Sunday, August 19, 2012


   The New Testament of the Holy Bible contains the oldest written accounts of the life of Jesus Christ, written by eight men---the disciples and apostles of Christ---and all of the books were written in their lifetimes:  so they had first-hand knowledge as eyewitnesses of the Lord---before the Lord's death but also after the Lord's resurrection.
   All other books about Christ, over the past 2000 years, have been written by people who were not eyewitnesses of the Lord.
   The Holy Bible is the best-selling book of all time, and the King James Version is the best-selling version of all time. The King James Version of the Bible has had no revisions since it was first published in 1611. Therefore, if you want to know the truth about Christ, go to the Holy Bible; go to the New Testament; and go to the King James Version.
   In the New Testament, read what the eyewitnesses wrote about Christ.
   Remember, too, that all of the New Testament writers, except for John, were martyrs of Jesus:  they were killed for their belief in the Lord.
   The Holy Bible is the most important book in human history, about the most important person in the history of the universe, and God has made the Bible available for people to read in more than 1200 languages. 
   If you do not have a copy of the Bible, you can go to and read the New Testament in your own language and in the privacy of your home to see what Jesus is all about.

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