Wednesday, August 29, 2012


   A city-state is an independent city that is also its own state, or nation, with one form of government, and is sovereign to itself and free from the laws of other nations.  A city-state can also be a city within a nation, but not be subject to that nation. 
   Today, there exists three city-states that work in unison to control the world.

   LONDON, ENGLAND:  London's inner city is a city-state, a privately owned corporation, which is the world's financial power center and the wealthiest square mile on the face of the earth, which also means that the Queen of England is the wealthiest and most powerful woman on the earth.

   DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:  Created as a city-state in 1781, the District of Columbia has its own flag and its own constitution, and it manages a corporation known as the United States of America.  The President of the United States is actually the President of the District of Columbia, and the United States Government oversees the people of the United States of America. 
   The United States of America is not a sovereign nation, but rather a colony of the Crown of England, just as Canada and Australia are colonies of the Crown; which also means that the President of the United States bows to the Queen of England. 

   VATICAN CITY:  The Catholic Church of Rome is the wealthiest and most powerful institution on earth and hoards enormous wealth of gold and cash in British banks, in Federal Reserve, and in its own bank in Vatican City, as well as stock investments.  The Catholic Church also owns more land than any person or corporation in the world.
   At the time the Catholic Church was created, it was made to appear to be a Christian church, when, in fact, it is a counterfeit religion designed to destroy the work of God through the power of deception; for in Rome, the statue of Jupiter was changed to Saint Peter, the statue of Venus was changed to the Virgin Mary, and the headquarters was built on the seven hills of Rome called Vaticanus, the place of the diving serpent where the Satanic temple of Janus stood, and the pope became a god-man by whom people are led to believe is God on earth.  Thus, the Catholic Church is a cult of Satanic worship by its leaders on the inside of the Vatican, but when they come out of their dens of darkness they appear to be messengers of God.

   Working together in secrecy for hundreds of years, these three city-states have the combined power to rule the earth.  The city-state of London has financial power, the city-state of the District of Columbia has military power, and the city-state of the Vatican has the power of spirituality.
   Each city-state has a network of secret societies working in concert to deceive peoples and nations to believe that each of these city-states is strong in their convictions of God, when, in fact, they believe the opposite:  bringing the world together toward a global union with the pope at the top of the tower.
   Together, these three city-states is a mafia, and the Godfather of this cartel of evil is the pope of Rome, for even the Queen of England and the President of the United States bow to the pope and are subjects of his orders and commands.  Yet each city-state appears to be operating independently.
   The goal of this invisible empire, or cosa nostra, is to control the earth and thus allow Satan, the great red dragon, to rule over people.  For behind closed doors and in secret chambers, the leadership of this invisible empire worships Satan, even now.
   Jesus told us several times that there will be many antichrists and many false prophets.  And here they are:  in the Vatican, in London, in the United States, and in nations all over the world:  operating in darkness and in deception because their hearts and minds are evil.
  In the future, we will see the rise of Islam in the United States.  We will see the merger of Islam and the Catholic Church.  We will see all the religions of the world become one, at which time the pope of Rome will be the head of one worldwide religion.
  But in the future, we will see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
   Even so, come, Lord Jesus.  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  Amen.  (Revelation 22: 20,21)


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