Thursday, April 18, 2013


   Look across the earth and what do you see?
   You see the violence of man that is out of control.
   Murders, rapes, and other violent crimes against innocent people are out of control.
   The human traffiking of women for prostitution and children for pediphilla are out of control.
   The distribution of illegal drugs by drug cartels is out of control.
   The re-enactment of crimes and the violence of people for television programs and movies is out of control.
   Prisons are overflowing with people who are out of control.
   The economies of the United States and other nations are out of control.
   Leaders of governments in many nations are out of control. 
   The suffering of people worldwide is out of control in the areas of starvation, clothing, hygiene, sanitation, and medication.
   The rise of diseases worldwide is out of control.
   When you turn on your television and go on the internet, what do you see?  You see news events of the continuing saga of A Runaway Train.  Yesterday's news is today's news and tomorrow's news will be a repeat of today's news. 
   The fuel of the train is anger, an endless supply of energy that has no global shortage because anger regenerates itself in the minds of people all over the world. 
   The conductor of the train is people, and people everywhere have their own trains:  custom built and custom engineered, loaded with fuel, and designed to inflict damage in the lives of other people, crossing and criss-crossing communities, cultures, cities, states, and from nation to nation.
   The anger of people worldwide is out of control. 
   Who, then, can stop a runaway train?
   Not man!
   Man is out of control.
   People cannot control and contain their own energy of anger. 
   As such, trains are out of control, running full-throttle, and running full speed to global chaos. 
   Look across the earth and what do you see? 
  The world is a bloody mess, created by the hands of angry people. 
  This is the result of a world without God, a world that believes it can do for itself what God cannot do for us, and a world that has forgotten the knowledge of God. 
   Knowing Christ is about getting off the train and allowiing Him to be the Conductor of our lives---without whom we have no hope for a better today, nor for a better tomorrow. 

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