.  They need buildings because their god, and their gods and goddesses abide in buildings.  Because these gods are hybrids, they cannot come to the people; so the people must come to them.  Like a rock, their gods never move.  And their ministers teach them to worship idols. 
   To know Christ, people must come out of religion and leave it behind.  For Christ is not there; He is risen.  Why seek ye the living among the dead?  (Luke 24: 5)

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