Friday, April 19, 2013


   Idolatry leads people to poverty, which is the reason that religion is a mortuary, a house of death:  the place where people go to die.
   If people will read the Holy Bible, they will clearly see and understand that Christ did not come to earth to launch a new religion because faith in Christ is faith in Him and Him alone, and not faith in an institution.
   Idols are works of the hands of men out of their imaginations, and Jesus never bowed to idols.
   The priesthood of man's religions are pagan priests:  they lead people to the worship of idols as well as to the worship of people as holy people even though they are unholy.  To believe that unholy priests are holy is a perception by deception, written in the minds of people by unholy men with unholy words.
   Religion is a system of rites and rituals, which are the same rites and rituals that are performed in paganism, such as sun-god worship as well as the worship of a female goddess, such as "the mother of god and the queen of heaven".
   Jesus never said that his mother, Mary, would become an idol of worship. 
   Jesus never said that the disciples and apostles would be venerated as gods, nor prayed to after their deaths.
   Jesus never taught infant baptism; nor did Jesus say that water was holy and sufficient for the cleansing of sins. 
   Jesus never said that priests could forgive sins.
   For the first three hundred years after the Day of Pentecost, believers in Christ never practiced infant baptism, they never worshipped Mary as the mother of god and queen of heaven, they never offered prayers to the disciples and apostles of Christ, and the preaches of Christ never forgave the sins of people.  Beyond this, believers of Christ never collected the skulls and bones of dead Christians to be stored in a museum in Rome, and they never marked the graves of the dead with statues.
   People of religion do not believe in Almighty God, Creator of the heaven and earth; neither do people of religion believe in the existence of Satan.  What, then, do people of religion believe?  They believe that their idols will give them eternal life in heaven, and they believe that their unholy priests will forgive them of their sins.  To believe this they will, therefore, do anything and everything their unholy priests tell them, which includes the giving of their money, their possessions, and even their children:  by submitting their babies to infant baptism, they surrender the lives their children to their idols, which are their gods. 
   If you will examine the history of man's religion with all of its idolatry, look at the trail of people in poverty all over the earth, even to this day!
   The Bible warns us: 
      Little children, keep yourselves from idols.  (I John 5: 21)
      Abstain from all appearance of evil.  (I Thessalonians 5: 22).

  Religion is idolary and religion is evil.  Flee from it!

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