Wednesday, April 17, 2013


   So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth:  and they left off to build a city.  Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound  the language of all the earth:  and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.  (Genesis 11: 8, 9)

   In ancient Babylon, under the leadership of Nimrod, the people there worshipped the sun-god, worshipped people as gods, and also initiated infant baptism by the priests of Baal.  And after the deaths of Nimrod, Semirami, and Tammuz, they became gods to reign in the heavens with the sun-god. 
   As the people of Babylon spread across the earth, they took with them the belief system of Babel and created various religions, by various names, in various parts of the world, which included all of the elements of ancient Babylon.
   From Mesopotamia through the Middle East, across Africa and Asia, to Canaan, to Rome, to Europe, and then to North America the Babylonians traveled, spreading  the religion of Babylon throughout the world.  They brought with them everything they learned in Babylon and planted Babylonism across every continient:  sun-god worship, people worshipped as gods and goddesses, infant baptism, orders of priesthoods and orders of women such as nuns.  They built temples, shrines, and erected sundials, dedicated to the sun-god. 
  Hidden within this devilish religious system includes witchcraft, sorcery, and voodoo, and this knowledge enables priestshoods to cast evil spells on the minds of the people who believe in this system out of Babylon.
   Also hidden within this Babylonian system is the world of secret societies, such as Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, and many other societies, including the Order of Jesuit Priests. 
   Satan's goal has been to deceive people from the knowledge of God, from the knowledge of Christ, and from the knowledge of the Holy Bible; and for thousands of years, Satan has been operating through the minds of men and women in religions to accomplish his wicked goal:  to turn the eyes and ears of people toward systems that look good and sound good, creating the illusion that these systems look holy and sound holy, that priests look holy and sound holy, where Satan has trapped people in his evil worldwide web of deception, by seducing people through human senses.
   To understand this truth, look back to Babylon to the beginning of man's religions, then follow the evidence from Babylon to this present day.  And so, what do you see?

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