Monday, September 3, 2012


   Religion is a world of fantasy and make-believe, an invention out of the imaginations of men, written by men, and designed to control people through a system of myth, shrouded with mystery, and clouded with fear of the present as well as fear of the unknown. 
   Religion is like a production from the writers and directors of Hollywood movies, and the set is an atmosphere that evokes awe and even the sensation of holiness with the proper mixtures of controlled light, shadows, and smoke, leading people to believe that if they will obey the powers of priests and ministers they will receive rewards, or they will be punished for disobedience.  For after all and above all else, religion is a system of law:  with rewards for the obedient and punishment for the lawless. 
   Once religion has your commitment, it will control you, and it will own you.  Religion will take your life.
   But more than you, however, religion wants your family, especially your children.  Bring them early and bring them while they are young.  For if religion can get the minds of your children before they learn about God, religion will likely have them for life.  And if religion can get to the minds of your children before Christ, it is likely that your children will never believe in Christ and be saved from their sin, which means your children will never become Christians.
   Religion has a common law that exists in all religions of the world:  Thou shalt not read the Bible.
   Please remember:  religion is at war with God.  Religion is against God and religion is also against Christ.  Therefore, religion must also be against the Holy Bible.
   Religion is a controlled environment.  No matter how many times you enter its doors, it offers the same menu, or script, because of its order of worship, and the order never changes. 
   Religion is like a casino:  there are no windows, there are no clocks, and there are always shadows of darkness. 
   Religion's ministers and priests are the "one arm bandits"---the slot machines.  They dispense tokens for good behaviour and keep tokens for disobedience. 
   Religion is like Groundhog Day:  it is the same system, the same script, the same menu, and the same order of worship---day after day after day after day---for the rest of your life.
  People of religion never mature:  they are always toddlers and they always wear the bibs.  Religion does not want you to know any more today than you knew forty years ago.  And your children will not know any more in forty years than they know today.
  Religion is like the local pharmacy:  enter its doors and get your prescription--day after day and week after week, for the rest of your life.
   Religion is mind control.  And people, under mind control, are like robots.  They have been hyponotized to the addiction of religious medication.
   Religions of the world have different dogmas and doctrines, yet they share one common ingredient:  mind control.  And within this mind control is the element:  to be against God, to be against Christ, and to be against the Holy Bible.
   For in the last days, all of the religions of the world will come together as one religion, headed by the pope of Rome, which will be a global religion that is against God, against Christ, and against the Holy Bible.  And at that time, the Antichrist, the false messiah, will arise to rule over the earth.
   All of these things will happen, and then the world will see the return of Jesus Christ. 
  Today, I urge you to read the Holy Bible and know the truth.  If you do not have a Bible, you can go to and read the Bible online from the privacy of your personal computer.

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