Thursday, August 22, 2013


    The fundamental foundation of our nation has been shaken, and a slow, subtle, and sneaky society of evil people is building a wall around the freedom of our nation.  This organization is the New World Order, being orchestrated by the United States, in conjunction with the United Nations and governments all around the glove. 
   The New World Order is a work of deception:  slow, subtle, and sneaky.  Its engineers are from corrupted politics and corrupted religion, which have corrupted the minds of people in the United States and in nations all around the globe:  with false political ideologies and false dogmas and doctrines out of religion.
   Pedophilia, pornography, starvation, sickness, disease, drugs, and human trafficking are out of control around the globe while the news media outlets of this world use their power of communication to focus our attention on politics, on sports and entertainment, and on the civil unrest across the Middle East; for if we do not see these scourges on nightly television, we will not know just how serious conditions are for millions of people.
   Governments around the world are in favor of the New World Order as well as the religions of Islam and Roman Catholicism, the two largest religions on planet earth, which together represent more than two billion people.
   Dominating and controlling the world has been a fundamental desire of pagans for thousands of years, so the doctrine of the New World Order is nothing new; but by stitching the minds of people together through corrupted politics and corrupted religion, it is now possible to achieve a goal that is out of the mind of Satan.
   Because of the slow and subtle changes from corruption, many people in the world are simply sleep-walking through life and totally unaware of the evil empire that is rising; for to believe that a global government with a global religion could happen sounds outrageous---or more like a conspiracy theory.
   Just as a snake is slow, subtle, and sneaky, so is the New World Order:  and all of the people involved in this rising empire are slow, subtle, and sneaky.  Like snakes, they do not want to be seen or known. They disguise themselves as educated leaders in communities, and even as religious ministers and priests:  for they are masters of deception, just as a snake is a master of deception.
   Many times Jesus said, BE NOT DECEIVED.  Open your eyes and consider the things that are not easily seen:  but they will become more visible when you know the truth.
   Please pray for the United States as you also pray for nations all over the world and God will hear our prayers; for He tells us in His Word:  And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten.... (Joel 2: 25)
   Only with God's help can we let freedom ring.

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