Wednesday, August 22, 2012


   If you will read the words of Christ as recorded in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, you will clearly see that Christ never said that believing in Him would become a religion, nor that believing in Him would become a state religion, nor that believing in Him would become a religious empire.
   According to The Daily Weekly, written on July 1, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI said it was time for a merger between Christianity and Islam, which the pope called Catholicislam.
   The pontiff said:  "I am willing to wear that Arab head thing.  And we have come up with a great new logo for the new religion.  Let's do it."
   Islam is the most violent religion on the face of the earth, a religion in which women have no rights whatsoever as well as a religion that treats animals better than it treats women; for in Islam, women are subjects and slaves to men.  In Islam, husbands can throw acid on the faces of their wives and be perfectly legal under the law of Islam; and, in Islam, husbands can beat and whip their wives, both in private as well as in public places, and no one is allowed to intervene.  Husbands can also shoot, hang, and even behead their wives and be perfectly legal in their religious law. 
   Furthermore, Islam is the breeding ground of pedophilia and men are legalized to engage in sex with children, and girls can be taken as brides as young as six years of age.  This is no more than legaized rape of helpless children, who are unable to defend themselves in these acts of violence against their will and against their bodies.
   In Islam, alcoholic beverages and pornography are forbidden while their barbaric treatment of women and children are legal. 
  In the world of Islam, animals have better lives than women and little children.
  Beyond Islam's evil against women and children, Islam also hates Christians and hates Jews.
   Why, then, would the pope want to merge Christianity with the barbarism of Islam?  Does that decision even meet common sense?
   The truth of the matter is this:
   The public demonstration of Islam is a mirror image of the heart of Roman Catholicism.  For underneath the pomp and religious splendor of the Vatican, the Catholic Church of Rome has as much hatred for Christians and Jews as Islam.  The Catholic Church also hates God, hates Christ, and also hates the Holy Bible.  For the Catholic Church was created by evil people to stamp out true Christianity, and Catholics have been taught to believe that the Church of Rome is the only true religion on earth; therefore, all people who refuse Catholicism are considered to be heretics or infidels, and even Protestants are also considered to be enemies of the Church of Rome.
   As stated today as well as many times before, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, never came to earth to launch a new religion.  Christ is not the founder of the Catholic Church, and the Apostle Peter was never a Catholic and, therefore, Peter was never a pope.  For if Christ created the Catholic Church, why did it take more than three hundred years for the Catholic Church to arise in Rome? 
   Nevertheless, Catholicislam is coming upon the earth, which will create a super religion, at which time a reign of terror will exist all across planet earth. 
   Please remember:  Pope Benedict gave us this word, Catholicislam, not Christ the Lord; for the pope's desire is for a religious empire to rule the earth. 
   Jesus said, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.  (John 3: 3)
   And for us, who have been born again in Christ, the Lord said, Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.  (Luke 10: 20)
   Please know, too, that one of my fervent prayers to the Lord is that many Catholics and many Muslims will come to be saved by Jesus Christ.

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