Monday, August 5, 2013


   The most beautiful part about knowing God is in knowing that I know Him without a building; for if God is not the Lord of my life in my present location, He will not be the Lord of my life when I enter a building. 
   God is not my idol because idols never leave the buildings; for idols remain there, in stone-cold silence, having no eyes or ears, never breathing. 
   Neither are dead people my idols because necromancy is the worship of the dead, which is man's way of promoting dead people to the position of gods; and like physical idols, they have no eyes or ears, and they are never breathing. 
   Knowing God also means that I can pray to God at any time, no matter where my location may be.  With idols, this is not so:  for people must enter buildings to pray to their idols, which have no eyes or ears, and are never breathing.
   With God, I can ask for forgiveness for my sins at any time of day, no matter where my physical location may be.  With idols, this is not so:  for people must be in the presence of idols to ask for forgiveness:  from gods that have no eyes or ears, never breathing.
   God created the universe, but people have created idols out of God's created universe.  Such people are the same as thieves and robbers:  they have stolen the identity of God and given it to idols, or things that God created. 
   Idols are like the mannequins you see in department stores.  They are not real people.  Neither do they move unless living people move them from place to place. 
   Mannequins are masquerades:  they are dressed to look like real people even though they are lifeless.
   Idols are also masquerades:  dressed to look like real gods even though they are lifeless.
   False apostles, ministers, and priests are also like mannequins, and they are masquerades:  they are dressed to look like ministers and priests of God, when they are actually ministers and priests of Satan; for they do not teach people that Christ is alive!
   If I did not believe that Christ is alive, I would not believe in Him for my salvation; neither would I waste my time writing about Him.  At which time I would be no more than people who enter buildings to worship idols, and I would be like a mannequin, dressed as a masquerade.
   For nearly two thousand years, the false apostles, ministers, and priests of false churches have tried to change Christ to a mannequin and to dress Him as a masquerade:  to keep Him dead and not living; to keep Him as an idol of worship as having no eyes or ears and never breathing. 
   But when Christ returns, such people will fear Him:
      Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him:  and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.  Even so, Amen.  (Revelation 1:7)

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