Monday, April 15, 2013


   Four thousand years ago in ancient Babylon, a religion was created from the imagination of Nimrod at the tower of Babel.
   Nimrod hated God, and in Babylon he created a system that he believed would lead to heaven; and because the people there believed in Nimrod, they also believed in Nimrod's system: for the people were afraid not to believe as Nimrod believed.  In so doing, the people became slaves to Nimrod as well as slaves to Nimrod's religious system. 
   When people are kept in the slave system of religion, in time they forget about God, they forget about human decency, and they forget about freedom.  As slaves, they live like slaves and act like slaves, for, in their minds, they see themselves as slaves all the days of their lives.  Everything in the kingdom is for its leader, for such people as Nimrod, who was worshipped and adored as a god.  Therefore, people owned nothing, for the king owned everything, even the people.  While the king lives a life of luxurious splendor, complete with waiters and waitresses, fine dining and vintage wines, the people are reduced to a state of poverty:  living in filthy sanitation, not even to know how to properly dispose of human waste, which attacts flies and other insects, mice and rats, and diseases arise throughout the kingdom, thus reducing life expectancy.  And with the institution of marriage forsaken, people resort to free sex, or sex with prostitutes, which is the cause of sexually transmitted diseases and early death. 
   Alexander the Great died at age 32---most likely because of a sexually transmitted disease that he acquired during his quest to conquer the world. 
   And during the years of the Roman Empire, life expectancy was merely 25 years because the slaves of Rome lived in filthy sanitation. 
   Throughout the world today, this generation of people have more education than any generation in all of the years of human history:  while the people of ancient Babylon had little to no education.  Yet, this generation of people on the earth today are just as ignorant about God as the people of ancient Babylon, ancient Greece, or ancient Rome.  For people of the earth today are still practicing the same rites and rituals of ancient Babylon even though people today have the abundance of education.
   Today, people all over the world suffer in the stagnant air of filthy santitation, including the lack for proper disposal of human waste. 
  People all over the world are also suffering from fresh water, suffering from hunger, suffering from cold and heat, suffering from the rise of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and they are dying early deaths. 
   Today, Africa has the lowest life expectancy of any continent, and life expectancy in Swaziland is merely 33.2 years. 
   While the people at the top of today's religious and political systems live lives of luxurious splendor, with waiters and waitresses, fine dining, vintage wines, limousines, red carpet, and private airplanes, the people beneath their seats of authority suffer immense pain and sorrow because they are treated as slaves within kingdoms. 
   From this evidence presented today, we should be able to clearly see and understand that religion has no interest in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as stated in the Constitution of the United States.  Religion is a system of slavery:  to capture people and hold them captive all the days of their lives, blocking the minds of people from the knowledge of God as well as shielding people from the love of God:  keeping them in a world of darkness and shut away from the Light of Christ. 
   Religion is paganism:  with pagan gods and pagan priests:  as it was in the days of ancient Babylon, so is religion today.

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