Sunday, September 9, 2012


   The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event in all of human history.
   The birth and death of Christ are important, but the resurrection of Christ stands alone at the top of any event upon the earth.
   Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the New Testament of the Holy Bible would have never been written, the apostles and disciples would have never been necessary, and the Day of Pentecost would have never been needed. 
   Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, vicious empires, such as the Roman Empire, would have continued, people would have continued to be prisoners of governments, and people would have continued to be worshippers of pagan gods and idols.
   Without the resurrection of Christ, the Roman Catholic Church would have not been necessary, Islam would have never been invented, and there would have never been Christian martyrs. 
   Without the resurrection of Christ, there would have never been the movement of Protestants, and Europeans would have never had a reason to flee Europe.
   Without the resurrection of Christ, the United States of America would have never been established, there would have never been a Constitution or Bill of Rights, and freedom of religion in America would have never happened.
   Without the resurrection of Christ, there would have never been antichrists or false prophets, and neither would there have ever been churches across Europe, in the United States, nor in nations all over the world.  The seasons of Christmas and Easter would have never happened.
   Without the resurrection of Christ, there would have never been preachers and teachers of the Gospel of Christ, for the Good News of Christ would have never happened, and Bibles would have never been needed.
   Without the resurrection of Christ, hell would be an open sepulchre and heaven would have remained closed.
   Without the resurrection of Christ, there would be no love anywhere in the world, and life on earth would be a living hell. 
   True Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but we also believe in the return of Jesus Christ.
    Therefore, be thankful to Christ and bless His holy name!

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