Thursday, April 11, 2013


   When you watch television news, when was the last time you heard a happy story with a happy ending?
   When you listen to radio news and read news events in newspapers and magazines, when was the last time you heard a happy story with a happy ending?
   As you watch the faces of people on television and in movies, when was the last time you saw a happy face?
   In the arena of music, when was the last time you heard a happy song with a happy ending?
   Even in Little League baseball games, parents exhibit bouts of aggressive and uncontrolled anger.
   In churches and religious institutions, when was the last time you heard a happy story with a happy ending from a minister, rabbi, guru, pastor, preacher, or pope?
   In politics, look at the faces of unhappy people in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the United States.  In every nation and on every continent, look at the faces of unhappy people.  But also look at the angry faces.
   As stated earlier, empires are built by slave labor and enforced by slave soldiers.  And at the top of every empire is an angry person, who uses violence to control and dominate people. 
   The Bible describes Satan as a roaring lion, walking to and fro upon the earth, seeking whom he may devour.
   As humans, we demonstrate the same personality characteristicsof Satan.  No?  For thousands of years, men have been walking to and fro across the earth, seeking whom they may devour. 
   Across the ages and pages of human history, men and women and even children release anger as the flaming fuel to control and dominate the lives of other people:  to have our own way, to get what we want, and to get others to do as we say do.  In this respect, we are like gods, and, as gods, we want to rule the world---even the little world of our own homes, places of work, places of politics, and also places of religion.  Like Satan, we are as little lions, walking to and fro upon the earth, seeking whom we may devour.  If you do not believe me, try me.  Say something about my family and watch me get angry!  Say something about my political hero!  Say something about my religion!  Say something about my football team, movie star, or music!
   At the same time within this angry world, we scream about peace
   There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked. 
   Anger is a wicked behaviour of humans.  Therefore, there will never be peace in this world because angry people will never be peaceful. 
   Today, it is difficult to find a peaceful place with peaceful people and hearing happy stories with happy endings.  If you find such a place, savor the moment.  For without God in the lives of people, the earth will never be a peaceful planet:  and the angry world that we are presently watching is going to intensify.

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